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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2017 in all areas

  1. It's an issue with X-Plane itself that you can see runway lights through the clouds. This happens with SkyMaxx Pro, default clouds, X-Enviro, and every other cloud package. All we can do is wait for Laminar to address it in a future update.
    2 points
  2. Let me be real clear here....sending support tickets as you have (well over 100, by the way) filled with words like "you are the son of 1000 whores" and whatever obscene language you have used will guarantee you receive NO support. Be a normal human being. Until you write ONE very clear letter to support@x-aviation.com in English apologizing for your behavior there will be no further support offered to you. I will not tolerate it.
    1 point
  3. Thanks for your feedback. Glad the script is working well for you
    1 point
  4. Thanks Jan for your help.. Bit more training required..
    1 point
  5. You cant sustain 1200 at that altitude - use FL CHG or manage your climbrate carefully. Jan
    1 point
  6. Here is a pic of my 737 climbing with ECON speed (Mach 0.73) at the same weight: My guess is that you failed to switch to MACH during the climb - eventually the IAS is equal to MMO (maximum MACH no.) and the plane will use all of its energy to "push" against the subsonic boundary and eventually stall due to MACH effects (airflow stalling). Maybe you also got too slow - this will also kill your climb rate. Jan
    1 point
  7. Hi Tom You posted this script a few months ago and i will shortly tell you that this lua script is working fine for me! Without your script i had "Ghost TCAS Targets" when flying online on IVAO. And im sure because on the webeye there were no planes arround me. I tested this script on a flight from EDDP to LEPA (about 2hrs) and NO GHOST TARGETS. When i had a TCAS Target it was an ivao Plane arround me and i checked with WEBEYE and PFPX Traffic. 100% Right. So thank you for the script!!
    1 point
  8. Thanks for raising this Amirello. This is not a high priority for me, but it has bugged me for some time. Lots of settings experiments and I cannot seem to get the conditions I am looking for. Probably my ignorance, but can anyone help Amirello and I get a solid overcast for an instrument landing?
    1 point
  9. Haha, man you stoop to some weird, obsessive, low levels. You seriously just got off on the fact you got an extra post or two after me saying it ends there. Obsessive. Weird. Worrisome. Hopefully you conduct yourself in real world interactions on a more mature, less worrisome/obsessive level. Let's put a conversation about this into perspective... Ole: "Cameron said he wrote me a reply to my support ticket, but I never saw it and don't think he sent it. He's a LIAR!" Person on the receiving end: "Whoa!!! Wait...who cares?" Ole: "I care! I need proof RIGHT NOW!" Person on the receiving end: "I need to go walk the dog. See ya later, man."
    1 point
  10. see the attached pictures for an easy on/off terrain vs weather selection. if you want to learn how to use tilt, how to read what is being shown on the display you should watch the tutorial video from ixeg.
    1 point
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