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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2016 in all areas
5 points
Why dont you wingflex guys go do some more manual raw data departures and approaches. I bet you wont miss the lack of wingflex lol2 points
yeah and I want my desk, chair and office walls to vibrate with it and all that good stuff too2 points
1 point
Hello! So, RealityXP released their GTN750 for 64bit version of X-Plane. As far as I could gather, it's rather very well made product. Now, as far as I know, some developers in "the other sim" allow 3rd party nav aids to be installed into the panels. A very neat thing indeed! So here is my question, I guess to @Goran_M. Are there any plans, or possibility to work on proper GTN750 integration within Citation? Now, I don't mean to sell the plane with GTN as stock, but to have an optional version for the RealityXP's owners that could incorporate the system into 3D cockpit and whatnot. Personally, I think that could be quite benefitial both for customers as well as LES.1 point
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Sad, but fortunately the LH 733 will continue to fly virtually for years. And actually this is not the last LH 737 flight, there is atleast one more which - if everything goes as planned - you will hear more about soon1 point
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Updated to v1.0.2 Flight model updated by Xamir Updated for X-Plane 10.51 Fixed transparent textures in cockpit Fixed ADF sensitivity Fixed smoke position Fixed beta range light and behaviour Fixed ITT instrument Fixed TRQ instrument Fixed Isolation valve light Fixed Beta range light Fixed magnetic compass You can download from: http://x-plane.hu/L-410/ Enjoy!1 point
Good for you if you do not have to count every penny. Seeing your arrogant behavour towards everybody making a point towards the pricing makes me wonder why you dont jus't donate towards cameron or the community so that every flight sim enthusiast, even the once with small pockets, can get their hands on this product? I could start a rant now how almost every x-plane dev has failed for years to understand the flight sim market economies and dynamics and their potential for x-plane but i decided this is not the right place. You can get an idea if you listen to the comments made by Reed Stough (Dovetail Games) or Mathijs Kok (CEO, Aerosoft) during the last two years flight sim conferences. I understand people are complaining about the pricing policy. SMP1 40$? + SMP2 20$ + SMP3 20 $ + RWC 20$ + SMP 20$ = 120$ I personally did not buy SMP1 because of what i read about it looked too much alpha-banana-software. I joined at SMP2 and felt it was still beta. For that reason and the performance disadvantage i left it disabled over 50% of my flight time. SMP3 in cojunction with RWC finally could remotely reach the quality of addons like ActiveSkyEvolution or Opus. I also paid for Updates to Active Sky2012 and ActiveSkyNext (total sum spent for ActiveSky=100$). Do i need to compare ASN to SMP4 in terms of features and quality? Now ask yourself why so many people are still sticking with P3D/FSX instead of joining x-plane and why you are not gaining this piece of the customer cake. I tell you, it is not solely the quality of addons. I won't double what Vasily said but still have to admit that he had a point with the cloud design. SMP clouds compared to what i see when i look outside of the window (and that also quite often is the window of an airplane) or what i see in xenviro preview are behind in terms of colouring, diversity, spread, shape and size. Regarding Vasily, let me add that i found it quite hillarious how he complained about Maxx-XP demanding money for upgrades but just announced that he will have the same model with x-enviro. Sad that this piece of promising software is being developed by this kind of guy. I am afraid he will loose the competition before it has even started and in the end we all loose because there is no competition. Finally, i still appreciate the work of Maxx-XP and probably will also support and credit their ongoing efforts by upgrading to SMP4 because it is an enhanced experience in terms of eye candy and finally seems to even deliver significantly improved performance over x-planes built in clouds (fingers crossed). As a suggestion with regards to what kjhkent, samgab and airfrancepilote said about your "loyal" cutomers and supporters maybe think of adding an extra 5+% discount for customers that are already here since Version 1/2. One final hint. If you want customers to continue feeding back start moderating, stop administrating. Moderating, censoring and banning have nothing in common.1 point
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Well, I don't want to tip my hand too much as to what we have planned for the future! But I do think that's a good idea, and I can think of a couple of ways to do it.1 point
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Refreshing my helicopter flying skills and exploring the new Bucharest airport scenery by DAI-Media at the same time!1 point
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Hello everyone, just thought I would share a few photos of the E175 that I've recently purchased. Going through the learning process in how to use the FMC for the E175. Some of you may ask why did you choose the E175 when the new E170 has just came out, it's the new shiny. Regrettably the E170 in my opinion is slightly overpriced. I'm sure it's a fine aircraft would even after the $10.00 discount that I have, the aircraft was still cost $39.00 out the door. As some of you may know, with the track record of aircraft developers, a lot of them do not evolve their aircraft over time and add features and enhancements. Some do and some don't. I can give you tons of examples of this behavior but it is what it is. So for me $34.95 is about the extreme that I will pay. But that's just me and my opinion. The E175 appears to be shaping up a fine aircraft and looking forward to the latest update version 1.2 once version 1.50 of X-Plane has dropped. The developer said they have enhancements to the aircraft and are just waiting for fuel calculation engine component of X-Plane to be finished. I have noticed no flights I've done, that the aircraft does not burn fuel as much as it should. That is a good thing but it does need to mimic the real thing if possible. So enjoy the pictures more will be on the way over time. As a selfless plug, if if you have a desire to fly your flights withe an economy program for X-Plane, me and Mr. Mcbride are currently doing flights to generate income for my VA Allied Air Carrier on XPflier.net economy module network. We're very small time right now and only have one aircraft available to fly which is the PC 12. But if you like the aircraft enjoy flying the aircraft, you are always welcome to check it out. Make no mistake the network is rough around the edges but that's OK at least it gives you a purpose of your flights. Also to piggyback a thought, we signed up for sim buddy the free version to add another layer component to our flight simulation experience by auto log book entries and going up the ranks of your pilots career. Thanks again for reading and enjoy the pictures Dion Markgraf AKA: Dionsol Flight Simulation (X-Plane 10 pilot) & Aviation Enthusiast Voice Com's channel: https://discord.gg/aH7x774 Youtuber: https://youtube.com/user/dionm011 point
-1 points
To make this aircraft perfect, there must be WINGFLEX. And dont tell me that aircraft is small. and it is not so importent. To feel the plane , the wind it is very nice. You can leave everything like it is, but wingflex must be. And it will be the masterpiece of IXEG. -2-1 points
As a "sales guy" I'm certain you have had days where "that customer" comes in. Pissed off and angry right from the word go for no real reason except that they want to complain. You sir, are that person for me today. As a "sales guy" the only reason you put up with that customers bullshit is because your boss will fire you if you tell them they're being an asshole. One of the few benefits of working for myself is that I no longer have to put up with bullshit from assholes like you. I can call it as it is.-2 points