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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Practicing some takeoffs and landings, I've seen some unexpected behaviour of F/D and FCC Masterlights: After takeoff with both F/D's ON (left is Master) and A/T armed (takeoff mode), when engaging A/P left in CMD mode the Masterlight disapears. Now both F/D Switches are ON, no one seems to be Master, A/P left is in CMD and F/D bars are full functional. On last approach segment, I switch left F/D off to remove the F/D bars. Subsequently I disconnect the A/P to continue fully manual, the left FCC becomes master! Now the left F/D switch position is OFF, right F/D switch is ON and left Masterlight indicates ON? -Michael
    1 point
  2. Version 0.9


    Livery of the best charter airline that ever existed. Real airplane history: http://www.airfleets.net/ficheapp/plane-b737-28590.htm NOTE: Version 0.9, I'll add more details to the livery once the artwork issues and paintkit limitations are resolved.
    1 point
  3. You have to use the bigger knob to change the thousands.
    1 point
  4. Hey the EIS not Display the 0°C TAT. Regards Daniel
    1 point
  5. Air China for IXEG 737 Classic View File Air China Livery for the IXEG 737 Classic. Simply extract zip file, and copy "Air China" into the "Liveries" folder of your "IXEG 737 Classic". Enjoy and thank you for downloading. Submitter SpeedBirdNam Submitted 05/20/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
    1 point
  6. Yeah, I would think so - disable all of X-Plane´s failures (remove flaps in overspeed, etc...). Some failures will work (like engine fire, failure, etc.) - others might cause unwanted effects. I think you still did good to work around the problem and safely land, though! Thats why we have humans in the cockpit - they can think outsided the box and do stuff that a computer can´t plan for... Jan
    1 point
  7. Hi, we don´t really code or allow for the X-Planes failures to work properly - so all bets are off. We recommend flying without X-Plane´s failures enabled, doing so may give you weird results. That being said, its perfectly normal for the autothrottle to go to idle during LVL CHG (in a descent). But if you have a huge airspeed, the reversion mode will kick in and try to retard the throttles as well... Jan
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0


    Livery of "Central Charter Airlines" based in the Czech Republic. Enjoy, and thank you for downloading. (Please rate and review if you like it)
    1 point
  9. Hi Dave, I have no idea how the NG does it, but in the Airbuses the automatic starting just closes the pack valves, so the pilot has no influence over that... Maybe the NG has a similiar feature? On the classic (and also the 747-400 I flew, we´d start 2 engines at once with one pack still running) this was up to the pilot to do. You need a start-pressure of at least 30 PSI. If you have a cold day on a low airport, you might get away with the APU also powering the pack(s) - but it sure puts a strain on the APU (high EGT) and if the PSI´s drop too much, you can have a bad startup overtemping the engines. Note that these effects are not really modelled to a realistic extent on our 737, so it might be more forgiving than the real system. Jan
    1 point
  10. Yes, threaded optimization needs to be off in NI, it only creates problems in OpenGL if left on or auto.
    1 point
  11. Switching Threaded optimization to OFF in Nvidia Control Panel eliminated stutters in my setup.
    1 point
  12. It would be possible, depending on the circumstances. But it is not allowed, it places too much strain on the Apu and also risks a hotstart. Jan
    1 point
  13. Hello Austin, no ignorant at all your questions are absolutely appropriate! Here're the answers: 1) Yes, all the systems are modelled: some of them are simulated at 100% (such TCAS) and some not (who do really need the maintenance page of the MCDU?), this because technical and/or practical reasons 2) Wx and terrain radar is under development and I've yet to decide which radar I'll implement (I'm testing various possibilities, wrong implementation means big frame rate impact and I want to avoid that), that's the reason you don't see it between the MCDUs 3) No, the alternate gear extension is not modelled, it could be added in a future update but it will not be in v1.0. We too hope to have it ready soon, believe me!
    1 point
  14. That is correct - no ground-power could supply enough amps to power the starter of the APU - thats why the APU draws power from the battery during start - and you will see all lights connected to the BAT BUS (not the other ones) dim... after the starter cuts out you can see the positive charge going back into the battery on the AMP meter... Jan
    1 point
  15. well in opinion IXEG > PMDG in therms sound/graphics/eye candies stuff/hand flying. The only thing lacking currently is the FMC feature but it will be updated . When it will be updated it will better than PMDG in all aspects but that's my opinion after owning PMDG 737NG 2004/NGX/B777 fsx + 737 NGX P3D + B777 P3D ( it's (was) a PMDG hardcore fan telling you that, lol ). Can't complain with bugs, even the NGX and B77 has lots of bugs even lots CTD at release, so.....
    1 point
  16. I realize that comes with the "PMDG" label - but you must also not forget that we are selling only a fraction of the units that PMDG is selling. So in fairness (assuming the same work done by us), we would probably have to ask a lot more than 75$ to even come close to the amount of profit that PMDG is making when selling for Prepared and FSX. Jan
    1 point
  17. Thanks guys for these nice words, on the behalf of the whole IXEG team! We know that the plane isn´t perfect and some features are still missing - but we think that it already is in a state where you can really enjoy it - and hope that our customers feel the same. Fixes and additions are coming - and you, the community - have and will bee integral in helping us shape this into the perfect rendition of a 737-300. Please stay active in these forums, nag, whine, critique and occasionally commend our work . Thanks from everyone at IXEG!
    1 point
  18. Been doing a lot of A320 flying lately!
    1 point
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Introducing CSA. This aircraft is no longer in service with CSA, and this is the old livery of CSA. CSA had 737-400's, not -300's. Despite this, the IXEG model is fitted to this livery. Enjoy! --Mike
    1 point
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