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16 points
please stop playing big brother for the IXEG team... They might actually be willing to shed some light on it (as tkyler did a few posts later) I notice that I'm getting more and more irritated by the attitude you are showing from time to time... Most of the time questions like 'is it ready yet, when will it be released, how much will it cost' will sort out themselves. just save your moderator powers for when discussions really get out of hand. and for the IXEG Team: Keep it up guys, nearly there... I'll be cheering at the finish for you ! just my 2 cents7 points
5 points
Hard date estimates are too tough...but as an eternally optimistic kind of guy, what I can give you is a "hey, it would be awesome if we could have something in X weeks". Then when we get to that day and we're not there, I'll say it again, "it would be awesome if we could have something in X weeks"....and if we don't make it then, we'll do it again and again and if we're steadily moving closer to our goal, then one day, the estimate will converge with reality. I don't care if I have a moving target as long as the delta between me and the target is always closing....that math adds up to convergence at some point if you go far enough....the trick is to get there. This is the way I find my motivation to push on, I always have to believe I'm close enough to keep moving...and if thats what it takes to get this done so we can all have this sim experience, then it is what it is. I understand other folks would do it differently, but hey, they're not doing it now are they . It would be awesome if we could have something in 5-6 weeks wouldn't it? -tkyler5 points
Hi Jan, thanks for for your answer. I do fly the real thing by the way. I like to use a home sim as a tool to prepare for OPC/LPC and I find it helps despite its shortfall. Personally, I like to use the supplementary nav page to plot an emergency turn, so I find it useful and hope I never have to use it in anger. The N1 selection is made at acceleration altitude on take off. N1 and dial up speed 210 or 220. For the VS question I am referring to a circle to land where the higher missed approach altitude has been set at circling height but I want a negative rate of descent at base turn (-350ft/min) and configure for landing. The fsx sim doesn't do any of these. Keep up the good work.4 points
4 points
Ok, here's a real report. In the last few days, we have seen very, very few gizmo crashes (from my bad programming) with regards to FMS work. There are a few fringe cases, but they are getting very tough to reproduce and usually come about when you start punching buttons like that kid in the movie, Airplane 2. ...stuff most of you would not do. In prep for the final steps before letting beta folks test it, I have refactored (programmer speak for "cleaned up") the code to be more user friendly towards VNAV predictions and debugging VNAV performance values......and that is what we are currently working on. If you don't plan to use VNAV, well I'm sorry, the FMS was ready for you a long time ago....but once you do learn it, and it actually works as expected, its quite satisfying and fun to experience....hence our efforts to really make it work. So tomorrow I'll be flying some test routes to fine tune the descent code....and if all goes well, we want to let the beta testing folks have a hand at it asap. I think Jan is planning a "full flight" preview, but no promises, I can't speak for him, he may not have plans for that. (no micro-management here). Now I know most folks automatically assume that once a closed 'beta' begins, that will uncover a slew of other bugs, which adds to the development time, but I have to tell you now...that I have NEVER seen a tester like Captain Jan Vogel! (He IS that kid from Airplane 2), except with 100x the knowledge (very dangerous). This guy finds stuff that nobody will EVER try. and when this guy says, "its good for V1.0", then I will challenge the beta guys to find something we don't already know about. Now note I said, "know about". We know there's holes in the FMS, but feel its getting to the point to handle a good 90+% (or better) of use cases. If you are that super hard-core simmer that likes to explore the fringes of FMS usage....well...I'd say, "fly some normal routes first or wait". Work continues daily! -tkyler3 points
Thank you for your report. Good news. Do you need to final testing some "normal" users? For testing VNAV etc.3 points
The guy has asked me on Skype, in private message, and on here, as well as to other team members. He was told politely many times we were not seeking more beta testers. He's not asking for a progress update. I (or anyone) really didn't need you to chime back. No one was "moderated". I asked him to "please stop asking." Simple request. Don't blow this up. I'm now going to politely ask you to please discontinue any attempt to moderate or derail this topic. Further discussion on this will NOT be had, and that's definitely my warning to you.2 points
I started to follow this awesome product for just 2-3 months ago (and im glad for that). Dont understand how people can survive for years without going crazy when seeing these nice screenshots and the videoes that are up. Its like being 5 years again on christmas. Really looking forward to the release of this product when its ready and done. Keep up the good work.2 points
a.) Not for 1.0 This is something that real airline pilots use very rarely, well, except for adding the fix "HOME" so they can input the coordinates of their house. Complex missed-approaches are part of the database, or can be made with conditional waypoints (PBD). But for 1.0 we won´t have conditional waypoints, but you can use the FIX page to "visualize" maneuvers that are off the normal FIXES. b.) not sure what exactly you mean - the acceleration altitude is the altitude at wich the plane should start to accelerate, this has nothing to do with the thrust rating. Thrust is reduced (usually from TO or R-TO to CLB) at the thrust-reduction altitude. This altitude can be set on the TAKEOFF REF page (it defaults to 1500AGL). If you push the N1 button below this altitude, then the autothrust will set the current thrust limit (which will be R-TO or TO). You can change the thrust limit manually on the N1 LIMIT page, though. c.) Yes, of course. But - as in the real plane - you must be at a different altitude than the one set in the altitude window. So you can´t be at 3000 feet, have the altitude window set to 3000 and then expect to engage V/S. It is not allowed (technically the aircraft intercepts the 3000´ again before you even start to gain any vertical speed). To start a final approach descent in V/S just put the MCP ALT to something suffiicently "high", then dial it down to missed approach altitude when you have safely descended from it. Jan2 points
2 points
A family member is also an SF34 captain and he said it does occur but only on the A model, not the B or the B+ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I wasn't relating my post solely to the post you singled out... I'm not trying to moderate anything. and what did I do to receive this remark ? "Further discussion on this will NOT be had, and that's definitely my warning to you." *edit: feel free to respond in a private message, so we can keep the unrelated and non IXEG stuff to a minimum here1 point
1 point
Recently Nvidia released new drivers (364.47) that have since caused issues for many many users, most particularly those with multi monitor setups. https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/49cy4i/new_36447_driver_released_with_vulkan_support_in/That driver has been pulled and replaced by driver version 364.51 which is intended to address these reported problems and seems to work for most people. Be aware however, that some are still reporting issues even with this latest driver. https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/921332/geforce-drivers/official-364-51-game-ready-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-released-3-10-16-updated/49/Be cautious! Make a restore point before trying these out.1 point
1 point
Exactly right. While technically reading forums and posting stuff takes time (that could be used for development) it doesn´t work like that. Even coders are human beings that have other needs and desires besides coding . And if you neglect those other needs (like breathing, eating, OR partaking in forum discussions), productivity suffers. Here is my favourite example: I know the whole team enjoys the discussions (mostly) and even getting annoyed is sometimes helpful as it masks the pain of coding an FMS... Jan1 point
First post is always most important, rest is discussion and venting. That is what forums is for. There is no hate and there is no need to close any thread. Let people discuss, even if it may not be constructive, there is nothing wrong with that. For those people asking for more updates, IXEG is certainly workning hard to get their airplane to their standards, and we cannot speed up the process. It is fun with progress updates, but this is mostly for keeping up the interest and being kind revealing the dev process I guess. While waiting, calm down, don't overhype, and keep on flying with your current favourite airplanes, do not let the desire take over, it is dangerous.1 point
1 point
1 point
Flying Jamaican style!! Look at this fancy A340 with only one winglet on the right side...1 point
1 point
It doesn't matter to me if you use a newer format for the 733. What matters to me is that "the one addon" that I use works best with the data provider that is incompatible with the 733. Also you continue to piss off customers without any necessity. I thought you want to listen. Apparently you do not.-1 points
-5 points