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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Added support for *.fpl format (as opposed to flp), which is my favorite format, very short and clean https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/955680/fplSupport_opt.mp4
    12 points
  2. We should immediately lock down the "Work In Progress" Forum. It has the one and oly true number of posts :-p
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. I think that's really the argument against doing an airbus. Even the A320 would take thousands of hours to develop to this level. Plus I think they'd have to find a new test pilot
    2 points
  5. hmm not sure as PFPX is not for X-plane as far as I know, but it is not that difficult to manually create a file as tkyler shows in the video you could also just get the data from PFPX and generate it by the small tool I did last year as a alternative: LN_FPL_Export_Tool
    2 points
  6. Even though I love the 737MAX, B787 and A380, the modern EFIS and avionics are just too complex and too much work to do, and the database(Charts .etc) might require license from other companies. Even the 777 and 747-400 might take longer than 5 years to be developed in IXEG's detail level.
    2 points
  7. If you look carefully and objectively, you'll see that no-one's really bitching about the time frame or having to wait for the product specifically. No-one's questioning your ability to bug chase or your skills in developing a fantastic product. No one's questioning the hard work and dedication that has been invested. If that was the case, there wouldn't be this much interest and buzz over what will obviously be a game changing product. But, whether you like it or not, the time frame questions (and they have only really been just polite questions) are evidence that you have probably mismanaged the expectations of your target market with the wording and timing of communications. How do you think your potential customers feel when you tell them to "stop bitching" as a result? It sounds like you are reprimanding users for not understanding your definition of the word "close". The thing is, you always know what you mean, and your way of expressing it seems clear to you, because you understand yourself perfectly. So when there's a breakdown, it always feels like the other guy's fault. Communication problems are only partially based on "bad communication skills" too. They are even more based on each participant having different starting information (with each being unaware that the other person doesn't share his information) and differing context or frameworks, e.g. one person thinks they're talking about "a few weeks" and the other thinks they're talking about all the component parts in the "needle and haystack" analogy. This is just feedback, not a debate. All the best with this product. I'm sure it will be a real success.
    2 points
  8. Yes we could go over there and start discussing.... Again. I found several requests at any major scenery fsx/p3d developer forums to get their stuff ready for xplane. The sad thing is - they dont do anything. As you already saw om the aerosoft example. I cant get a clue out of the affinity to this 32bit OOM platform with bad physics, why is everyone not seeing that these simulators are outdated? If your flying online, its incredible how often you hear "my sim crashed I'm out". Since I switched to xplane I havent had any crashes out of the sim. But even this is not stoppung them to try again and again and again and.....
    1 point
  9. It will not at the onset. I have not yet programmed in support for manual waypoints of that format...PBD, LL, etc. I don't think it will be difficult to do so, but I'm not on that task at the moment, plenty in front of it. Once I do get that put in though, I would suspect that adding support for that type of point should be doable. And as far as PFPX goes, I think it supports *.flp format (not *.fpl)...which is a format we do read in. In fact, I think someone asked the question of supporting PFPX some time ago that caused us to want to import multiple file formats. There is no format that we could not probably write a importer for; however, some formats are just too verbose for us to want to even try.....and many formats encode the waypoint data within the file itself whereas we rely on just the names, that is 'what you would type into the CDU'. You give us names, we pull the data from our database and build the route, etc. The ideal format is *.fpl IMO. -tkyler
    1 point
  10. Nice... that would helps a lot. Thanks.
    1 point
  11. Poor little robobuddy. Such a push over
    1 point
  12. May I say it's a little frightening?
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. i would recommend "simbrief" -its is free -you can select the aircraft, model, passengers cargo and it will make all calculations based on that -you can provide alternate airport, reserves, etc. or leave them auto for suggestion -you can select the AIRAC cycle you have running and provided route will be supported. -you can save flight for further edit/use -it provides weather, notams, etc.
    1 point
  15. Yes you can reinstall the 777, just delete the entire 777 folder. Download the aircraft again (or decompress 777 .zip file if you still have it) and put it on the aircrafts folder again. On first launch you will be required to re-enter the activation key. Can not imagine how reinstalling xplane or the 777 will fix something. If you have a plugin or a configuration issue it will pop-up again sooner or later. i would better recommend you share more details about your problems to understand and fix them.
    1 point
  16. here a few. freeware or donationware. SimBrief http://goo.gl/Q3WVTC FlightPlan Database https://goo.gl/gJw9br Online Flight Planner http://goo.gl/hBtUuA of course SkyVector https://goo.gl/cDMQ78 Good luck.. Alex
    1 point
  17. What is the difference with World Traffic? It looks like similar products.
    1 point
  18. Just to clarify a bit (as per my understanding of the plugin) - I've been beta testing it for several months now. X-life will use the ATC taxi-routes in any scenery (freeware or payware) to generate traffic paths. The limited number of airport on the website is growing, and the plugin will read the ATC routes from other airports also. There in an in-sim editor to setup the gates / stand, limit aircraft sizes etc. The traffic portion of the plugin will be free, the payware part is the ATC, route generation etc. I've been using this for a while now, and I can say it's absolutely FANTASTIC, and will surely be very popular. No comparison at all to the default XP traffic or ATC.
    1 point
  19. I'm totally on your side and I don't care when it's going to be released. But if you sort of set a deadline on multiple ocasions (the end of 2015 was the deadline most Forum users were expecting), only using the word "close" for weeks and weeks after not meeting that line shouldn't make you wonder about people "bitching" to find out when it's finally going to be released.
    1 point
  20. Your obsession over a stick is starting to concern me.
    1 point
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