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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Friend, the X-Plane market already has a number of pretty airliners fitted with basic/generic systems. Great to look at but boring to fly. What the market is screaming out for is more airliners with robust systems that are accurate and faithful to the original. The IXEG 737 Classic aims to be in latter category.
    8 points
  2. Well on a lighter note. I have some VIP parking waiting on y'all.
    3 points
  3. Frank took the following pictures to show off Real Weather Connector with version 3.1 of SkyMaxx Pro. We're really excited to get this out to you guys! Enjoy!
    2 points
  4. This needs to be the definite statement by IXEG as to what is "close to release"....so spread the word far and wide when folks ask! When using the word "close", you really must clarify further the relative relationship of the items described to be close. In the case of our 737, there really are two contexts in which to think of "close". We could say that: 1.) We are close to having all the features in that we want in for V1.0 2.) We are close to the release date These are NOT the same. For example, If I put 1,000,000 needles in a haystack with 10,000,000 hay needles, you will find a lot very quickly. As you get "close" to finding the last one, the time to find said last one may drag out significantly.....but you are indeed "close" to finding them all. As soon as you find the last needle, you are done. If its sooner rather than later, then you are simply done earlier. IXEG is close to "having all the features in that we want for V1.0" We are bug chasing...and we are very good at it. We are ensuring we do not have bugs that have plagued other products...we are looking far, wide and very deep for bugs in our FMS to have the greatest possible reliability when releasing. That is what we all want...that is what we have all been waiting for...that is why our team is doing it! There is a generalization that if you are "close" to finishing the feature list, then you are close to releasing...but you cannot relate the two directly. We know that as soon as we are happy with these last few features stability, we will release. could be 3 weeks, could be another 5-7, could be more......what we can tell you is that we are working very aggressively to be satisfied with the completion of our V1.0 features list and we are close to having all those features implemented. I assure you, getting it right is much more paramount than getting it out 4 weeks sooner. We are after a feature list here, not a time-frame. Take solace in knowing that we are close to having the feature list complete and quit bitching about the time frame. Relatively speaking, we're in a good spot now and kudos to those who understand and awaiting patiently, you will be rewarded! -tkyler
    2 points
  5. With all due respect, we have been extremely communicative with everyone throughout these entire threads (over 1,800 posts worth). The fact you are honing in on something to do with a release date is sensibly shortsighted. It most certainly is in the context of how this thread was initiated. Having been in this market since 2008, and running a full fledged business in that time surrounding around the X-Plane market only, we're doing just fine and you're really not in a position to make such suggestions. This entire team has dedicated a rather insane amount of time attempting to bring a big product to market. Respect can go both ways, sir. I suggest you consider that when you interpret and write. You are getting offended over statements that don't align with what you want to hear. You want a release date, we don't have one to offer. Respect the answer and move along. This isn't a venue for you to prance in here pushing people around and playing "whoa is me" when you get responded to in kind. If you want to be treated with respect, then come in here and treat those you want respect FROM with respect. This topic has had its time, and there's really nothing more productive that can be said at this point besides a downward spiral. Topic closed.
    2 points
  6. when it`s ready... another 5 years........
    2 points
  7. After some more investigation using google, I found this here : http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=88367 One solution could be applied to me. The font size of my windwos was on 150%. Changing it back to 100% PLUS logout/login (or reboot) did made it. After installation I could set set it back to 150%. Its a bit odd, that this is not yet fixed in the installer (makeing the window user sizable is a simple tick in the window attributes). But maybe they are using any third party product.
    2 points
  8. Version V2


    KCGX is now available for v9 and v10. Aerobridge Studios-Meigs Field Developed and designed by : Peter Tram, John Spahn, Juan Menedez Manual : Peter Tram Photography: Online resources Version 2.0 Merrill C. Meigs Field Airport (IATA: CGX, ICAO: KCGX) was a single strip airport that operated from December 1948 until March 2003. It was built on Northerly Island, the man-made peninsula that was also the site of the 1933–1934 Century of Progress in Chicago. The airport achieved international notoriety when Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley ordered city crews to bulldoze the runway at night, and without the 30-day advance warning required by FAA regulations. From Wikipedia This release is a major update to the first release Features: - Photorealistic ground - Highly detailed airport buildings. - Photorealistic textures - Realistic asphalt textures in runways and taxiways - Real-world airport lighting shades - Main buildings include real night textures - Authentic Vegetation Support: Please contact us by emailing to aerobridge1nfo@gmail.com or by questioning us here on X-Pilot LICENSE AGREEMENT: Aerobridge Studios reserves all rights.Educational use, business use or commercial use, without a proper license is prohibited. Please contact us for license arrangements.Copying content for personal or other use not covered by the license is prohibited.
    1 point
  9. My response was in no way rude. You are interpreting it that way. It is your prerogative to not choose to purchase this product, and we respect your decision not to should you come to that conclusion over silly banter on when a release time will be had. Either way, enjoy your flights in X-Plane, no matter the aircraft you choose to do them in!
    1 point
  10. Flew Pedro's awesome Twin out of Molokai on a short hop to Lanai. Not too short when you're on such a slow plane in bumpy weather.
    1 point
  11. Today's flight consisted of a 12.5 hour long flight from KSFO-RCTP (San Francisco-Taipei) in a United 777-222ER! Takeoff from Sanfran with some extremely pretty early morning sunrise views! Flying at 41,000 feet over the North pacific Short finals for Taipei! This shot is one of my favorite shots that I have ever taken! Taxiing towards the gate Being serviced at the gate. It was a great flight!
    1 point
  12. But read other threads, we are quite in the loop. We know that they are working hard on VNAV. Let them sort the basics out, this addon is gonna serve us for years to come!
    1 point
  13. Well yeah in context that makes sense. It will be marvellous when released. Just thought it would be cool for the people going to be paying could be slightly in the loop lol thanks for answering
    1 point
  14. Carenado Cargomaster over Yosemite
    1 point
  15. Not initially - one tutorial is finished with a visual approach, though. This is something beyond the realm of the "basic training" we try to accomplish with our tutorials - just to get everyone up and flying while using the basic features of this aircraft. I am pondering a series of more advanced training videos in the future. In the meantime we have description of how to fly a non-precision approach in the written documentation. Jan
    1 point
  16. Seems to me, every irrelevant question asked takes time away from the developers and extends the time we have to wait. I am sure all of the questions will be answered once the product is released and I am also sure, given that the plane is in the late stages of development any question asked right now is unlikely to have any bearing of what is released, whenever that may be. Once it is released, all of us will be able to make informed decisions on whether we want to purchase it, and the developers will have more time to answer questions I for one am immensely looking forward this plane and given what I have seen in videos and screenshots will be purchasing it on day one.
    1 point
  17. Not a big fan of the A332, but I LOVE those RR Trents. Beautiful engines! Had a bit of an emergency yesterday - gear didn't go down properly:
    1 point
  18. And that would be why I clearly stated that I had read Ben's thing about it. To quote him, "Art controls are an active volcano." I just wanted to see if others had either 1. experienced this so I know it's not something I've screwed up, or 2. found a workaround. Also, Ben Russell if you're going to down-vote a post at least be a grumpy person out in the open and take the time to explain why. It is useless to just dislike it. Dislike it for a reason.
    1 point
  19. Truthful response; poor only because you don't personally like the answer.
    0 points
  20. Oh I'm sorry, did I piss you off by leaving out critical information? Annoying isn't it.
    -1 points
  21. We are waiting for ...)
    -1 points
  22. Well said Cameron. Release it when it's ready. We can wait. Absence makes the heart grow fonder!
    -2 points
  23. Poor response. It was a reasonable question given that you have created a buzz and timeline expectation with all the videos and "getting close" announcement. These are your prospective customers after all.
    -2 points
  24. Ah OK you're just rude...I get it. Zero customer service awareness. I won't be buying this product based on your attitude alone.
    -2 points
  25. This is a communication channel that you have chosen to publicly interact with your potential customers. Suggest you don't refer to it as banter. If you want the past 5 years of development to be commercially rewarding, you should probably learn some marketing, communications and customer service skills to go with that very obvious talent for developing a great product.
    -2 points
  26. It'll be released when it's ready. We won't be giving further release info for the time being. Considering this project is 5+ years, even 5 months is close when you take it into context.
    -4 points
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