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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2016 in all areas

  1. Today's flight consisted of a 12.5 hour long flight from KSFO-RCTP (San Francisco-Taipei) in a United 777-222ER! Takeoff from Sanfran with some extremely pretty early morning sunrise views! Flying at 41,000 feet over the North pacific Short finals for Taipei! This shot is one of my favorite shots that I have ever taken! Taxiing towards the gate Being serviced at the gate. It was a great flight!
    3 points
  2. Carenado Cargomaster over Yosemite
    3 points
  3. Not a big fan of the A332, but I LOVE those RR Trents. Beautiful engines! Had a bit of an emergency yesterday - gear didn't go down properly:
    3 points
  4. Version 3.0.32


    iGoConnect is an X-Plane plugin that connects X-Plane to iGoDispatch – an application (Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android) developed for LES Saab-340A, JRollon's CRJ-200, and IXEG's Boeing-733. The plugin performs the following functions: Identifies airports, waypoints, airways and navaids included in the flight plan and sends to the client navdata for each of these points. Navdata is selected from the following X-Plane files (apt.dat, earth_fix.dat, earth_awy.dat, and earth_nav.dat). Receives from the client loading information (i.e., Center of Gravity offset, payload weight, and fuel weight) and adjust the corresponding datarefs in X-Plane. Periodically parses to the client the following ACARS data: plane’s position (latitude and longitude); heading (true and magnetic); weight; available fuel; current fuel flow; ground speed; and altitude. In X-Plane 11, dynamically adjusts the plane's Center of Gravity during a flight resulting in greater flight realism. In X-Plane 12, this is implemented by the simulator. Monitors flight performance based on approximately 20 parameters, identifies potential issues during the flight, and sends the report to the client. IMPORTANT! If you have MacOS Catalina (10.15) or higher, it is possible that after downloading and installing the plugin, you will not find it in the X-Plane's menu. This error is caused by the MacOS security protocols during the X-Plane start-up process that references a Mac.xpl file. If you do not see iGoConnect in the menu of the simulator, the following link explains how to solve the problem: https://x-plane.helpscoutdocs.com/article/26-mac-xpl-not-starting. If you have problems connecting the iGoDispatch application to the computer with X-Plane running, it is most likely that your Firewall is blocking the TCP connection. You need to open the port to allow connection between your iPad and computer. For Windows: Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall Click on "Advanced Settings" in the left-hand pane. Click on "Inbound Rules" and then "New rule". Select "Port", click next, select "TCP", and enter "7767" as the local port. Click next, and allow the connection. Click next again, and ensure that "Domain", "Private" and "Public" are all ticked. Name your firewall rule, e.g. "iGoConnect", and then save it. For Mac: Go to System Preferences, and choose the Security and Privacy Tab. Click on the Firewall Tab, and the Firewall options button. The page will show you the applications that are allowed access through your firewall Add new applications to the list by clicking on the plus icon. If you use third-party firewalls, they have their own procedures of adding Ports to TCP connections that may differ from those that I provide in my manual. You need to follow their specific instructions. For example, if you have McAfee in Windows, follow these steps: Open McAfee Total Protection; Open Web and Email Protection; Open Firewall; Open Ports and System Services; Click Add; System Service Name: iGoDispatch. Local TCP/IP Ports: 7767. Open ports to: All PCs. Forward port activity: checked. Click Save. The Manual is also available here: http://igoapp.ca/page_igoconnect/igoconnect_manual.html The plugin supports Windows, Mac (OS X versions 10.7 or later), and Linux.
    1 point
  5. ADMIN NOTE: This topic has been split from the Real Weather Connector thread. Let me begin by saying that I am a fan of skymaxx v3 and will buy the weather connector when it comes out too. My question is in reference to skymaxx v3 textures/renderings. With xplane clouds or even hd clouds v2 the clouds, you get the feeling of how fast you are going. Don't know if they change the movements of the cloud as you get closer. The clouds in skymaxx don't give me that same effect even though they look great. Not sure if I explained myself properly but is anything changing in v3.1 that would change this? Can anything be done in the settings?
    1 point
  6. X-Crafts has released a big update for their Embraer 175 product. This brings the product up to version 1.1, and the changes in this update include: E175 v1.1 changelog:- Ground equipment and pushback options are now restored after landing (more details below)- The winglets can now be changed through a plugin menu- There are now 12 liveries included in the package and 21 additional liveries available here - total of 33 Liveries- More details and dirt added to all liveries included in the package - SASL updated to version 2.4 - Engine start sounds fixed- Cockpit windows are fixed (the glass of the windows wasn't moving)- New avionics sounds- New chrono clock- Reverse now works separately with hardware throttle- Clicking spots on the MFD are all bigger now - very easy to click on all the buttons- Vertical ILS diamonds fixed- CRS indicator in PFD is now working- GPU can now be turned on and off on the overhead panel- ATHR can only be engaged after takeoff- Cursor changed when changing the range in MAP Options menu. (TIP: You can also change the range directly from the range indicator in the map!)- windshield was shiny in the middle- VOR bearing pointer added to the NAV map- Alitalia livery has many added details- Flap sounds inside are too loud- Updated xfmc and xchecklist config files- Fans were rotating in the wrong direction- The lights on the new winglets also illuminate the surroundings now- Big misplaced nav lights on winglets corrected- Artifitial horizon was showing wrong values- N E S W highlighted on the FMS- The little black line on the EFIS horizon is gone FMS changes:1. Corrected ability to override warning that a flight plan .fms file exists when selecting a filename to use when saving the current route. 2. Corrected coding that does not properly detect and reject waypoint misplacement if the waypoint is an NDB, and a VOR with the same NAVID is found before the plugin finds the correct NDB waypoint. 3. Corrected display of the FLT PLAN page when no waypoints have been loaded. 4. Added ability to read tail.txt files, placed in livery folders, allowing the RADIO 1 page to display the actual tail number for the aircraft depicted in the livery. The maximum number of characters that can currently be displayed is eight (8). (Default is ERJ-175). More info regarding the plugin changes:1. Added X-Plane plugin menu item that will allow the user to select the type of winglets that are to be used. This persists from X-Plane session to session by use of config file. If the config file is not found at first, one is created and the default winglets are used. 2. Ground equipment and pushback options are now restored following a flight, subject to the following conditions: a. The aircraft has flown, detected by reaching an altitude AGL of at least 100 feet. b. Ground speed is zero. c. The parking brake has been set.
    1 point
  7. Frank took the following pictures to show off Real Weather Connector with version 3.1 of SkyMaxx Pro. We're really excited to get this out to you guys! Enjoy!
    1 point
  8. Dear friends, We like to show you the first preview of O'Hare Hilton! Hope you like it and... enjoy!
    1 point
  9. Flew Pedro's awesome Twin out of Molokai on a short hop to Lanai. Not too short when you're on such a slow plane in bumpy weather.
    1 point
  10. Did you mean to title this Pilot Exam instead of Plot Exam?
    1 point
  11. But read other threads, we are quite in the loop. We know that they are working hard on VNAV. Let them sort the basics out, this addon is gonna serve us for years to come!
    1 point
  12. You should talk with Ben Weston, from Airline2sim.com, they have 2 series of training videos, based on the Majestic Dash Q400 (FSX...). They are just superb!!!! Very good quality in all aspects, video, contents, design, all of them recorded with a real Q400 pilot in the cockpit. Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
    1 point
  13. It's really gonna be nice to work with a FMC that works like the real thing. (not that I know what that's like) But I know it can't be as aggravating as the one's that others have modeled. I wish the companies that make the real ones would license the actual code to sim developers. Just thinking out loud. By the way keep up the good work IXEG team......waiting patiently!!!!! Kevin
    1 point
  14. Not initially - one tutorial is finished with a visual approach, though. This is something beyond the realm of the "basic training" we try to accomplish with our tutorials - just to get everyone up and flying while using the basic features of this aircraft. I am pondering a series of more advanced training videos in the future. In the meantime we have description of how to fly a non-precision approach in the written documentation. Jan
    1 point
  15. Yeah it's not perfect but it gives a better feeling than SMP , this is actually one of the things I like about default clouds. The other 2 things I like about them: - How smooth the light on them changes in day time , I wish SMP lighning will change as smooth as the default clouds , anything about that for 3.1 ? - The formations they create , well that what's real weather connector is about LOL And maybe another little feature if I may request , default clouds doesn't have this but a weather plugin called XEnviro does ; Clouds bases above cities has an orange'ish color. Anyway , keep the good work guys!
    1 point
  16. Can we get a non techical progress update , some extetior or cabin visuals please.
    1 point
  17. X-Plane take more advantage from a CPU with a higher frequency for single core than a CPU with an higher number of cores, and HT is not the best option because it could reduce the processing power of the core that is used to run X-Plane main task, so an i5 with an higher frequency should be better than an i7 with a lower frequency (sorry but English is not my native language, I hope I explained that well enough).
    1 point
  18. Along the lines of these sorts of cosmetic features, are there any plans to add engine condensation (you can see it on humid days, usually early in the morning and usually when the engines are throttled up to takeoff power), either before or after v1?
    1 point
  19. Hey I know you get asked this all the time. But we are the customers lol. When do you think you will be releasing this? im not trying to be rude by asking. I just find it weird to declare a close to release announcement when that was almost two months ago. I get it I really do. I have been a contracting software engineer for about 15 years and I know deadlines are fluid I get that in fact I would be your number one defender about "things cropping up" I have literally stopped using X-plane since the release is getting close announcement I am on eager tenterhooks
    0 points
  20. It'll be released when it's ready. We won't be giving further release info for the time being. Considering this project is 5+ years, even 5 months is close when you take it into context.
    -1 points
  21. Well said Cameron. Release it when it's ready. We can wait. Absence makes the heart grow fonder!
    -1 points
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