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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2016 in all areas

  1. Really, if we're being honest, this topic is about a video, butttttt.... Tom = Working on FMS code, as well as 3D items that had to be wrapped up and were to be expected to ship with version 1.0. VNAV continues to be the primary focus for Tom starting tomorrow after a short break to give his mind some rest and do some "easy" 3D. Sadly, he got quite ill last week while out at my office to work, so the last days have been relatively rough. In the evenings working on manuals and formatting them has been the norm, sick or not. Jan = Working with Tom on FMS testing as functionality gets implemented, and working on manuals. Me = Assisting in manuals and being overly obnoxious as per usual. Nils = Working on 3D and texturing Morten = Working on getting the paint kit in releasable fashion, as well bringing new UV maps/liveries up to speed, and just completed the new IXEG livery as seen in previous post of this thread It's a situation of the last 10% is always the hardest. You fill in the small things to make the overall product polished and complete.
    6 points
  2. Works for me I have no problem with folks blowing steam. I get it, but neither am I affected by it. I've been around the block a few times and involved in project based businesses for some time. One of my biggest life lessons is "don't stop moving" I also have another saying that I like, 'targets are a way to stay focused'....my own virtual carrot dangled in front of my own face. There is no way you can undertake a project like this and not have to find ways to keep moving after 5 years. Once its out and running smoothly, all this will be forgotten. So.....I'm finally over my cold, back on the FMS and rushing to get this to market asap! Want to know what i'm doing right now? I'm working on setting AP speeds during the descent phase. Easy? Are we already in VNAV? just engaging? Are we in the mach or IAS regime? Are we bound by a current speed limitation? which one (maybe we engaged VNAV midway between two restrictions) Are we above or below the speed restriction altitude? Are the flaps out? Are we in speed or path mode? Is the descent speed manually overriden? etc. etc. -tkyler
    5 points
  3. Hey Guys! This is my first post here. I'm a long time listener first time caller kinda guy ;^) but I feel compelled to chime in as I am certain I represent the majority of people excited about this plane. The silent majority - thousands of us! Those who check this page, or have subscribed to a YouTube page, or just wait for an announcement - basically those of us who are very familiar with high-end modern day flightsim addons and their development path. I've seen these topics get out of hand. To the degree that developers don't even show snippets of their work in development any longer. And where's the fun in that? Over in DCS world, we've been waiting for an F-18 Hornet for possibly longer than we've been waiting for this 737-300! Other DCS developers have stopped even announcing. Look at PMDG, you catch word of a product, and then not a peep.... for years. Let's not go down that road. I am worried that IXEG will stop showing previews, that we'll stop seeing screenshots. Personally it makes my day when I see some new screeny from these guys... or a video. Let's all ensure we keep it that way! Respect the devs, keep it positive, stay stoked! And be content in what is already the best flight-simulation technology to grace the home PC (and Mac) to date . Len
    4 points
  4. Lower right hand corner is a dropdown for various altitudes. Clicking on the various selections above that gives you different views, like pressure, clouds, snow..... etc. if you click on a particular location.... like a storm, for instance, you will get a pop up offering you detailed information for that location. Drilling down even further (scroll with mouse and mouse wheel) you will see individual airports and can get even more information. (Or even easier, just type an airport ICAO under search) Have fun! https://www.windyty.com/?29.306,130.957,3
    2 points
  5. XP's gear suspension model is pretty good in my opinion. The problem is - or has been - more that many designers either don't understand how it works or know how to find the real spring constants. The suspension consists of a spring and a damper, and both need to be right. Using XP default settings will in most cases give bad results because it is very soft, which will cause all sorts of problems - especially in a crosswind. So you need to use custom constants. XP's "wavey" runways as you say are a challenge though and one needs to compromise a bit on the damper to dampen that out. Having the right CG location is also a factor.
    2 points
  6. And with those wise words by Len... an airline you probably havnt seen before
    2 points
  7. Hi Folks!, I've just finished putting together a video titled 'Sights and Sounds'. The purpose of the video is to showcase the latest version of the 737-300 project as it stands today with some sound additions, 3D model enhancements, and just all around cool effects! Work continues daily, and we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully you're all as excited as we are! Enjoy!
    1 point
  8. If you are again referring to my "humoristic" comment about IP, I stated VERY clearly it was a joke! I'm sure you tolerate those in the US as well? And FYI I come from a country that is rated far higher in terms of freedom of speech than yours. http://index.rsf.org/# By all means, he has a right to be heard if that makes him feel any better even if the ONLY possible outcome of such blasts in public is possibly ruining the day for forum members and designers trying hard to finish a project we worked 6 years of our spare time on. So keep blasting away if you have nothing better to do and delay the project further, we have all the time in the world, this is our hobby. And, if you really mean what you say about respect and freedom of speech, you should also respect our right to answer back in a sarcastic and humoristic manner. Now lets get back to work
    1 point
  9. Nah, you just have to not let it get to you....find other stuff to do than read the drivel. Who knew that trolls really existed till the internet came around?....besides the Norwegian government of course On another note...can you believe this crap? What kind of insanity is this!!! http://money.cnn.com/2016/01/20/media/star-wars-episode-viii-date-moved/index.html
    1 point
  10. I typically don't respond to "Is it done yet" conversations but I think I will give my opinion on this one. I think we will all know the project is near complete when the team starts talking about code freezes. When a project has entered that phase of development, that means new features are no longer being added. Based on the what Tom has said they are still writing code, which means that any changes that are made will need to be tested. It sounds to me that the project is late Alpha or early Beta. Giving the complexity of these type of addons, there's probably a lot of testing that needs to be done. Specifically if changes are still being made. Believe me, I want to fly this plane just as much as everyone else, but realistically if they are still coding features, we should not expect release of this plane anytime soon. I understand the importance of building hype for release of a product, but hype and realistic project deadlines are typically never in sync. Just look at the CRJ from Aerosoft as example. I remember last year in the CRJ threads on Aerosoft's forums they advertised a release of that project in Spring 2015. A year later and it's still not released with no foreseeable release candidate. I check this forum everyday for new information, but I have no expectations of an immanent release until I start seeing words such as "code freeze" or release candidate start to be used. I have no idea what kind of progress the team has made, but my predication for release is probably late 3rd or maybe early 4th quarter this year.
    1 point
  11. Hello again! During developing of our O'Hare airport, we working slowly on DC-9! "the DC-9 external modeling phase"
    1 point
  12. Gentlemen, I have discussed this with Laminar and they have confirmed a change was made at the time of 10.40 that is causing the issue you are all experiencing with the throttles. I have tested a new build of X-Plane with the fix and all is now working as expected. This fix will be implemented in 10.45rc1. No definite date, but it should be soon. Thanks to all who provided details to help diagnose this problem.
    1 point
  13. *("Hey Cam, can you block the IP of *simeg* so he can't purchase the aircraft untill a few weeks after everyone else?")* (Just kidding )
    1 point
  14. Well, a gentleman like you is certainly going to put money where his mouth is, correct? So how much would you be willing to put down to show us all the strength of your conviction? Jan
    1 point
  15. Yep. You got us. It's all one big elaborate five year joke.
    1 point
  16. Another successful flight. I still don't know what I was doing wrong in the beginning.
    1 point
  17. Update on the Citation. We're making a lot of progress on this aircraft. The screenshot below is the bleed air system represented by a 2d pop up, in sim, replicated from the Citation documents, with all figures working in real time using custom logic. Accuracy? We think so. EDIT: This is a work in progress, so some figures are not correct, so please no comments from the Citation experts
    1 point
  18. Hallo Jan, jetzt übertreibst du aber! ist es den so schwer zu verstehen das es gegenüber den zukünftigen Kunden nicht fair ist sie so zu behandeln. Ihnen immer und immer wieder einen Termin zu nennen, damit meine ich jetzt kein genaues Datum sondern die andeutung das es bald soweit sein wird ist nicht fair. Weiter möchte ich erwähnen das ihr das nun öfter getan habt. Die leute freuen sich auf euer Produkt und das einzigste was sie dann zu hören bekommen ist "NICHTS" kein "sorry wir können es noch nicht raus bringen." Wie wäre es den mal wenn ihr uns mal über den Stand der Dinge exakt aufklärt?! oder ist euch das zu viel ? ich denke das seit ihr den wartenden Personen schuldig. am ende wird ein anderer Entwickler vielleicht sogar schneller als Ihr sein und bringt ein noch etwas bessere 737 raus. Tut doch mal was für eure zukünftigen kunden und spielt nicht mit ihnen.
    -1 points
  19. why is it not out now?! how long you want the thousands of people still have to wait? You have very often said ... Now release in Sight! and then they have not taken the plane to the market slow to get on the arm taken!
    -3 points
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