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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello Captains, It is with great excitement we announce the opening of the IXEG discussion forums. You'll note multiple sections here. The first is where you've now ended up, which is General Discussion topics about IXEG as a whole and any future products, or questions you may have to ask to the team. The second is an official Work In Progress section where multiple topics will be created by the team to show you progress of add-ons (at this time the 737 Classic). I have the privilege to show you a few exclusive 737 Classic screenshots on a beta test flight I did between KSFO and KLAX. Before I get on to these, however, you should check out the brand new video showcasing the 737 Classic's FMC route editing features. Now, enjoy the screenshots! NOTE: Click images to see larger!
    12 points
  2. Hi all. We'll start this new forum off with a section regarding the FMS and autopilot because that just happens to be what we are working on. If you have any questions about the FMS/AP, this will be the place to post it. The FMS is still a work in progress but we are toiling on it every single day and things are coming together well. One reason we have taken a long time on the project, besides doing it in our spare time, is we really want to get the FMS 'right'. We expect our 737 to see heavy use on VATSIM and it is critical that users be able use the FMS reliably, especially for any change ATC might through at you unexpectedly. With our IXEG pilot guru, Captain Jan Vogel being a current, real-world airline pilot, nobody knows better what we absolutely must get right in order to recreate the pilot experience. For the last few weeks, we have been working on route editing features. It is surprising just how complex things can get. In all cases though, the FMS needs to be able to process your input, even a mistake or a change in mind and generate a flyable route. Below is a little video that showcases some of the route editing features of our FMS! NOTE: DO subscribe to our YouTube channel if you want to be informed of future videos! Also, if you're new to our YouTube Channel, be sure to check other videos by Jan! If you have seen any of Jan's videos, you know how good they are for learning! -Tom Kyler
    7 points
  3. You almost gave me a heart attack when I received your email!!!!!!! For 15 seconds I thought it was released in your store!!! I've been following the project since 2011!!! I should almost get it for free!!!
    4 points
  4. There is a winglet version, and you can switch between winglet and non-winglet "on the fly" if you wish.
    3 points
  5. Build for yourself. Build with passion. Share with as many people as you can afford to.
    2 points
  6. No, the version of the FMS we are modeling does not support this. Later versions of the FMS (as found on 747-400s, for example) do that. You can just enter airways, and the FMS figures out the intersecting waypoints. But the one on the 737 Classics couldn´t.
    2 points
  7. Certainly we have thought about it and my personal take on is, "make it a preference". Of course the nature of implmenting the preference in a reliable way demands some forethought..maybe not much, but certainly not none. We are on a fast track to getting a accurate and operable aircraft out, but will give up on what we call, "conveniences" until after the initial release. Its been five years, time to get something out the door and our position is as long as you can operate the aircraft fully and reliably (for VATSIM ops and realistic operation), that we'll take that for an initial release. That being said...you can see from the videos that the controls are quite operable and dare we say, "natural" after a bit of usage....not perfect, but not bad. There are times I wish I had a scroll wheel, but its few and far between. ....so lack of the feature is definetly not a reason to withold release. Our list of TODOs, post release is decently long: more animations, more preferences, hardware integration, failures module, more convenience tools, etc. Which ones get addressed first, or make it out the door before the initial release remains to be seen. -tkyler
    2 points
  8. I'll leave this one to Tom or Jan to discuss. That said, I'll come out and say straight up IXEG's implementation of dial and knob turnings with the mouse without scroll are the best I've ever experienced. There is a natural feel to them. What is usually a very cumbersome task is almost too easy with this aircraft (even with a trackball mouse), and as such I've found myself thinking if scroll wheel support was rolled out I would probably NOT use it given IXEG's current solution (and I'm a big fan of scroll wheel).
    2 points
  9. Wycliffe, I'd venture to say David was talking about one or more of these products you've mentioned. No need to sugarcoat the reality of X-Plane at current. Numerous developers have acknowledged challenging problems in their simulations that are not easy to fix, including CTD issues if you enter something improper in the FMC. I'm not about to point out one or more specific developers, but the selection of airliner sims for X-Plane is slim pickings and we've been due for positive change. IXEG have worked very hard to get where they are today (FIVE years!), so let's take that into consideration and acknowledge their hard efforts to do this proper. It certainly WILL be a first for X-Plane.
    2 points
  10. I think this .doc will help Saab 340A fans Regards Saab 340A.doc
    1 point
  11. CWS P (as a pitch mode in the CMD mode) is used all the time during climbout, when you don´t want to exceed 7 degrees of nose-up for fear of the trolleys tipping over.
    1 point
  12. It does indeed look quite effortless - I think a lot of people are a bit wary because we've seen some pretty bad manipulators in XP before, nothing worse than trying to tune a twitchy fiddly radio in a hurry! On this one it does look quite firm and almost satisfying : ) Loving the quick responses, you've excited a lot of people even further today. No doubt it will be a day one purchase here.
    1 point
  13. Wow....Soooooo can't wait, willbdefo be buying on release!
    1 point
  14. Loving the new screenshots! <br />Can't be long now, guys - I'm so excited!
    1 point
  15. Hello everyone.. just created my account here to stay up to date! Just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to the whole IXEG Team! I buy this lady on the day of release.. and I cant wait any longer Greets from Frankfurt am Main, EDDF needs this plane
    1 point
  16. Another mouth-watering video, thank you! As PilotAlpha says a lot of the existing XP airliners have buggy avionics, with devs often spending time on pretty embellishments (or simply moving on to their next project to maximise cashflow) leaving users frustrated. IXEG is visibly not like that, and it will surely attract people to X-Plane.
    1 point
  17. Vette, I have been asked numerous times what advice I would give to people trying to make aircraft. My advice is always the same and it was also given to me by Javier Rollon. DO NOT make something big. If you are new to making aircraft, or even new to Blender, start with the smallest, easiest aircraft you can. An ultralight would be my suggestion. You'll finish it quicker, you will learn a lot in the process, and you will see it in the sim, completed, a lot earlier than you would a larger aircraft. A larger aircraft will test your patience, and you will likely lose interest and give up. There are no shortcuts. Have patience and learn from your mistakes. Back to IXEG discussion.
    1 point
  18. Unfortunately, it won't be ready this year. Testing takes minimum 4-6 weeks, and we're not even up to that point yet. During testing, several release candidates need to go out to the testers as each bug is found and fixed. If I would hazard a VERY rough guess, possibly/probably 1st quarter of '16, if all goes well. Based on what's in it now, and what we can put in it as development continues, it'll be worth it. This is how it looks at the moment...
    1 point
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