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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2014 in all areas

  1. Might as well add a little SkyMaxx 2 porn of my own. These are from what became a very eventful flight between CYBD and CYXY when UltraWX got stuck with an old METAR and I flew into unexpected icing. I had to dive for the earth, blow off my planned approach, and finish my flight going VFR through the valleys on the way into Whitehorse trying to stay below a very low cloud deck. It was one of those I was very glad when I hit the tarmac that I didn't "cheat" and correct the weather in the simulator, but found a way to fly through and survive. This was where stuff started getting rough. Trying to get as low as I safely can. Cloud shadows! Gorgeous cloud shadows! How low can you go?
    6 points
  2. Pretty. Un-modified SkyMaxx Pro 2.0, GlacierMaxx, XP 10.30Beta8, Heinz Dziurowitz Beech 18 VOLPAR, Thanks to all of those developers.
    5 points
  3. A few I wanted to share: Shadows shadows shadows! And a fantastic overcast layer 0_O
    4 points
  4. Some moody shots of Toronto to enjoy.....
    4 points
  5. I just found out that Aerosoft is developing Dublin Int. airport for X Plane 10!!! The scenery looks amazing, but it's not released yet. But judging from the video this will be one of the best airports ever made by Aerosoft for X Plane!!!
    3 points
  6. Just got my Skymaxx fresh and hot of the Barbecue
    3 points
  7. Not on my computer with its 512MB video card. When the VRAM requirments dip below 512, it runs pretty darn good. Other folks run it with 1MB video well and folks with 2MB cards seem to have no issue at all....so it seems video card ability is the critical link. We will start some performance testing with select testers in the next month or so to determine a data set for hardware vs. performance. It is my opinion that the FPS is very friendly as long as you have enough RAM and VRAM. We'll try and put numbers on that before all is said and done. Do NOT take this comment as an insinuation that we are almost done. We simply have a goal and move steadily toward it and its done when its done and we hope its sooner rather than later. TomK
    3 points
  8. Thank you so much for SMP V2!!
    3 points
  9. Having fun with SMPv2.... absolutely love it, the FPS is great!!! KPVD-KPHL
    3 points
  10. so for all you folks out there who want to see screenshots of progress...here's two. Aren't they lovely?
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Here are some pictures of my SkyMaxx Pro 2.0 test flight. The Cessna Corvalis is also from X-Aviation and still the only X-Plane aircraft with integrated (i.e. in 3d cockpit) plausible G1000.
    2 points
  13. Ahahaha! It was my spare headset. Unfortunately my Lightspeed took a dump this week and I need to send it for it to get fixed. Anywho... back on topic King Air C90 over La Baule, France.
    2 points
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F5D-KEw4d0
    1 point
  15. They are working on a new EGLL to FSX/P3D and then they'll do it to XP10 , just like they did with this Dublin , it was released for FSX/P3D and now for XP10 .
    1 point
  16. Yeah, that would be even better!!! Well we can only wait and hope And i don't know if you guys know, but they are also developing Manchester airport: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/83603-airport-manchester/ The preview forum for Dublin has been opened with some screenshots: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/83606-airport-dublin/
    1 point
  17. Thank you very much! This is absolutely fantastic
    1 point
  18. These planes probably "paid off" a long time ago, which means these are some of their more profitable aircraft. That is offset by maintenance I'm sure but its as simple as "are they making profit". At some point, the operating cost, upkeep, risk and even passenger perception will begin to make these not so attractive, but on paper, they are probaby still turning profits. It makes sense to keep them along as they make money with an calculable amount of risk. Regarding the -300 model. Way back when, we did this because the x737 was making good progress and we did not want to overlap work. We do not see things the same way now of course, but it is what it is...HOWEVER, this -300 has really really grown on us. We kind of get the best of many worlds. We have a reasonably modern EHSI / EADI with an FMS so we get all the fun from flight planning and dancing with the magenta line...but we also get a little bit of nostalgia from the steam gauges. We have put enormous effort into making the steam gauges look and feel absolutely realistic. If you watch some of Jans videos in-flight, you might have caught a bit of motion blur on the RMI DME scrolling digits. You might also have noticed the "servo powered" mechanical speedbug on the ASI during power up. Combined with a lot of attention to detail in the sound department, we think this aircraft is tons of fun to fly and really immersive. Considering a lot of -300s are still in service today speaks volumes that its certainly still viable. TomK
    1 point
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUD09qGnAoxEBsPXJAQgVkqg&v=xz0QadQKmz4#t=189
    1 point
  20. Hey, I do realize there are a lot of settings to play around with. I did just that (reverted back to the default settings). IMO, Cloud draw distance seems to hit my fps the most though. I even managed to keep cloud reflections enabled which are amazing by the way! My frame rates are back to the high 20s so that's where ill keep it . Thanks for the advice.
    1 point
  21. Understand that the amount of clouds we have to draw increases with the square of the cloud draw distance. Depending on how much free video memory you have, there will be a tipping point where performance gets hit. We chose the default setting for cloud draw distance to provide great performance on most machines. You just need to stick with the defaults, or find the point where your system can't handle it and don't go past that. It's already as optimized as it's going to get. If you've been messing with other settings, such as the cloud detail, minimum, and maximum sizes - these can also affect performance. We chose to give the end user a lot of control with these settings so future hardware and high-end systems can take full advantage of what SkyMaxx Pro can do, but it is definitely possible to set up bad situations for your system if you're not careful. If you want to go back to a blank slate with default settings, delete the resources/plugins/silverlining/settings.dat file prior to running X-Plane.
    1 point
  22. There are loads of 737 classics still in operation. Here are some.. http://www.planespotters.net/Production_List/Boeing/737/737-300/operator.php?p=1
    1 point
  23. Will this window eventually be transparent or will it remain "painted" on? Other than that it looks AMAZING! I can't wait to get my hands on her! ...Now if only there was a code for user controlled window dimming...heck, thats X-Plane 22 Stuff!
    1 point
  24. I'd humbly state that the statement "LOCK PLEASE!!!!" comes off far more like a demand than an offering of an opinion. But that's just my opinion.
    1 point
  25. Exit X-Plane. Copy the Aircraft's folder, and re-name the copy something like "BAe Jetstream 32 - ARINC 424 GPS". Run Plane-Maker (PM). Go File --> Open. Select the folder "BAe Jetstream 32 - ARINC 424 GPS". Select the Jetstream32.acf inside that folder, select [Open Aircraft]. Once PM has loaded the JS32, select Standard --> Panel: 2-D. On the right hand side under Hierarchy, find FMS_small.png, highlight it (so the name goes orange), then deleate it (by clicking the no entry icon). Select the GNS430 on the panel (its should be highlighted in orange). At the very bottom of the screen change the X value from 331.0 to 337.0 (as the default setting is slightly miss-aligned). You should not have to change anything else if you followed the instructions (but just incase the settings for the GPS that I used are: Zoom: 100%, Name: Garmin_430.png, X:337.0, Y:1628.0, Size: 4.00, Copilot [ ] that's un-ticked Close the Panel editor by clicking the white arrow head top left. Now go Standard --> Systems page, FMS/GPS section and select pilot use moderm ARINC424 capable. Close the Systems page by clicking [x] on that page. Go File --> Save. Exit PM. Start X-Plane, load the modified aircraft. Go Fly! Remember Backup by copying the Aircraft's folder first!! cessna729.
    1 point
  26. Ok guys, This is all getting very out of hand, or has the potential to. I appreciate the supportive sentiments expressed by some of the posters here, and I understand the point of view Cameron, Ben et al are putting forward. First up, let me say this is wholly unexpected, that my request in a V-LOG to my subscribers would suddenly explode into this and frankly it makes me a little uncomfortable. I'm used to working with companies in my work at PC Pilot and formerly at other gaming publications to contacting a PR dude and saying "Hey, we want to take a look at xyz" and it's a non-issue. The way this conversation is going honestly is making me more than a little uncomfortable and I feel painting me in a light that I'm not particularly happy with, and most certainly not a first impression I want to create within the X-Plane community. As I said in my earlier long post, if someone doesn't want to hand over a product for review or to be featured within broader X-Plane videos on my channel then that's fine. Quite a few developers have stepped forward and asked to get involved today so I have more than enough content to focus on in the near term. All the best.
    1 point
  27. His tag line is 'everything sim', not 'FSX sim'. He doesn't need to be on any forums. He has a successful Youtube channel and writes for PC Pilot. I think he makes a fine contribution to the community that way.
    1 point
  28. I see his Ben's points, but the rheotoric does seem unusually heated today. When I started the MU2, one of the primary goals was to show the FSX community what x-plane can do. Exposure is never bad, this is the way..you MUST sell your wares, you must throw them in front of people, most will not come looking. We need regular simmers and we need impulse buyers to put enough money in our pocket to make it to the next and better product and so on and so on. Besides, Pete doesn't strike me as a guy who does this to leech freeware. There was a quote I read in a book and I can't remember who said it that said, "Conversation is king...content is just something to talk about" and if Froogle is conversing about x-plane, then there is nothing bad that come come from that IMO. As far as these customers being "far away", they're actually only one sale away. I know a lot of folks who came to x-plane when the MU2 came out....you get converts one person at a time. I'm all for getting in front of as many FSX folks as we can. I have plans to teach folks x-plane in a new way but we need the audience. TomK
    1 point
  29. Forgive me for splitting hairs here, it's a curse I'm afflicted with, but I've got to correct one point here. I'm not interested in any way in "making a name" for myself. I mentioned in my short novel that I've been writing about X-Plane for a while and was trying to think back to when I started - I think I have it around 2001 or so. What I'm interested in is driving attention to an area of our hobby that I believe has previously been under represented or misrepresented because while I have a heavy professional and personal investment in FSX I don't see it having a future that should be supported. I don't believe any of us should continue to have to put up with memory limitations, single core speed limitations etc etc, and I do believe in X-Plane. My goal here then is actually giving back. I'm "lucky" in that I've built a significant following with single videos I put up now often gaining more attention than entire editions of the print magazine I write for. That's a tool that can be used and I want to use it to help.
    1 point
  30. I can definitely vouch for Froogle here. He is an awesome guy. Wonder why 'some' people have to be d-bag everytime. The guy is generally trying to promote XP and all you can come up with is beyond retarded arguments and justifications. Such attitude is not helping the image of X-Plane in the flightsim community. Just my 2cents.
    1 point
  31. What an interesting thread. Hi Goran - the 3 devs I contacted I suspect missed the emails because I sent from frooglesim, instead of from my normal email address. Goran you were one of them - you'll recall that the PC Pilot award badge you proudly display on your DC3 in the store was awarded by me (Peter Wright) in my review of your product some time ago. I've been trying to get updated download links for the 64 bit version as well as your new aircraft. No biggie, part of the idea of the video was to get you guys (the collective "you guys" in the X-Plane dev world to sit up) and I am resending emails and broadening their reach. Ben can sit there saying "Froogle who" all day long, but here we are in a two page thread carrying my name, so I guess it worked. Now to address the bulk of the issues in this thread, and the inference from Ben that my ethics are questionable and reviews are for sale. Almost every single review on the frooglesim channel, and many I write for PC Pilot are made with software I buy. I do that to support the community, and to give me the freedom to say what I want about a product without feeling an obligation or tie. Most of the reviews in the magazine are made with software explicitly provided by the developer for the purposes of review, a practice not uncommon in any industry you care to name. From the developer standpoint it's called marketing - sending new products to influential voices in the hope they will review the product. From the journalism standpoint it's just business as usual, writing about the products we see and reviewing them where appropriate as long as the free product does not interfere with the opinion stated in the piece and the relationship between reviewer and producer is clear and disclosed. In my case, products i receive for review do absolutely not bias my opinion - look at some of my recent reviews in the magazine, some of which got me in very hot water for expressing a highly negative opinion. With regard to my involvement with X-Plane, I have been writing about it for years in the magazine. Many years ago for example I helped kicked off X-Planes exposure with an in-depth look at the product itself, plus a multi-page interview with Austin. Since then I've reviewed a few products of interest in X-Plane but the simple fact of the matter, the unfortunate fact, is that the vast majority of the audience are X-Plane shy and want FSX . That's also where the bulk of new products launch, so naturally it's where the bulk of content in a magazine or indeed on my YouTube channel is focussed. From the comments I see on the channel, many are interested in X-Plane but trot out the same old excuses as to why they are not using it (and why they are not your potential customers). The UI is poor. The colors seem off. Their add-ons don't work. FSX looks better. FSX has more choice etc etc. That's what I want to address. Today if I throw up a video on a product it's actually rarely just that one product. A2A's Cessna for example was covered in video with sky textures from REX, weather from Active Sky, scenery from Orbx, control input filtering from FSUIPC, post effects from Shade. It makes the videos visually appealling and it shows FSX as a platform in the best light, enabling the rest of the video to then focus on the content at hand. In contrast I did a number of videos of the Worldliner 77 and the comments quickly turned to focus in on what X-Plane stock looks and feels like since behind the aircraft that's all your seeing. I want to start a series looking at X-Plane itself but in the best possible light and that's what the VLOG was calling for. I want to show people that X-Plane can look better than FSX, that there is a thriving marketplace out there that people can tap into to extend and enhance it, and that switching to a better flight model does not mean sacrificing the aesthetics people have grown to love in FSX. However, I don't have all that stuff and so reached out to ask you, developers and publishers, what would I need to make X-Plane awesome? What are your best of breed add-ons and enhancements that you believe I really should include in the videos to really shine a light on X-Plane in the best possible way. This isn't biasing a review, in the same way that A2A's Cessna didn't get a great review because the clouds looked nice, or there were animated people on the ground at the airport. Yes, Ben, the vast majority of the audience on Frooglesim are currently invested in FSX. Asking you guys to undertake what is effectively a marketing exercise to sway them did not, and does not, to me seem unrealistic. I'm giving you a platform to market your products to a captive audience in one of the fastest growing simulation YouTube channels in the world (almost 15,000 subs and growing at 12% per month) and in a channel that is almost viral in nature (again, here we are in a separate place on the Internet discussing my videos - see how that worked out?). Given that I also want to focus in on X-Plane and get a fairly steady stream of content up I also went the magazine route and reached out asking you to supply content to review under typical review terms (that being that the review is not in any way biased just because you provided the product for free). Please also bear in mind that 'reviews' probably represent less than 50% of the channel. The bulk of content on the channel is demonstration/tutorial in nature. I released a series of videos on the NGX some 12 to 18 months after the NGX released showing how to fly with it and those videos collectively went on to gain 1/4 of a million views and become one of the most popular NGX series on YouTube - they almost certainly drove traffic to PMDG as well. If some of you wish to sit back indignant and do nothing then so be it - ultimately increased exposure for X-Plane benefits you anyway - but it does sadden me to see Ben's attitude towards any form of journalism. *Edited to clarify the channel's growth*
    1 point
  32. And this is why x-plane will never be main stream. Sorry, Ben you are wrong.
    1 point
  33. The guy spends half his fucking video talking about how bad he feels about putting out the hat AFTER PUTTING OUT THE HAT TO THE PEOPLE WHO CAN LEASE AFFORD IT. Truth hurts. I could care less.
    -1 points
  34. You already expressed it. Repeating IN CAPS is unnecessarily rude. Oh, by the way, everyone ELSE is entitled to their opinion too. Now if you don't mind, we'd like to continue our adult discussion.
    -1 points
  35. Anyone what? The links you requested are in the post right above your last.
    -1 points
  36. What a Discussion Anything was fine with 1.3 Since 2.0 X-Plane only runs good with default Clouds. Maybe it can be that it Conflicts with other plugs or Programs or even with my Ballpen on my table, but it is not my resort to find the Conflict unless You Pay me per Hour. So cannot downgrade to 1.3 so i have nothing! I am so sad to Configure up and down the line wasting my time. Best is to give an Option to download 1.3 again till You know what the Problem is with this Plugin Patience End, thought i can enjoy XP this Weekend, tell You i have a lot of words for this You will not listen!! Happy Crashing!
    -1 points
  37. This is a forum to discus aircraft opinion and not me asking for aircraft.
    -3 points
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