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  1. Captains, Mark your calendars! This Friday, September 15th, we're releasing the IXEG 737 Classic Plus! This is a next era re-brand for what the IXEG 737 Classic has become after many months of labor. The primary goal in this endeavor was to bring full X-Plane 12 compatibility to this amazing aircraft, squeeze in a few new features, and set the stage for improvements in the future. To us, it's a rebirth of a classic, tailored for X-Plane 12. Truly, stepping into the cockpit feels so good in the new X-Plane 12 environment! A Special Note on Pricing: For our customers who acquired the IXEG 737 Classic on or after February 7th, 2022, this update is for free for you to honor our promise of a free update at the time you made the purchase. As for our dedicated pilots who've been with us since the beginning and purchased the IXEG 737 Classic on or before February 6th, 2022, the upgrade to the Classic Plus version will be available at a nominal fee of $14.95 USD. We believe this price point offers tremendous value, and you'll have 60 days to take advantage of this upgrade offer once the product is released. The IXEG 737 Classic Plus doesn't just bring new features; it rejuvenates the entire flying experience, making this aircraft feel brand new. Here's a quick rundown of what's been brewing over the past 9 months: Fixes & Enhancements (from the XP11 version): Engine Bleed Configuration: Now accurately impacts Takeoff N1. FMS PERF Page: Resets to blank entries post-landing and deceleration below 60kts. Code Optimization: Streamlined and revamped for quicker future updates. Brand New Features for the XP12 Version: Wingflex: Experience the subtle flex of the 737's sturdy wing in our 3D model. 3D Cabin: Dive into a fully detailed cabin, complete with operational galleys (Fancy a cup of coffee?). Moving Cabin Doors: Open and close each cabin door, influencing differential pressure just like the cockpit windows. Loading Stations Concept: Assign weights to specific seat rows and cargo holds for accurate physical effects on the aircraft. Cockpit & Cabin Lighting: Updated for XP12's lighting engine, including interactive cabin lights. X-Plane GUI Integration: Set up your load and fuel seamlessly. GUI Enhancements: A fresh look for the IXEG interface, now VR-accessible. Hide Yoke: With default XP12 key assignment. FOV Slider: Added to preferences for a tailored viewing experience. Cockpit Windows: Upgraded to XP12 tech, showcasing rain and ice effects. Outside Lighting: Balanced for an immersive XP12 photometric experience. Aerodynamics & Engine Tuning: Optimized for XP12's advanced modeling. To our loyal customers transitioning from the X-Plane 11 version, we've poured countless hours into this upgrade, ensuring it's worth every penny. We're confident you'll find the enhancements enjoyable, and with the help of full X-Plane 12 compatibility, transformative! We can't wait for you to take to the skies with the IXEG 737 Classic Plus this Friday. Clear skies and happy flying! IXEG and X-Aviation
    36 points
  2. Captains, It's with a lot of excitement and appreciated patience that we are ready to announce what's to come for IXEG's future! The team chose to let the dust settle a bit and not have too wide of a moving target in the early days of X-Plane 12 so as to not waste development time. The following will serve as a brief summary of what's to come, as well as a bit of a roadmap on where things will go. Things have changed a lot since the last X-Plane 11 update, one of them being that @tkyler is now full time in add-on development instead of juggling between real life jobs and that of our virtual world. This has given us the ability to focus on where we want the 737 to go into the future, and we hope you'll like what you initially see! Cost Back on February 7th, 2022, a little after Laminar Research announced X-Plane 12 was coming, we published on the IXEG 737 product page that purchasing customers would receive a free product update to the X-Plane 12 version. Per that statement, we are honoring this free update for customers who purchased the IXEG 737 on or after February 7th, 2022. For customers having purchased the IXEG 737 on or before February 6th, 2022, the upgrade will be a paid upgrade of $14.95 USD. Why this pricing structure? Our goal is to keep the upgrade pricing within reach of all customers at a fair price, and will ensure continued development of the IXEG 737 into the future. This all said, we also want to provide existing customers with additional value for the upgrade cost, above and beyond just the 'porting' work required to gain Version 12 compatibility. So in order to provide additional value, we decided to develop an all-new 3D cabin, working cabin doors and wing-flex to include in the update and gain momentum towards overhauling the 733 to modern 3D standards. This work has been ongoing for the previous months and is responsible for most of the development time by @tkyler thus far. We've included some pics / links of the interior work in progress below. Background on why this news is only just coming out… Flight testing was delayed slightly while Laminar made alterations that affect certain areas of our models, but also because @Litjan, who handles the flight model, was working towards his 747 Captain rating (now since completed....congratulations Jan!). With the pesky 747 certification process out of the way, Jan has actively resumed flight testing / tweaking things, and if anybody is curious, the team does NOT plan to develop a 747 product . What's to come prior to the initial v12 release? Items to be included in the initial v12 release: All-new, high resolution 3D cabin interior Animated doors Wing flex Ensure satisfactory flight and systems performance Rework our GUI interface to a more flexible, imGUI based infrastructure Once these are complete, we will release the update. A good portion of this has already been completed, and other bits are still in the works. We believe we can do this work before the fall in the USA, and have a solid platform to continue improvements. Once released and stabilized after addressing any bugs or issues, we will immediately continue the work of improving the 733 in several areas. Some items we will be addressing and improving are: FMS VNAV Prediction / Performance Holds Performance / Progress predictions. Swap to XP11 NavData format. FMOD Sound Implementation, allowing us to more easily expand our sound set. New exterior 3D and high-resolution textures Enhanced GUI for accommodating more robust interactions with operations. So that's where we are in the development. The IXEG 733 is being worked on continuously and we're excited about evolving the product as both X-Plane and computer technology / performance evolves, chasing immersion as far as we possibly can. We want to thank you all for being customers and hope we can deliver satisfying experiences through this iterative journey that is flight simulation development. On behalf of the IXEG team, especially @tkyler and @Litjan, we thank all of your for your excitement and patience that has so far driven us to this point. Enjoy the previews! Please Note: All images are showcasing continued work in progress and things, including texture work, are subject to change.
    35 points
  3. I foresee two 'events' with regards to the 733. Event 1 is "port to XP12 'as is'. Event 2 is 'upgrades beyond the port'. The goal of event 1 is to get it to work in XP12 the way it does in XP11 given XPlane changes. Those who have made 733 purchases since early this year will certainly get the XP12 port version for free as stated on the XA product page. Beyond that XP12 port though, we have not made any determinations about what may or may not constitute a 'paid upgrade' beyond the fact that it shouldn't be egregious or outlandish. Regarding features 'beyond the xp12 port'... we have and hear arugments all the time for/against variants, cargo versions, etc and have not made up our minds yet about what may be next. The obvious things todo are the FMS work and upgrading all the 3D/textures/animations. As far as MSFS, a lot of us developers have kept an eye out on the whole market/dev process and a port is not a trivial thing, regardless of what Fenix / inisim is doing. We're talking multiple 1000s of man hours easily, and at my age and road traveled, that's a tall order.....regardless of the money potential. I rather enjoy my little world in X-Plane and those users who also see the same value in it. Perhaps Fenix, iniSim or someone else can do a 737-300. I can't speak for any other devs in the X-Aviation ecosystem, but for our part, we'll probably stick to X-plane with the 733...best I can tell from today. -TomK
    30 points
  4. Hello all. Those who have followed know that the IXEG 737 develoment has been stagnant for a long time while I've worked on my MU-2 project and stabilize it after the release. That stabilization phase is nearly done. XP12 is imminent and I'll be porting the MU2 to XP12 beginning next week...and it should not be terribly long (I hope). After that, the 733 will move back into rotation as the primary focus of development with the port to v12 being the first priority. The IXEG is minimally operable in V12, but that's all we can say. We obviously had to make it baseline flyable in order to test/develop it with all the XP12 changes, which have yet to be addressed. As such, our official position for those who wish to try the V11 IXEG in V12 is "VFR joyriding only". I expect we'll set up a 'volunteer forum' where folks can give feedback as to their V12 observations as its better to have more eyes on this stuff; however, we request that nobody report any shortcomings of the V11 733 in V12. We are keenly aware of a lot of things that have to be changed....so we'll want to wait until we believe we've caught all we can find before other folks chime in; otherwise we'll end up with a massive stack of the same reports. So, certainly keep XP11 around if you wish to fly the IXEG seriously until we get it ported over. I've always kept "old version / new versions" side by side on my computer for these transitions. Long-time XP users know that after a major release to X-Plane, there is an inevitable debug period that goes on for some time, though many other devs have begun already, we're behind. ....but nice to have the process underway.....Below screenshot shows what the cockpit looks like in V12 daytime. -TomK
    29 points
  5. I do Seriously. still going every single day...we'll be making an announcement/report about whats going on here within the next few days. I'm trying to get to a specific point before we give a more formal update and I don't want to rush it....I'm as picky as most of you folks, so I'm steadily laboring away towards that point. -tkyler
    25 points
  6. ...AND....as before. still going full bore. More than a week, but (hopefully) less than a month. Hope I don't eat those words, but if so, it won't be by much. My point is we're still moving along towards our goals according to the plan. A significant portion of 2023 will be spent on the IXEG, so we're just making sure we get off to a solid footing to continue on with further improvements. -tkyler
    25 points
  7. And initial testing is promising... IXEG XP12 initial testing.mp4
    25 points
  8. FYI.....still full time on it. still on schedule...still have our same 'target date' not too far on the horizon. Again, more than a few weeks, but less than several months ( minus the weeks since last report) . TK
    22 points
  9. you and me both. Still working on it every day (except weekends...really need my mental breaks)....there's just tons of little details to tend to, especially with lighting control and tweaks. I just finished swapping out all the old exterior lighting with the new V12 lighting yesteday, so that's the latest thing I worked on. Still moving down the punchlist. -tk
    19 points
  10. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.6.1 update for the CL650. All customers who have purchased the CL650 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the CL650 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.6.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php  2. Find your original Challenger 650 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: ************************************************* Please carefully review the following section about the V1.6.1 release highlights. These point out particular "gotcha" changes that might surprise you if you didn't expect them. Also, be aware that trying to reload an in-flight state from a previous version might not work very well. There were numerous internal changes to the avionics which will cause many of the computers to perform a cold reboot. When using a different version, please only try to load a previous state that was cold-and-dark. ************************************************* Release Highlights: 2988: Elevator control system is missing gain change mechanism from control column, causing over-controlling at higher speeds 3121: Implement variable pitch feel based on stabilizer trim position We've reworked the pitch feel to replicate the variable-rate pitch feel of the real aircraft. Unlike other aircraft where the pitch feel is based on airspeed, the Challenger uses the stabilizer trim position as a stand-in for airspeed. The pitch response near the center gets more desensitized the more nose-down elevator trim is applied (implying flight at a higher speed). There is also a fixed "curve" that gets applied near the neutral point. This comes from a mechanical part of the elevator mechanization called the gain-change mechanism. This is more-or-less fixed and is always applied on top of the variable pitch feel from the stabilizer trim. We recommend removing any kind of curves you have applied to your joystick or yoke and try to get used to the new out-of-the-box feel. If you have a force-feedback yoke with controllable force intensity (such as a Brunner FFB yoke), you can disable the trim-dependent pitch feel in the User Settings under the User Interface tab. You can then replicate it in a proper FFB way by gradually increasing the force needed to move the elevator as elevator trim goes from 5.0 to 1.25 (5=lighest, 1.25=heaviest). Outside of this range, the force should be constant, as the real pitch feel mechanism doesn't change force intensity outside of these ranges either. 2866: Implement dynamic GPS jamming simulation The CL650 now simulates dynamic, unannounced GPS jamming that happens in certain regions in the world, especially near disputed areas and active conflict zones. The locations of these areas are usually not NOTAM'ed, so you are encouraged to be on the lookout for potential issues with GPS reception in areas such as: - the Middle East - Eastern Europe - South China Sea - parts of Mexico Please note that these locations aren't hard-coded into the simulation. They dynamically change over time and needn't be active at all times. We can also add new areas post-release, and already have plans to add NOTAM'ed (scheduled and published) GPS outages. The simulation works by performing radio signal propagation modeling (including terrain masking) between the aircraft and every jamming station. If the signal levels of the jammer overpower the GPS satellite signals at the aircraft's position, the GPS position integrity will gradually degrade, until it is completely lost. You will then need to revert to inertial navigation and utilize radio or manual position updating. For now, we have chosen to avoid simulating GPS position spoofing, however. Please note that not all approach procedures can be flown without GPS available. Consult the approach procedure charts for required navigational sensors, as well as required navigational performance (RNP). This can then be cross-checked against the EPU value (Estimated Position Uncertainty) on the PFD as well as on the FMS PROG 2/2 page. Without GPS available, the FMC will attempt to use any enabled radio sensors (VOR/DME or DME/DME) as a source of position updates. Thus, flying an RNP 1.0 or sometimes even an RNP 0.3 approach might still be possible, provided that the approaches do not hard-require a GPS or GNSS sensor be available, and that a suitable position-updating navaid is available within range. For study purposes, the status of the jammer stations can be seen in the Study > GPS > GPS Jamming Stations window. 2927: Implement manual FMC position updating Dovetailing with the above GPS jamming functionality, the FMC now fully implements manual position updating. It is, admittedly, a very rarely used feature with GPS available, however, it does manifest in one useful way when in a GPS-denied environment. On departure, you will now have a "RWY UPDATE" prompt available on the ACT LEGS page on LSK 6L while the aircraft is on the ground. This can be used to manually update the FMC position to the runway threshold prior to takeoff, thus nulling out any positional drift due to purely inertial operation. 2963: Add ADG and nose gear door pins The aircraft now contains a beautiful 3D model of the air-driven generator (ADG, aka RAT on other aircraft), and together with that it brings an additional set of ground pins in the nose gear bay that must be manipulated by the pilot prior to and after a flight. The ADG pin is located on the right-hand wall of the nose gear bay, in the forward section. This pin locks the ADG in the stowed position, to prevent inadvertent ADG deployment while on the ground (restowing the ADG requires qualified maintenance personnel be called in). The second new ground pin is for the nose door and is located on the same right-hand wall of the nose gear bay, but more towards the aft section. For personal safety of ground crew while in the nose gear bay, the nose door is pinned, thus preventing any chance of the door closing and injuring personnel working there. This pin is typically installed after a flight and removed before a flight. These two additions complete the full set of 5 ground pins that are used in day-to-day operations. 2910: Refactor NAV-to-NAV transfer to avoid LNAV capture when APPR LOC is armed The NAV-to-NAV transfer system behavior was changed to behave more like the real airplane. When the aircraft is being vectored and utilizing HDG lateral mode, pushing APPR with a NAV-to-NAV approach loaded (e.g. an ILS) will no longer capture the LNAV path if the airplane happens to come close to the FMS path. Instead, *only* the armed APPR LOC mode will capture when the localizer begins to center. This helps prevent an inadvertent capture of the FMS path that might no longer be applicable. On the flip side, this means you will not be able to perform high-angle LOC captures (>45 degrees) by first capturing the FMS path in APPR LNV and then transitioning to APPR LOC. To perform a high-angle intercept with an intermediate step through the LNV mode, first push "NAV" on the FCP to arm the regular LNV mode for capture. Wait until the mode captures the FMS path and only then push the APPR FCP button to arm NAV-to-NAV transfer onto the localizer. 3036: Remove landing data that doesn’t exist in real box and add supplemental data message We've made fixes to the APPROACH REF computer to bring it in line with the quirks that the real avionics has. One of those particular gotchas is that you will no longer be able to compute an Actual Landing Distance (ALD) value when the runway condition is set to WET on page 1/4. Instead, the box will simply post an amber '?' for the ALD value and you will get an amber PERF OUT OF RANGE message. For regulatory reasons, when the runway is wet, the only value to be used is the factored Landing Field Length (LFL). You can switch the ALD display to LFL by typing 'L' on the scratchpad and pushing LSK 4L on APPROACH REF page 2/4. This will remove the caution message and the FMS will show the factored (1.15x) landing field length instead. However, on the flip side, when the runway condition is set to any of the other contaminated settings (i.e. SLUSH-WATER, LSNOW, CSNOW or ICE), LFL becomes unavailable (and will post a PERF OUT OF RANGE message), and you will need to use ALD instead (place an 'A' on LSK 4L to switch to ALD display). The reason here is that there is no landing distance correction factor published for these contaminated runway conditions, so you will want to enter your own into LAND FACT on LSK 2L. An additional gotcha is that when the runway condition is set to anything other than DRY, the FMS will post a white SUPPLEMENTAL DATA message. This message cannot be avoided, and is intended to emphasize that the FMS isn't using data from AFM Section 6 (Performance), but instead from AFM Supplement 2 (Operation on Wet and Contaminated Runways). 2848: Implement route names and loading of routes by name You can now save and load pilot routes by name. This is done either by entering the name on LSK 2L of page 1 of the FPLN page, or by entering a custom name in PILOT ROUTE LIST on LSK 6L or LSK 6R. When a name is entered on FPLN page 1 LSK 2L, if the route doesn't already exist in the PILOT ROUTE LIST, the name is simply assigned to the current flight plan. This name can then be used as the route name in PILOT ROUTE LIST by pushing LSK 6L or LSK 6R. If a route with the same name already exists in PILOT ROUTE LIST, the user is prompted if they would like to load that route instead. Loading a pilot route into the active flight plan is not permitted while the aircraft is in the air. 2849: Support new VATSIM departure/arrival ATISes Some VATSIM regions have started publishing separate departure and arrival ATISes, just like some real airports do. Thus, the ATIS type selection on DATALINK > AOC CORP > ATIS now correctly attempts to pick the type-specific ATIS first, before reverting to the generalized one. 2860: Add volume control for FO audio You can now control the automatic first officer's audio volume when reading checklists. The setting is located in User Settings under F/O Assists. New Features: 2823: Add IVAO Altitude client detection 2824: Add IVAO SELCAL integration 2825: Add support for showing COM TX flag on IVAO 2848: Implement route names and loading of routes by name 2849: Support new VATSIM departure/arrival ATISes 2860: Add volume control for FO audio 2866: Implement dynamic GPS jamming simulation 2869: Implement TOC and TOD display on MFD data window 2927: Implement manual FMC position updating 2953: Add search function to failure manager 2954: Add tooltips with descriptions to the Bleed study screen 2955: Add ASU engine parameters to the Bleed study screen 2963: Add ADG and nose gear door pins 2988: Elevator control system is missing gain change mechanism from control column, causing over-controlling at higher speeds 3121: Implement variable pitch feel based on stabilizer trim position 2995: Need to implement ADG ADCU failures in the failure manager 2996: Implement missing stall protection system failures 3002: Add datarefs to expose the internal CL650 atmospheric model 3006: Implement a dataref interface to wire and ARINC-429 abus data 3116: Need a ground service menu option to fix a rotor lock Improvements: 2816: MFD radio controls should have a test function on the NAV radio 2847: PROG page should show MANUAL or MEASURED in title when using the respective FUEL MGMT mode 2858: Update windshield heating auto-checklist to select either LOW or HI before takeoff 2778: Selecting SID/STAR does not narrow down runways 2435: Rudder needs more effectiveness to cope with V1 cut 2872: Make circuit breakers require a long click to pull to help avoid accidentally pulling breakers by randomly misclicking 2885: Show airframe manager when aircraft is repositioned using X-Plane flight setup screen 2898: Refine VOR/DME and DME/DME tuning when in the approach phase 2707: Need to show a magenta "FROM" flag next to the PFD horizontal deviation bar when flying from an FMS waypoint 2902: Refactor RNP APPR and RNP AR APPR determination to follow proper ICAO PBN rules 2908: Adjust electrical loads of components to be slightly more realistic 2910: Refactor NAV-to-NAV transfer to avoid LNAV capture when APPR LOC is armed 2912: Refactor autopilot and IRS code for more stable operation in ATT mode 2914: 10th stage bleed study screen needs to color in the vacuum ejector line using the temperature of the vacuum line 2915: Refactor tooltip system to use cairo rendering and XP11 modern windows for proper scaling 2918: Readjust tire drag down a bit to roll more easily on idle thrust 2944: Hoppie ACARS DEPART CLX system needs to handle clearance confirmation and error messages 2966: Add documentation link to the Study menu 2983: Allow user to specify a custom OCEANIC CLX facility in user settings 2985: Implement engine fuel feed lines as having a volume of fuel for delayed fire shutoff valve reaction 2991: Default the nose door to open on new persistent airframes 2696: During SPS test needle should go past red zone due to rate-advance mechanism 3036: Remove landing data that doesn’t exist in real box and add supplemental data message 3061: Redesign TUNE page parsing to be much more strict 3063: Selecting TO or GA should always activate the TO thrust limit 3117: When an in-flight state is repositioned back to the ground, reset core temps to allow immediate shutdown without core lock Bugfixes: 861: TUNE page should not allow entry of 4 letter LOC idents 2808: Leftover experimental GS steering code is causing pitch oscillations 2807: Squawk code transmission is broken in ARINC622 format 2806: UM74 and UM75 direct-to interoperability with Hoppie CPDLC broke prior to 1.5 release 2809: Maximum distance for DIS CROSS on FIX INFO should be 500 miles, not 200 2810: Galley normal map has excessive gloss 2811: Crash when airplane is dragged up into the air in turn estimation code 2813: Crash when selecting direct-to the last waypoint on an airway if followed by a discontinuity 2815: NAV radio test wasn't generating the correct test data out of the NAV-4000 and DME-4000 radios 2817: When an intercept leg his an IF-TF target, it incorrectly marks the intercept leg as virtual, instead of the IF leg 2821: PAX hurry up call option is broken 2802: APU GEN off caused CTD, broke airframe file 2768: Changing NAV SRC while OEI causes CTD 2803: Crash due to dangling airway-to-waypoint mapping table left over after a navigational database swap 2822: MFD Nav Radio Missing Auto Label 2828: Closing a disco in front of a VECTORS transition isn't generating a TF leg segment properly 2440: When a NAV radio is set to auto tuning, manual tuning via MFD doesn't work 2801: CTD when using DTO history 2829: ETA column on FPLN PROG MFD DATA page is computed incorrectly on TOD when TOD is on current leg 2830: DIR-TO page isn't showing required path angle and VS on page 1 2832: Alternate cruise altitude isn't being used in alternate fuel use calculation 2833: ROSE mode TO-FROM flag should be drawn with a black outline, not black-filled 2834: FPLN sequences prematurely when crossing 180 degrees of longitude 2835: IRS hybrid position solution needs to handle GPS position wrapping 2837: Add Altitude and POSCON to list of supported networks/clients in user settings 2819: CTD crossing 54N040W 2838: Mandatory turn direction can be mishandled by LNAV in certain corner cases 2839: Pilot oxygen mask blockage failure condition inverted, resulting in zero oxygen consumption 2841: Limit CPC auto valve rate to prevent oscillations when high cabin altitude condition is encountered 2840: Implement explicit versioning of serialized data sets to avoid persistent breakage of state files 2842: Entering a single-digit or two-digit radio frequency should tune the matching frequency preset slot 2843: Entering more than an 8-character frequency slot name in TUNE page crashes 2844: Moving VS/Pitch wheel should revert to Pitch mode unless the active vertical mode is VS or GS capture 2846: TO and GA vertical modes should be cleared by AP engagement or pushing the FD SYNC button 2850: Rounding of coordinates can cause a copy-back of 60 minutes out of a fix definition 2851: Geographic coordinate entry must allow entering 180 degrees of longitude 2852: When going direct-to the first waypoint on an airway, the direct-to path construction goes haywire 2854: Don't allow editing VNAV data on FA legs 2855: Inserting PDW at end of FPLN while in the air causes the FPLN to go direct-to the PDW instead 2857: Using FLEX takeoff results in spurious VSPEEDS DESELECTED when changing altitude in flight 2859: Update 3rd party docs to latest state 2861: Always clamp FD pitch command to allowable range 2862: Don't do terrain auto-popup on the PFD during a TAWS test, only during a genuine TAWS caution or warning 2863: When a CPDLC direct-to targets a navaid or airport as a FIXNAME, INSERT MOD into the FPLN fails 2864: When an FC leg occurs on a 5-character waypoint, the length field gets truncated to show only the leading zero 2556: Clock Local time is non-functional 2875: Pitch servo mistuning during G/S approaches was causing divergent oscillation at lower framerate 2876: Missing altitude in POSITION REPORT message human-readable format just before the "NEXT" word 2878: RNP approach handling without GNSS is producing spurious FMS messages 2879: Hoppie CPDLC interface needs to support climb and descent rate messages 2882: Boost pump INOP light and CAS messages should come on when on ground and the pump switch deselected 2883: Don't post ATS FAIL when no ATS mode is active and T/Rs are selected 2877: Secondary motive flow supply line occurs after the main ejector check valve, not before it 2884: Don't compute CLB, CRZ and MCT N1 targets when engine bleeds are off 2881: BACK ON ROUTE triggering too early, while still very far cross-track 2880: Waypoint ETA time computation unstable due to floating point rounding 2886: libcpdlc - deleted some dead code from ARINC 622 refactor 2887: libcpdlc - POS REPORT FANS page isn't automatically picking up FMS-supplied waypoint name data 2888: libcpdlc - altitude and speed display is doing incorrect rounding 2889: IRS study window wind component needs to be reversed and have proper alignment and units displayed 2890: TOC data shouldn't show on VNAV window 2891: TOD shouldn't show on VNAV window unless we're close to it 2893: Don't show TOC and TOD lines on FPLN PROG MFD DATA page when they're no longer relevant vertically 2894: Don't produce a vertical track alert when we're already below the TOD 2897: NRST APTS map symbols on AFDs need to respect the minimum runway length limit set in DEFAULTS 2900: Spurious APPR NOT AVAILABLE when an approach is marked for RNAV-any-sensor even though IRS is available 2901: Don't flash waypoint name on PFD when approaching it if FPLN sequencing is inhibited 2904: THRUST LIMIT page should show VERC label, not VFTO, during single-engine enroute climb or driftdown 2907: LPV approaches flown as RNP aren't bringing up the RNP ARM and RNP APPR messages 2913: Procedures with legs whose course is referenced to a LOC or ILS emitter's magvar are having the airport's magvar applied instead 2903: Non-applicable "Sit in Seat" menu items will now be disabled based on user location 2916: Add animation datarefs for ADG 2917: ADG drop at high speed stalls the turbine blades and doesn't come up to full speed 2920: Rename CL650/adg/phi dataref to CL650/adg/pitch 2922: Reacquisition of nav radio corrections after long period of no corrections doesn't wash out accumulated variance quickly enough 2923: FMS-FMS DISAGREE message mustn't compare the position of the non-active FMS 2921: FPLN with DEST only crashes when a departure runway is selected from arrival airport while on the ground 2924: LOC and VOR steering is too lethargic at larger distances 2925: Don't drop EPU when doing navaid retuning 2926: New tooltip system needs support for custom fonts with unicode characters 2928: Don't dump TACAN-colocated DMEs from the radio simulation 2929: Entering PAX/WT in one go doesn't correct convert LBS passenger weights, resulting in spurious INVALID ENTRY 2932: TERM WX VIEW page has carets on the wrong side when available airports overflow to the right-hand side 2933: Vertical prediction gives incorrect climb path for simple flight plan 2936: PL21 FMS FPL test program doesn't resolve airport and runway arguments to the "pos" command correctly 2937: Move climb mode variable into tighter scope in solve_vnav_clb_misap 2938: Don't hard-assert that we need elevation in FPL path solver 2939: Automatic VOR/DME updating facility shouldn't try to tune in TACANs 2941: Don't attempt radio corrections if the station is more than 45 degrees slant angle 2942: Don't post FMS DR and LOW POSITION ACCURACY messages when on the ground 2943: Radio correction distance misestimation due to altimetry errors and slant angle needs to be taken into account 2945: Manually setting position on the ground should set all FMCs at the same time 2946: In certain cases, going direct-to can cause the VNAV to enter descent mode prematurely 2947: When shortening procedures, update the TO side of the procedure line to reflect the new termination waypoint 2948: Doing a vertical direct-to to a CF leg that is also a lateral direct-to results in incorrect VDEV computation 2949: Disable IRS soft realign in preflight phase to avoid generating bogus alignments if the airplane starts moving 2950: Add extra FSCU table data for estimating very low AUX tank levels and aircraft is in an on-ground attitude 2951: Desensitize amber GNSS NOT AVAILABLE message so it doesn't always come up on the ground when powering up 2957: Creating or deleting custom states doesn't immediately sync the airframe database to persistent storage 2958: HUD rendering isn't stopping when the HUD combiner is stowed 2960: Refueling on uneven terrain can fail to hit the HL switch on the higher wing 2962: Add special case for abbreviated 833 frequency entry for 16xxx to 19xxx 2964: Reduced half bank isn't being used when it should 2961: Restore XP squawk code datarefs explicitly during a state restore 2968: ATS PIDs need to be reloaded from master config even on a state reload so we don't keep reusing old PID params 2970: Relax FPL deserialization when loading persistent disk FPLs in case the NAV DB has been changed or corrupted 2972: Optimize ARINC 429 code to avoid using avl_walk wherever possible 2973: Expose runpool profiling datarefs in non-debug builds 2974: Don't redraw cabin info screen when camera is far away from the airplane 2845: Chart zoom commands’ description is backwards 2980: Optimize PFD ADI drawing by removing explicit black outlining of certain text elements that aren't outlined on the real avionics 2979: EPU shouldn't be being drawn on compressed PFD 2978: Bearing display on compressed PFD doesn't fit vertically into the PFD 2981: Reduce Hoppie polling interval to 1 minute 2982: When DTG is unavailable on PFD, show it as 4 dashes, not dash-period-dash 2986: Show white NO APPR if a loc-check occurs during NAV-to-NAV setup 2997: Backup low speed cue in absence of Aux AOA signal should show enhanced red band instead of plain solid 3001: Refine autopilot pitch steering to get rid of "shaking" of yoke when AP is making large inputs 3005: LNV steering mode is prone to some oscillation at higher speed 3007: Bleed flow system mis-accounts bleed mass-flow demands, resulting in too high running ITTs 3011: Don't compute a TO N1 limit with 10th stage bleeds and anti-ice selected on 3008: Automatically check the respective minimums box when the DCP DATA knob is spun while setting REFS 3012: When baro minimums are selected, ALT SEL should snap to the baro mins value when rolled through it 3018: Update GPS Almanac URLs to new ones 3025: Implement variable rate trim commands from FCC as they should be PWM, not constant 3033: Extended no-manip section of cabin and fuselage to avoid clicking through to outside manipulators 3027: Pin missing on Nose Gear torque links (scissor links) 3030: Autopilot should be available when on EMER POWER ONLY 3021: Flying the KLEW ILS 04 from ENE w/HILPT causes a CTD when turning inbound 3029: At airport 3J7, the fueler is asking for liters when it should be asking for gallons 3037: Reduce min volts for most avionics modules to avoid a reset during a hard generator under-power trip 3042: VNAV direct-to shouldn't clear constraint class on intermediate legs if there is still a speed constraint on the leg 3043: VNAV phase can revert to CLB if TOD is constructed based off a descent constraint on an enroute leg 3045: "Requires Better Pushback" note on handling request form is misplaced vertically 3047: Hoppie """CPDLC""" likes to send lowercase in messages, so auto-uppercase everything 3048: Don't round BOW and AVG PASS WT values in defaults 3050: When left collector is nearly empty, ejector pump incorrectly over-calculates delivery pressure, causing APU cutout 3051: Arc legs can turn the wrong way if the aircraft intercepts at a steep angle and is outside of the arc start/end radial 3055: Entering wind component on TAKEOFF REF or APPROACH REF shouldn't zero the value if no H/T/P/M is given 3056: Permit fly-by of fix terminations if followed by intercept legs which would trigger before the fix termination 3057: Distance and radial terminated legs need to allow for fly-by unless explicitly tagged as overfly 3062: Don't allow fuel truck hookup with beacon light on 3064: Refine steering around tight arcs for RNP-AR approaches 3039: GPS doesn't correctly compensate for time-acceleration on velocity trends 3066: When an intercept leg overshoots an arc due to turn radii, prevent an intercept from happening on the far side of the arc 3067: Don't do direct-to joins on the next leg when a DF is followed by a TF 3072: Need support for RF legs with more than 270 degrees of arc 3071: LNAV should use rough altitude estimation to correct groundspeed and do turn prediction further down the FPL 3070: V-MDA PATH guidance isn't aiming at the runway or airport, but instead at the MAP 3073: AC ELEC page line from APU gen to APU data box should be filled green when APU gen is available and selected on 3074: Use previous pass VNAV altitudes for turn estimation during the LNAV construction pass 2190: Don't allow entering 3-digit abbreviated frequencies into COM tuning field 3076: Show INVALID CHANNEL instead of INVALID FREQUENCY on incorrect channel entry into COM tuning fields 3079: Vatsim """CPDLC""" sometimes uses CONTACT messages with reversed arguments 3078: SBAS integrity check should only be performed in LPV approach mode or on approaches where SBAS is mandatory 3082: Redesign VNAV phase determination to be much simpler and more reliable 3083: FMC2 checks the wrong GNSS side for disable status before using it 3085: VNAV SETUP transition alt/level entries should reflect the same value as used for the FL ALERT 3087: Hoppie """CPDLC""" messages can sometimes include a trailing " FT" part in altitude arguments 3089: Add additional detection of Hoppie logon rejections 3090: Reduce the engine vertical cant slightly to line up closer to technical docs 3093: AFD heading and engine data isn't being properly cleared out when the system is powered off 3094: Disabling FD should disable VNAV mode 3096: Need to handle Hoppie "MESSAGE NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS ATS UNIT" message 3099: Performing T/R check on the ground shouldn't cause the ATS to go FAIL, and only DISENG'D if active 3098: Deselecting TO mode on the ground should kill N1 TO ATS arming 3101: When ATS disengages automatically in landing mode, don't flash amber DISENG'D on the MSD 3104: Reduced bank angle heading control is unstable 3108: Refine GP mode steering when large trim changes are required due to flaps deployment and speed changes 3109: Don't attempt to process gear-related CAS messages from bad data when both PSEUs fail 3110: Parking brake config warning must come on when in the air or PSEU is failed 3106: ATS MSD should go blank after 7 seconds of SERVOTST 3112: Prevent removing a ground pin when the PSEU is attempting to move the corresponding actuator 3115: Refactor final VNAV path construction to start at the runway, not the FAF, except in case of V-MDA approaches 3122: Fix gap between top edge of overhead base and ceiling 3123: Arrivals with STAR terminating in vectors without a bottom altitude will fail to capture PATH mode 3124: VNAV doesn't stop on a level segment if the subsequent leg's altitude constraint is lower 3125: Entering a nonexistent airport into ORIGIN with no flight plan will crash 3126: Implement more route name entry validation 3127: Cruise speed determination is incorrectly converting m/s to knots and resulting in bad estimation when cruising below Mach 3128: Fixed gap between meshes in vertical stabilizer 3032: Fuel cap and forward equipment bay doors are missing lock/unlock decals 3015: 3 screws on radalt antenna on tail of aircraft are doubled-up and z-fighting 3133: Fixed gaps on rough section of power lever handles Normal Map. 3132: Don't allow loading pilot route directly into ACT FPLN while in the air 3134: If FMC groundspeed is momentarily invalid, it can cause FMC3 to crash Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    19 points
  11. Sneak peek for the regulars....and a form of update I guess. All the cabin/galley 3D geometry is done...I'm working my way through the cabin currently, adding / texturing the smaller details and tweaking the lighting. A few more days of this I suspect, then I'll hit the final punchlist and tests with Jan. An unknown....XP12 b06 is hitting us devs shortly with some rendering changes...hopefully it won't affect us too much, if at all. Fingers crossed. -tk
    18 points
  12. I would like to chime in here - I have worked with Tom on this over the last week intensively - previously I had test flown the 737 in XP12 (after we fixed the major roadblocks of even getting if flyable, like making the flaps work, etc.) and I had tuned the flight model. Tom worked hard on 3D modeling over the last months with little for me to do (I am too stupid for blender and those things) and now with him approaching the end of that work, I dove back into flight and system testing. The more I test, the more stuff shows up that does not work anymore, because Laminar changed things - and these changes are all improvements in modeling systems, yet they still leave our "old" way of doing/overriding them unusable. So in a very real way we have to redo a lot of the things we already did for XP11, it is not a quick conversion at all - and this is something we definitely underestimated when we initially said to "upgrade to XP12 for free". The move from XP11 to XP12 is not an upgrade, it is in many areas a repeat of the dev work work we already did for XP11. And I am thankful for most of our customers to be very understanding of the fact that we charge a small price to compensate us for this! I think the old 737-300 still has a lot of life in her, I thoroughly enjoy my "test flights" and find myself again and again to "just finish this approach" even though I was just testing some autopilot PID constant ... simply because it is fun to fly and looks great in XP12 . Cheers, Jan
    17 points
  13. Every operation will be somewhat different of course.... Once we complete the last leg of the day and the shutdown check is complete, one of us is immediately getting up out of the seat to open the cabin door and go verify chocks are in place, the nose doors are opened, and 5 pins are inserted. Of course if our last leg is a passenger leg - they are disembarked first. One pilot typically stays with them for the walk to the vehicles or the FBO - while the other pilot heads to the interior of the baggage compartment to pass the bags to line crew. That pilot then comes through the cabin to check for forgotten personal items - concluding with a thumbs up to the pilot adjacent the vehicles. If they walked inside - typically a text is sent between pilots that the cabin is clear (or isn't). At this point the pilot with the airplane will coordinate with the line crew re: required services - verifying chocks are in place - then retrieving the pins and inserting them. Different operations have different philosophies/standards regarding nose doors opened or closed. At our home base - we will always open the doors and insert 5 pins. Away from home while on the road we can exercise discretion to leave them closed. In a location with security concerns, or if there are any concerns regarding tugs, line crew, etc - we may elect to go with 3 pins and leave the doors closed. I'd say in our operation the doors are left open with 5 pins the majority of the time. Under no circumstance will we leave the nose doors open without inserting the 2 additional pins. Once pins are inserted and we're both back on the jet - it's time to start cleaning up and preparing for the next flight. Garbage is gathered, old coffee is dumped, drinks in the drawer with paper labels are removed from the ice bins - leftover catering is emptied from the chiller and either given to line crew as trash, as a gift, or to be stored in the FBO fridge. If the cabin needs to be vacuumed - we vacuum while power is still on. Tables and surfaces are cleaned at this point, seatbelts are cleaned and put back into presentation , the sinks and lav are cleaned and while this is happening - line crew is probably performing the lav service. Dishes and linens are given to line service as well. We like to keep power on until all of that is finished so we can check the lav - that enough (hopefully clean) water has been put back in and its back to smelling/looking fresh. We also have to restock from the storage drawers in back. Things like snacks, drinks, chips etc - all have to be replenished. If 15 minutes has gone by - one pilot is checking/servicing the oils in the utility bay. If temps will dip towards or below freezing - we purge the potable water system. This is often done at TOD depending on circumstances to avoid dumping 10 gallons of potable water on an FBO ramp which will turn into an iceberg. Water lines must be purged on the ground which is similar to prepping a recreational vehicle or boat for winter storage , minus the antifreeze, although there's different techniques there too. Sometimes during all of this we may also fuel for the next day's flight - circumstances of course dictate when we would do this as there are considerations to keep in mind leaving the jet with a lot of fuel. We also will consolidate crew baggage and put it in the baggage door opening in preps for offloading. We ensure the garbage, catering, fridge items, etc - are indeed all off. The parking brake at this point has probably long been released since chocks were verified - and the signs put in the cockpit windows indicating the jet is safe to tow. We verify one of us has recorded the 'numbers' from the FMS for the trip paperwork. (OFF/ON/FLIGHT times and OUT/IN Fuel) Suction cupped iPad mounts are removed from the windows, the Sentry is verified as off and packed up so it can be charged at the hotel if needed. If it was a night flight and next flight is day, and we're about to secure the airplane - lights will be brought back to a daytime config (full bright). If it's a hot and sunny location - cabin window shades are closed and cockpit reflective covers are put in place. We also have a pin to secure the emergency exit in the cabin that gets inserted. At this point we verify requested services have been received/completed and we check with the other crewmember or crewmembers that they are done with cabin power. From here one of us typically runs the securing checklist and shuts down the APU. But we aren't done yet. Our bags get unloaded at this point and we build our 'pile'. All external panels are locked. A thorough post flight walk-around is completed, typically by both of us. Covers are put on all 3 pitots, both ice detectors, the AOA cone and both AOA vanes. Both batteries are disconnected. Whichever pilot didn't do the cockpit securing - must 'check switches' to make sure all is where it should be. Now it is finally time to make sure everyone is 'done inside' and the door gets closed/locked - and now - we can walk into the FBO, or to our rental car which has been brought planeside. We check in at the CSR desk regardless - providing contact info, verifying the schedule and services requested. This is a great time to make sure we go over the 'stuff in the fridge, the lav service, hangar arrangements, etc etc'. Only after this is all done do we leave the airport and head to the hotel where the trip PIC does 'the paperwork' which in our operation is electronic and must be submitted in a reasonable amount of time after the flight. At home base our operation has a cleaning service that will take care of many of the above tasks, and since another leg often isn't happening the next day - we're off the airplane pretty quickly. Hope this helps understand some of the things that go into this side of the business. On an international arrival after a long day mid-trip- it wouldn't be uncommon for the crew to take 30-45 minutes to do all of the above correctly.
    17 points
  14. Hello All, This will serve as an official announcement that we have released update version 1.7 for the CL650. All customers who have purchased the CL650 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the CL650 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.7 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php  2. Find your original Challenger 650 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: === Release highlights & New features === Implemented two-pilot shared cockpit Please review the included CL650 Shared Cockpit Quick Start Guide PDF Added support for X-Plane 12 for all platforms VHF COM frequency formats shouldn't allow omitting leading '1' digit You will now need to enter the leading '1' digit in radio frequency entries on the TUNE page. Leaving out the decimal point is still allowed though. DES ADVISORY If the flight plan doesn't contain any suitable descent constraints from which the FMS could anchor a descent, it will no longer give you a "TOD" point. It will instead give you a green "DES" circle on the flight plan, with a green "DES ADVISORY" in the MFD VNAV window. This is just the FMS taking a rough stab at guessing approximately where you should start your descent, so that you end up 1,500 ft AGL at 10nm from the destination airport. It will not: give you a vertical deviation from this path, capture VPATH give you a TOD indication, or aural vertical track alert This is it basically taking a guess, in absence of more accurate data Remove custom atmospheric model on XP12 On X-Plane 12, the custom CL650 atmospheric model has been removed, since X-Plane 12 now implements temperature effects on altimetry natively. Consequently, there is no option to disable temperature effects in X-Plane 12 when flying online anymore. These effects are always on. Be sure to use the latest xPilot betas when flying XP12 on Vatsim to make sure your altimeter is being reported correctly. MIC selector should enable audio even if monitoring pushbutton is deselected Even when you didn't push in the volume control knob on a radio, if your MIC selector is set to that radio, you will still hear the audio. HUD shouldn’t show selected speed in FLC or FPM in VS The HUD FMAs will no longer show the speed target for FLC or the FPM target for VS. The real HUD doesn't show them, so we removed them. Don't show ACT FPLN on EFIS when CDU is on SEC FPLN pages When SEC FPLN, SEC LEGS or any secondary flight plan-related path is displayed on the CDU, the on-side PFD & MFD will show the secondary flight plan on their map displays only. === 3D model fixes & improvements === 3D & texturing: Fixed texture issues on all liveries present with the updated mesh for the ADG door. Made some adjustments to other areas with substance painters new and extra bake maps Fixed gear bay texture issues Nose Gear Bay - Fixed incorrectly mapped object and fixed textures Fixed visible window shade behind wall light mounts Fixed incorrect mapping on DC Power door. Fixed one antenna not joining onto fuselage. Added indicator line to HUD knob. Added bumps to EVS knob. Fixes to LIT texture. Added missing “LIGHTING” text to lower lighting panels Glareshield: Moved object centre to 0, 0, 0 to fix mirrored object that was nudged to the left Cockpit Object: Plugged hole in main entry door manipulator Cockpit Interior: Closed gap behind circuit breakers on left side Shuttle: Low poly version and textures Fixed excessive shine on decals Fixed glareshield artifacts in textures. Increased width of windshield centre pillar. Fixed ATS DISC button parenting problem on left thrust lever New sun visors, textures and new visor animations. Exterior Fuelling Panel - Fixed LITs and test button manipulator. Wing Textures - Fixed ambient occlusion issues under wings Wing Textures - Fixed ambient occlusion issue on fore flaps Fixed weird ambient occlusion on 4 of the flap tracks. === Bugfixes === 3137: Overshoot arrows on secondary flight plans should be drawn blue, not white 3150: ILS approaches with magvar to the west and CF legs have their leg courses incorrectly computed 3183: Editing airframe registration in initial startup screen trips an assertion check for a bad airframe index 3185: Hydraulic actuator drag simulation was buggy, causing pulsing of nose gear door when depressurized and commanded to move 3187: Implement configurable network proxying for users with VPNs 3199: Nose door opening/closing sounds were reversed after nose door hydraulics refactor 3208: Netlink round-trip calculation overflows after 71.5 minutes 2335: VNAV CRUISE LRC is producing bunk speed values 3161: Only generate random MSNs starting at 6050 3209: Add datarefs for reading the current airframe regmark, selcal, MSN and UUID 3211: CTD when activating the approach while already on the approach leg 3216: Add extra assertion information into libswitch 3218: APU hobbs display isn't being synced over to guest 3210: CTD when entering LGKR as departure airport on macOS 3233: APUFAULT panel hobbs counter is incorrectly being reset to 0 when the ECU is depowered 3234: In case Navigraph chart subscription is renewed while MFD charts are displayed, the MFD will crash 3240: Implement fallback FCC VOR, LOC and GS mode reference distances for gain scheduling in case DME hold is set 3253: If libswitch didn't yet record a replay frame at the current time, don't assert fail 3257: Engine thermalization can run away into negative infinity if a non-zero shaft load is used during thermalization 3258: MIC selector should enable audio even if monitoring pushbutton is deselected 3221: Populate more PERF data from SimBrief during FPLN RECALL 3263: Reverse idle shouldn't spool throttle up by 6% 3262: DF leg sequences too early on ILS26 Missed Approach at EIKY 3222: Short circuit DC BUS 2 via failures menu CTDs 3264: FPLN RECALL is using too tight timeout for simbrief XML fetch 3265: Add options to customize payload, fuel and avionics in non-persistent mode 3267: CPDLC assertion logger isn't being properly set up 3268: libcpdlc crashes if multiple ATC messages pulled in one fetch contain a END SERVICE followed by more invalid messages 3269: Flap motor 2 failure is mislabeled as "overheat" 3270: Weird phrasing for collector tank in fuel system visualizer tooltip 3271: FMS should auto-switch to true heading when magnetic heading from IRSes becomes unavailable 3272: TAWS terrain rendering can induce periodic sim stutter when rendering large numbers of tiles are being drawn 3273: Automatic F/O volume isn't being restore from saved user settings 3274: Flight plan ETD edit wasn't being properly finalized with fmc_fpl_done_edit 3275: Typo in failure manager spelling for "cockpit floor" 3276: Use armed/active checkboxes in failure manager as logical AND with the name search, not logical OR 3278: ALT_DESC_AT_GS_FAF is using the wrong altitude field for drawing the constraint on the MFD 3279: Don't allow APU ECU to introduce fuel before at least 13% NG is achieved 3280: Inserting mod from a CPDLC UM80 message while in the air causes a crash 3293: Switch to double-precision floating point math for XP12 compatibiity 3294: XP12 requires adjustment to gear leg length to make the airplane look correct 3295: Implement XP12 rain effect 3149: TO waypoint should blink on PPOS map when we're getting close to sequencing 3303: XP12 fuselage drag is too high 3305: DataRefTool seems to attempt to read CL650/glass/heat_on array with bad length and crashes 3304: HUD shouldn’t show selected speed in FLC or FPM in VS 3306: 1/2BNK and DR lettering on HUD must use the same large font size as the active lateral mode FMA 3308: HUD glass could use a bit of darkening on XP12 3319: Add uncommanded flap motion failures 3281: Takeoff Reference Indicator Line should appear at rotation not 50 ft 3312: Flap limiting speed should be derived from handle position, not actual flap position 3322: Entering random stuff into FMS STATUS ACTIVE DATA BASE line when no SEC DATA BASE is installed crashes 3314: XP12 cloud layers can have equal base & tops, leading to an iter_fract assertion failure 3324: Implement APPR FOR REF ONLY FMS message 3329: Remove custom atmospheric model on XP12 3330: Retune X-Plane 12 drag model 3325: PATH mode shouldn't be available outside of FMS NAV SRC 3327: Spurious CHK SBAS SVC PVRDR message due to X-Plane nav data format change 3334: Remove altimetry temperature compensation UI elements from X-Plane 12 build 3335: Use global X-Plane 12 airspace files in IFIS airspace when available 3336: Failed TRUs shouldn't be colored on the Electrical Network screen as an active source anymore 3337: CTD due to assertion idx < fpl_get_num_rt_lines(fpl) failed in insert_via 3339: Clamp stall IAS computation at 40 knots 3310: Don't show ACT FPLN on EFIS when CDU is on SEC FPLN pages 3341: Clamp FSCU computation outputs 3338: Make ACARS network provider configurable per airframe 3342: APU negative G fuel path misaccounts fuel feeding when left collector is empty 3344: Avoid showing ATS N1 TO together with FAIL if reloading into an avionics-on state 3345: FMS-FMS N1 DISAGREE message should only show on active FMCs and cross-compare between active FMCs 3346: MACH failbox isn't showing up properly when Mach data from ADC isn't available 3348: Lock out GPS position when traveling significantly over M1.0 3350: Don't cross-compare vspeeds to standby FMS 3355: Inserting a direct-to doesn't perform proper flight plan post-processing 3356: Direct-to should construct a minimum leg length of 5 miles 3359: Current-leg TTG algorithm should simply use linear distance to the terminating fix, instead of along-track distance 3360: Implement special FAF sequencing criteria 3361: Implement UNABLE RNP FAF MAP message 3357: Approaches should draw a 15 NM line from the runway along the runway extended centerline 3365: Pushing TOGA should clear VNAV submode 3367: Runway waypoint should flash when we're about to sequence through them OpenGPWS#4: X-Plane 12 includes 1-bit earth orbit normal maps, generating nuisance warnings 3368: ALTS should recapture immediately when altitude pre-select hasn't been moved and a vertical mode is selected 3363: Popups don't match cockpit brightness in XP12 3362: Auto brightness in XP12 for iPad at night 3354: CTD when selecting option 76 TAWS 3373: Implement automatic cruise altitude determination from ALT SEL value 3144: Activating DME HOLD should force nav tuning mode to MAN and lock out AUTO 3372: X-Plane 12 apt.dat introduced a change to row code 1302 country to include the 3-letter country code in the data 3375: MFD TAKEOFF & APPROACH REFERENCE data window should automatically select based on on-ground/in-air state 3376: HUD should show AT FAIL instead of the second MSD line when MSD is showing a failure flag 3379: Don't block deicing when there's ice on the wings, regardless of outside temperature 3380: NAV CONTROL page didn't check for DME hold before toggling auto tuning 3382: FMC on-ground state should be toggled by WoW first, airspeed second 3383: Thrust modes APR, CLB, CRZ and MCT shouldn't be selectable while on the ground 3385: Refactor FMC key handling to only emit KEY NOT ACTIVE when there's an explicit reason for it 3384: Standby FMC determination doesn't work correctly when nav source isn't any FMS 3387: Cabin display system needs to be using buses LB/RB-IOC-7 not LB/RB-IOC-1 3381: Radio CONTROL toggles should be cyan, not green 3369: Nav radios start up in manual tuning regardless of previous state 3389: NRST APTS should be drawn in magenta, not cyan 3392: PPOS map should draw line of FROM leg, not just its terminator symbol 3391: Refactor FPL drawing for proper vertical stacking of elements and runway extended centerline 3395: Leg constraint type auto-picker algorithm needs to be changed and user prompting implemented 3394: Refactor CL650 menu to use bindable commands for popup windows, instead of custom menu handling 3398: Vertical mode should stay in TO after LNAV becomes active 3399: SELCAL gets stuck in cleared state once xpilot or ivao keyline-out is triggered once 3378: RA appears on HUD when on ground 3400: FPL shouldn't draw preceding leg if it was constructed 3402: Coded turn direction can get ignored when doing nearly a 180 degree turnaround and crosswind present 3401: FPL drawing can show turnaround flag in blue instead of the correct color 3403: Pushing AP ENG button when AP is on is causing a disengage and immediate reengage of the AP 3406: CMU DSP and roaming configuration is incorrectly being applied to the currently loaded airframe 3408: RNAV 24 at EDNY is causing the FMC to not transition into the LPV APPR mode correctly 3397: APTS map symbols should display "all" airports in range 3404: NEAREST APTS map symbols should be limited to 5 closest airports 3409: DIRECT-TO NEAREST AIRPORTS page needs minor layout tweaks 3410: Change byte-array word layout can cause crash when reloading an old state file with the old word layout 3411: NRST APTS must change DEST airport and for runways insert a RWY approach with a 5 mile extension 3405: Dual-generator loss causes monitored AP disconnect because the SSM momentarily isn't receiving power 3412: Passing the last waypoint on the flightplan doesn't clear the TTG value and the TO waypoint continues flashing 3413: The TO waypoint of a MOD FPLN shouldn't flash during sequencing 3418: Default state for APTS map symbols should be “OFF” 3415: DIRECT TO NEAREST AIRPORTS page title should be moved one column to the right 3148: 8.33 kHz channels should not require trailing zero to be entered into COM fields 3419: Context-sensitive ACT/SEC FPLN selection isn't correctly following the relevancy of the currently displayed FMS page 3420: PPOS map should show SEC FPLN 3421: MFD window isn't showing decimals when distances are <100NM 3422: PPOS wheel 5-degree increment ticks need to be shorter by 2 pixels 3416: Adding an origin to flight plan causes a duplicate entry on DIRECT TO NEAREST AIRPORTS page 3428: Refactor MFD ADV functionality to more closely follow real avionics 3430: Tech specs IRS gyro random noise walk seems overestimated compared to real world IRS performance 3432: Stock training scenarios are incorrectly using absolute altitude instead of height above ground for triggers 3414: DIRECT-TO NEAREST AIRPORTS's MIN RWY doesn't reset to default on FMS cold start 3424: Vertical constraints above transition should show as FLxxx on map 3434: Fallback LOC distance estimation isn't using RA and is set too low, resulting in lethargic steering 3283: PPOS PFD should be replaced by CDI when using VOR/LOC nav source 3437: CTD due to assertion "item_ref != NULL" when clicking the parent of any submenu in the Challenger menu 3440: LNAV turn prediction at high altitude ignores half-bank limits 3439: When in a hold, a coded VNAV speed constraint should be applied at all times, not just when inbound to the hold fix 3441: Implement UNABLE FPLN ALT cautions and VNAV constraint reachability checks 3438: RWY UPDATE should be present on LEGS page when on the ground 3442: DESCENT INFO page needs multiple formatting fixes since manual references were inaccurate 3443: MFD VNAV window should show amber constraints when UNABLE FPLN ALT is shown for the associated leg 3318: Crash when LWR MENU is showing MAP SYMBOLS and LWR FRMT is cycled to TCAS map while we are shared cockpit host 3152: Failures.txt: ATS servo description incorrect 3151: VFLC doesn't auto-initiate at BOC in missed approach when no more at-or-below constraints exist 3446: Reduce the missed approach target height to 1500ft and refine the missed approach leg search algorithm 3143: Inputing DELETE to COM/PRESET LSKs on TUNE page should give INVALID CHANNEL 3450: V-speeds deselected on takeoff 3458: VNAV path constructed to be too shallow on long flight plans 3460: Approach is showing RWY vertical constraint for the missed approach start leg 3454: MFD quick access memories should store map symbol selections 3452: WINDS ALOFT VIEW page right-hand lines have their caret pointing to the wrong side 3451: RA on HUD should be in fixed position when on ground 3461: HUD should show TCAS OFF 3463: EGKK DISI1G->ILS26L sequence causes spurious CRS REVERS IN FPLN message 3284: Missing GEAR DISAGREE CAS caution when trying to retract the gear with hydraulic system 3 leak 3464: Dropping a new leg onto a procedure with an IF should implicitly connect to the procedure and convert the IF->TF 3465: Performing a leg shorten to the initial fix of a (VECTORS) transition approach doesn't clear the direct-to state of the IAF 3466: Add Marshall Islands as well as Midway and Wake Island to list of territories using gallons as fuel quantities 3468: Use-after-free bug causes crash when inserting a leg before a discontinuity 3469: RWY UPDATE should be shown even when the FPLN only contains the origin runway and nothing else 3470: Single press of DEP/ARR should show DEPARTURE page when on the ground, regardless if DEST is entered 3474: GCU 2 is miswired to use GEN 1 current measurement 3476: Implement missing NO VPATH-PILOT CMD system 3478: Intercept fly-by check shouldn't produce UNABLE TO SEQ FPLN message 3480: APPR FOR REF ONLY shouldn't be shown when flying the missed approach 3481: LSK 6R on LEG DATA should go to LEG WIND, not LEGS 3475: GCU tie bus overcurrent protection is broken 3477: V-MDA approaches should stop constructing VPATH after FAF and AFCS should drop to VPTCH 3483: Need support for detecting XP AIRAC cycle on XP12 versions of navdata 3486: Offset leg segments linger behind on FROM leg even after OFFSET is changed or terminated 3487: LEGS page should show (DIR) for DF legs even when not encoding any mandatory turn direction 3491: Per-leg VPA entry should only be applied to that leg and not uptrack ones 3492: Uptrack coded leg VPA should be ignored when determining VPA limits for the current leg 3498: Attempting TOC construction on V-MDA final leg crashes 3499: FAF station passage altitude criterion was missing 3000 ft buffer 3500: Intercept sequencing can fail if the intercept overshoots the target leg before meeting track alignment criterion 3490: LP approaches shouldn't be flown angular since the avionics doesn't support them and they're marked as RNP in ARR DATA 3505: NO VPATH-VECTORS doesn't get cleared once the vectoring leg is passed 3506: VNAV path constructor needs to consider holds a discontinuity 3512: DC GPU cannot be manipulated using hand signals menu or removed when FBO SVC is in enroute state 3508: Implement missing transponder CAS messages 3516: Transponder failures missing in failure manager under 23-Comm 3517: Amber DC ESS BUS message shouldn't show on the ground 3518: Add the white DATALINK FAIL CAS message 3519: OUTBD and INBD BRAKE PRESS CAS shouldn't appear when DC BUS 2 is unpowered 3520: MFD radio control block needs to show cached tuning data in amber when radios are unavailable 3522: HF radio channel NVRAM saving and loading was completely broken 3521: CDU TUNE page data shouldn't be removed when radios become unavailable, only change color to amber 3523: XPDR 2 failure was actually failing XPDR 1 3524: NAV radio needs an outright failure that will simply make it go amber on the tuning panels 3525: When DME radio is failed, show its frequency in small amber font even when last state was in hold 3526: Normalize heading datarefs on XP12 on the front-end to work around X-Plane 12 giving negative heading values 3528: FANS UM80 shouldn't clear out PERF INIT data 3527: FANS direct-to doesn't arm the direct-to auto-update system to recompute the turn intercept at EXEC 3529: Refactor PPOS hold recompute algorithm to remove the need for explicit arming 3530: Refactor VNAV constraint determination code to get rid of broken constraint corner cases 3531: Long press on oil servicing panel test button should turn FULL lights off while held down for more than 2 seconds 3532: Regression - gear animations broken in replay 3533: FSCU channel 2 data wasn't being routed to the EFIS and FDCU 3514: Implement custom Rosen sunvisor animations and interaction 3472: Landing, taxi, strobe and nav light cores, flares and LIT textures appear too dim in XP12 3540: Don't perform UNABLE FPLN ALT checks on vectoring legs 3534: Refactor vertical direct-to functionality to match the real avionics 3539: HUD should show RNP value next to ldev scale just like the PFD 3509: Rename CAS message: DATALINK to DATALINK ACARS 3425: CTD due to EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in chart_download_multi 3542: FSU isn't correctly using the user's proxy settings for chart downloads 3543: Don't allow GP without VNAV being active 3544: Drop PATH and GP if VNAV is removed 3286: ATS shouldn't engage if the throttles are set above the current N1 limit 3545: TCAS is incorrectly entering SL4 due to slightly negative RA reading 3546: Inhibit beacon flashing animation when view is inside cabin to avoid beacon light from cutting through fuselage in XP12 3548: Add native ARM64 build to macOS port 3554: Implement retrieval of the alternate airport from simbrief flight plans during FPLN RECALL 3555: Refactor autopilot "holding" CAS messages to make it possible to detect persistent user inputs 3549: Magenta altitude constraint display on PFD & HUD should show nearest constraint, not the path BOD 2653: ATS indicator lights not responding correctly to bright/dim switch. 3558: Implement workaround for XP12 bug where radalt will fail if the terrain height probe is at >0 elevation 3562: FD 1/2 FAIL CAS messages weren't triggering on FCC failure 3561: XP11 model is missing HUD glass 3564: Refine in-range checklist tooltip and procedure to clarify that the TGT limit needs to be activated, not just set 3565: Add a supplement to CL650 Operations Reference describing how to conduct steep approaches 3566: Make deicing fluid color more vivid to be closer to reality 3567: Don't perform UNABLE FPLN ALT check on final approach segment 568: At-or-below climb constraint in missed approach can lead to spurious UNABLE FPLN ALT due to path construction quantization 3569: Brake energy MTOW limit table is incorrectly truncated at -25C 3570: Descent vpath construction climbs too high when there's a hold in the arrival or approach 3572: AFCS 1/2 INOP and FD 1/2 FAIL CAS messages weren't implemented properly 3560: Attempting to enter OFFSET when the FROM leg is preceded by a discontinuity crashes 3574: L/R FUEL LO TEMP CAS messages should only come on in the air 3429: (Re-)Connecting guest to shared cockpit overrides radio freqs including squawk 3575: Remove superfluous wind_turbulence_percent dataref lookup to silence XP12 warnings about is deprecation 3576: DIFF PRESS CAS message should trigger at 9.07 PSID, not 9.0 PSID 3578: DCU CAS triggers for ATA-27 should use canned bus power check macros 3579: Refine DCU CAS triggers for ATA-28 3580: Refine DCU CAS triggers for ATA-29 3581: Window heat test implementation was being too smart and wouldn't fail when tested on LOW or in hot weather 3582: Refine DCU CAS triggers for ATA-30 3586: Netlink keeps counting TCP link RTT up 3587: Refine A/SKID CAS message triggers to trip in the air, even when parking brake is set 3588: IRS POWER FAULT CAS messages need to trigger even when primary power input fails 3589: L|R FUEL LO PRESS cAS should be triggerable on the ground after all 3590: Add binds to PilotEdge, xPilot and Ivao client network transmit commands to operate the yoke-mounted PTT R/T switch 3591: Deicer should respond even if ACP receive button isn't pushed, if the mic position is matched to the radio on the ACP 3593: Race condition in replay worker accessing non-lock-protected global variable, resulting in potential crash during replay 3594: When current leg is a PPOS hold or direct-to, don't rebuild the leg after the initial edit is completed 3597: TAKEOFF and APPROACH REF entries on standby FMS should yield KEY NOT ACTIVE 3596: Do not recompute VSPDs after they have been sent 3598: Add simulation of pitot probe turbulence near the ground 3595: OpenWXR shouldn't attempt to look up temperature_tropo_c in XP12 3602: Active fpln offset should draw as dashed line on map (same as mod fpln) 3603: Offset entry field should support more formats as per manual 3604: Offset entry text should always show one decimal place 3605: OFFSET WILL END message shown on non-nav source CDU(s) 3606: OFFSET TERMINATED should not show when offset manually cancelled 3608: Offset should be removed from SEC FPLN when an active-sec swap is performed 3611: OFFSET CDU message flag should be able to coexist with MSG line 3613: DCU dual power supply implementation was broken 3614: DC ESS BUS power line "hockey stick" from APU BATT DIR BUS isn't shown correctly due to bad DC ESS SS CTCR state acquisition 3496: Stock failure scenario 1 - triggers are incorrect 3497: Stock failure scenario 5 - incorrect event triggers 3615: Stock failure scenario 2 - incorrect event triggers 3616: Stock failure scenario 4 - incorrect event triggers Fixed texturing issues on wing tips and strobe light mount 3617: Disable custom ground effect tweaks on XP12 3618: Refactor aileron PCU jam indication on the MFD FLT synoptic to avoid spurious jam indications 3619: Shorten ELEVATOR SPLIT trip delay to 1 second 3620: libacfutils - Don't stop reading chart PDF to PNG data on non-Windows when partial read is done. 3627: Do not generate UNABLE FPLN ALT on altitude-terminated legs 3625: HA legs should immediately sequence through if they become active and the altitude constraint is met 3629: FMS SEC FPLN data routing rework broke pause-at-TOD 3631: AFCS 2 pops CB1-M2 when FCC 1B is attempting to actively steer 3632: Negative d_alt in VOR slant angle computation can result in arithmetic error in distance computation 3633: Toggling FDs when very near the capture altitude can crash due to timing issue in FD pitch target not being initialized yet 3634: PI legs start course is computed incorrectly, leading to VNAV constraint picking issues 3635: Descent VNAV path shouldn't be capped by descent legs that were duplicated due to reselecting a STAR or IAP 3636: Allow PATH capture from the VNAV CLB phase 3637: Remove C-chord and flashing altitude constraint when going to level at it - doesn't happen in the real plane 3638: Gear horn trigger conditions when ROD: any should only sound when VS<0 fpm 3639: AIRAC cycle validity end date should show last valid day, not first invalid day 3081: DES ADVISORY missing from VNAV window and DES point from MFD PPOS MAP 3641: Lateral path constructor wasn't applying implict overfly rule to CD, CR, FD, VD and VR legs 3643: Deleting the leg preceding a (VECT) leg should generate a non-clearable discontinuity 3644: fpl_ser has superfluous assertion check which can crash if the leg preceding a TOD/DES has no vnav crossing alt 3107: MFD navigation data progress window should not show (DIR) as last waypoint passed 3646: Add data mode toggle to COM CONTROL page for data-enabled COM radios 3647: Oat on thrust limit page should change to n1 sat in air 3649: Shorten post-takeoff measured OAT switch delay from 45 seconds to 25 seconds 3648: CDU tune and control pages should show com frequencies to 1khz precision regardless of tuning mode 3650: DES ADVISORY doesn't change to TOD when the final leg of a flight plan is not a MAP but has a hard constraint suitable for VPATH 3651: VNAV direct-to doesn't correctly assign a DES constraint class if the target leg doesn't have a constraint class already 3652: FCC should allow VPATH capture in any lateral mode not just NAV 3653: LPV GP shouldn't be being blended into baro VPATH if we're coming in on a mode other than VPATH 3654: VHF COM frequency formats shouldn't allow omitting leading '1' digit 3658: Description code 2 "B" wasn't being checked everywhere for fly-over conditions 3659: Added new anti-icing procedures on descent to the operations reference manual 3661: Allow up to 45 degree angle-of-divergence on hold entries to better fit within the allotted hold size 3662: Zero-length hold leg crashes when attempting to fly the outbound leg 3664: Add "CLEARED TO" variant of ACARS PDCs from Hoppie 3669: Flaps underdriven to slight negative angles causes relative AoA computation to use max flaps setting notch, not min 3675: Increase assumed VOR angular standard deviation in position sensor fusion to 1.4 deg to match RTCA DO-180A section 3676: Reduce DME FOM to 0.1NM and maximum distances to 140NM to comply with RTCA DO-236C appendix C-3 3681: Do not auto-connect procedures even with matching waypoints if they have non-matching constraints 3679: Do not round speed constraint entries to the nearest 5 knots 3683: Do not perform turn anticipation onto CF legs with course reversal to avoid invalid early sequencing 3684: Clamp turn midpoint angle determination to a maximum of 160 degrees to avoid incorrect triggering on course reversals 3687: Retune autopilot flap deployment pitch preload to better match attitude changes in Ops reference 3688: Update CL650 Operations Reference manual to latest state 3690: Release ADG uplock even when handle is pulled only 3/4 of the way 3694: ATS engage lamps appear blown out when tested at night even when set to DIM 3678: Editing altitude constraints on final approach legs should be allowed 3702: Holds need to use a manually entered leg constraint as the speed target for sizing if one is present 3703: FCC should give the active vertical mode a brief grace period of 0.25s to regain valid input data before dropping the mode 3704: Disarm APR mode when a thrust mode other than TO or FLX is selected 3709: Coded turn completion needs a wider angle to allow for steep intercept of the turn target leg 3706: ISI spill light isn't being updated when the ISI is off 3715: Changing NAV freq via CCP flip-flop doesn't erase the CDU tune-by-ID Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    16 points
  15. I absolutely understand the anticipation you must be feeling as you wait for this release! It's a thrilling time for all of us, and I can assure you that our team is diligently working away to bring it to you. We're following the latest update from Tom just last week, so everything is still on track. Please keep an eye on our announcements, and we'll make sure to keep you informed as soon as there's news to share. Your patience and excitement mean a lot to us, and we're eager to deliver something fantastic for you!
    16 points
  16. Tom and I met at FSExpo last weekend and planned the final steps we need to take before release.
    16 points
  17. slow but steady on the lighting...this is cabin emergency lighting. XP12 has really opened up new opportunities with its lighting engine, though a learning process. Trying to balance lighting effects for a natural look across multiple x-plane 3D objects with multiple light sources is an exercise is patience for sure, but as a simmer since 1981, I can't say I mind. It fascinates me how far these graphics have evolved. -tkyler
    16 points
  18. I REALLY don´t want this thread to devolve into the same old same old "my sim is better than your sim" discussion. We X-Plane people don´t care how many copies MSFS sells (maybe a little bit, the more the better since it introduces people to the flightsim genre that might try X-Plane as well later on), we only care about how many copies we sell and if those are enough to cover our cost and make us enough money to keep doing this. We could make a LOT more money coding some farm game where you can raise pigs or plant barley, but we like making airplanes better.
    15 points
  19. Well the MU-2 detour work didn't help.....but beyond that, in the world of custom engineering / design work, there are unknowns in the process. Perhaps the results we are able to get out of x-plane might not be what we want and we have to backtrack and try different techniques, or we make conscious choices to implement things we didn't plan on implementing initially. May be the software we use is giving us fits (*cough Substance Painter). In estimating efforts for stuff like this, I like to call such targets, "personal carrots" we dangle in front of our own faces to keep us moving and motivated. I can reel off a large list of custom efforts that went well beyond time and cost estimates ....by Boeing, NASA, Icon aircraft, Cirrus, Space-X ...really smart folks with billions of bucks to work with etc...so it just comes with the territory. We're happy when we get it right...and just keep our heads down when we don't. One example though....we have working cabin doors. You can open these doors via the GUI by clicking a checkbox to have the doors open/close. BUT....I guarantee some folks will want to open these doors more like the real thing, by grabbing the handles and rotating them. So....I put that feature in, and it was a bit more work than clicking my heels together 3 times....and when I did that, now the checkboxes via the GUI need to reflect the door state if opened by mouse first. If you open the door halfway with the mouse and then open the GUI dialog....what do you see then, what should the checkboxes show? What feels natural and logical? This disconnect between possible actuation methods caused animating 'jumps' and I had to run a bunch of tests to see what worked and felt logical and natural, and add custom code to handle all that and it just added some extra time, etc. But in the end, I know that the customers that like to move stuff with the mouse will be happy and those that don't care can still use the checkboxes. But until I tried it, I wasn't exactly sure what worked best. I have to view the interactivity in this example from the perspective of a LOT of customers with different preferences and expectations. In the end, its a win-win for all customers, at the expense of my time estimate being delayed because I decided to add in a feature I didn't before, etc. There's been a few other areas regarding lighting that didn't quite work out like I hoped, eating up too many FPS and I had to backtrack and make some changes there also. Until I tried it though, I wasn't sure what the performance cost would be..and the alternative method turned out to be quite a bit of work. So...its stuff like this that stretches the time estimates. Your comment though, that you love the product gives me confidence that my choices when doing the work are mostly the right ones, and taking the time to do it right, even if it goes past my estimates, are usually worth it. -tkyler
    15 points
  20. 15 points
  21. A freighter version for the -400 has potential because the workload to produce that is "relatively" light. The -500, being a shorter variant would require a much more laborious effort to change both the 3D and the flight model, being geometrically disparate...and the return on investment in that, I believe, probably would not justify the efforts. While I think a freighter variant would appeal to a statistically smaller set of customer use cases, I recognize that there is still a place for it...and so I do want to do a -400 freighter at some point. ..and yes, I'm still working on the 733 every day...my carpel tunnel and "tennis elbow" remind me constantly. I think I can safely say at this point that we'll definitely put out a more informative report this week on whats going on with the development. -tkyler
    15 points
  22. its a fancy way of saying "reprogramming". We use a very old XML data format for our navigation data for the FMS...and we are wanting to move to XPlane's 'V11' navdata format , which is bit more modern with regard to flight plan leg types. So I have to "reprogram" all my code that parses these navdata files. You can expect a new 3D exterior at some point. Its my goal to make the IXEG as 'modern' as can be, similar to the MU2, so that it can be viable for many years to come. It takes a while, but if done right, it also lasts a while. And squeezing in a 'pop-report', I'll be wrapping up the last of the 'port +' visual mods today and focusing on the last few items in our todo list. I have a 10 day break for Oshkosh here beginning in about a week, but right after, we'll start the packaging for deployment process. I'll post a more in-depth video tomorrow morning ~ish (GMT-6) on the visual improvements...till then, here's the rear galley lighting. -tk
    14 points
  23. Thanks for all the sentiments and kind words. I myself am happy to be working on X-Plane full time and will strive to continue to do so. I can 'partially' sympathize with those who are...lets say...."on the fence" to put it nicely, regarding upgrade costs for software development, as I myself am one of those old-timers who came from what I like to call the "golden age of software" where it would obviously be great to buy it once and get upgrades forever, but as it stands, I now have at least 4 software subscriptions to software, billed every month, that is constantly evolving and some don't have the 'obvious features' I want and I understand it now as a developer. It used to be we could model a few polygons, slap a photo texture and we're done, because that's all the technology could handle. Now I have to model a few million polygons, slice them up and lay them all out neatly and texture them all and it takes a lot longer than it used to. I never had to worry about detail lighting before because X-Plane didn't have it, now its a whole "lighting pass" by itself. Same for sound engineering, etc. The technology has expanded a lot faster than the market. For those of us who remember playing Sublogic / Microsoft Flight Sim in 1981....we've come a long way technologically and I for one love it! The growth comes with some pains. I'll note that X-Plane dev requires more specialized knowledge now and finding folks with that knowledge and time is quite hard to find so its a challenge to execute what we now have the ability to produce. After nearly 20+ years of messing about with X-Plane, the important thing, I believe, is to keep moving and there've been some 'not insignificant' sacrifices in the background so that we can keep moving on this X-Plane work...as niche as it is. Its defininitely a labor of love and we all have to live with who we are. I figure if I can do what I love, I'll never work a day .....but I do need a paycheck to keep at it. I appreciate everyone out there who understands that. Thanks again. Back at it. -tkyler
    14 points
  24. Today some high altitude flightmodel testing for the conversion. The picture shows steady state at FL350 and M.74 with 46.000kgs. Book values (official POH) are: 82.8%N1 and 1009kg/h FF.
    14 points
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Hotstart Challenger 650 | R&J Air (Laminar Blue)| N1219L Tested for X-Plane 12 only. Normals may look weird on 11!!! Enhanced texturing including - New cockpit windshield - Improved aircraft fuselage normals - Improved riveting - Improved engine exhaust and intake - Tuned glossiness - Tuned cabin windows Please respect my work. Copying/Modification is not permitted. Happy flying!
    13 points
  26. Getting close to next patch. As Q8 mentioned, the Preflight menu was a "step back", but I still contend we had to take that step back to take some steps forward. So in the next patch, the following GUI will be avail on the PREFLIGHT tab. From this GUI, you'll be able to set the start state as usual (via the RESTART button + checkbox state). Also the quick "Plan fuel calculator" for quick fuel calcs is back. For loading fuel, you'll now use a "Aircraft fuel request" panel to add your fuel. You can hit the 'typical' button, which uses a common fuel config for most short hauls...or the "plan fuel" button, which takes its fuel amount from the "plan fuel calculator" ...or finally, you just move the sliders manually. Each of these actions constitutes a 'fuel request'. As fuel is requested, then you will see the amount requested below, along with the estimated time to refuel. If you have the "real time fueling" pref enabled, then this will be on the order of minutes normally, but if that preference is unchecked, then the estimated time will show only a few seconds. To actually add the fuel, you hit the 'start fueling' button. The 'meters' on the right show the requested fuel (red lines) as well as the actual fuel. The load sheet GUI is used to configure the weight and CG of the aircraft, by adding passengers and cargo and shifting the cargo around. I don't have passenger shifting atm, they're currently 'well balanced' throughout. You can drag a slider to add/remove passengers. There is also a "weight factor" slider, that defaults to one, which represents 'average weights" for humans / baggage"....BUT if you want to overload the plane, or simulate say, a plane full of Sumo wrestlers, then you can up this slider to add some extra "density" to the passenger cabin payload. There's a pulldown to view the cabin vs. cargo hold. When viewing the cargo hold, there'll be two sliders, one for "additional cargo", which is cargo not related to the passengers, which many airlines do carry...and there'll also be a "bias slider", where you can shift cargo between the front/rear holds to adjust the CG range and get the trim units value. Adjusting the cargo hold loading between front/rear is the preferred way to tweak the CG. Sorry we had to backtrack a bit before we could get this back in, but hope it helps maintain immersion by not having to go to the default XP menus for fuel and payload. Down below is what the cargo sliders look like (more or less...this was a few days back and there's been some slight improvements since then) -tk cargo_slider.mp4
    13 points
  27. And just a heads-up from my side: I will be away flying DLH507 from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning, landing around 8:45Z in EDDF. I won´t be able to man the forums and give technical advice and log problems until later that afternoon, plus I have a family outing planned on Saturday night to celebrate my 53rd birthday that I spent here in Sao Paulo, away from my family. So give us a chance to catch up with everything over the weekend, I will certainly try to get through the backlog on Sunday. There are bound to be some problems and issues that slipped by me and my testflights, but as Tom already said, we are going to be on deck in the days and week after the launch and the plan is to have a very short turnaround time on critical fixes. I am excited to hear what you guys think! Cheers, Jan
    13 points
  28. that's kinda correct Frank... though 'sometime later' is actually to begin asap after the bug-fix phase following release. The term "major lift" is probably somewhat relative to each individual though. This is more evolution than revolution. The plan is to prioritize the FMS/VNAV improvements first, then in parallel as able, swap the sounds over to FMOD and begin a new 3D exterior model. So for folks who spend 95% of their time enjoying the cockpit and don't care about the rest much....then elements of a "major lift" may not seem so major. For folks who live for VNAV descents, then they may see the VNAV work as a major lift etc. Either/or, the plan is to continue on those elements listed above after release for sure and we'll evaluate other features along the way. -tk
    13 points
  29. not very likely no. The cockpit texture, being the center of attention and in view for the majority of the time was optimized quite well for 96 DPI monitors IMO and still looks good......assuming a reasonable camera distance from surfaces. Also, since we did this work way back when, before Substance Painter was a thing...it'd be a massive undertaking to try that. Of course if you put the camera quite close to a surface, there will be 'jaggies', but philosophically, I'm not in that camp. I'd rather optimize performance for the 95% use case (pilot-ish viewpoint +/-) rather than the 5% use case (peruse 3D closeup under a microscope after buying). -tk
    13 points
  30. 13 points
  31. Thx. Somewhere in that endeavor is revealed the next projects we'll be working on...curious if anybody will figure it out Anyhow....the WIP of the cockpit lighting.
    13 points
  32. Hello All, This will serve as an official announcement that we have released the version 1.51 update for the Take Command! IXEG 737 Classic Plus. All customers who have purchased the IXEG 737 Classic Plus up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the IXEG 737 Classic Plus from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.5.1 for you. IXEG also has a new website documenting changes, so click here if you'd like to keep continually updated! What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original IXEG 737 Classic download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: Bug fixes: Level-2 Validation failure Wiper Switch didn't work Standby airspeed indicator drum was not rotating Floating 3D polygons outboard of the rear doors VRconfig.txt file was missing Weak starter at high density altitudes Engine start too fast after lightoff. SLIGHT improvement implemented. Laminar acknowledged bug. Will revisit after. Wing lights were not working Visual texture glitch was underside of left wing Taxi light was too dim MCP backlighting was too dim Right side window heat annunciators were swapped Right Turnoff light was missing INVALID ENTRY msg appearing when trying to manually enter V1 on TAKEOFF REF page Pitch up moment change during liftoff and landing was too strong Idle fuel flow was too low - fixed for next patch CDU keys were not backlit FMC would cause Gizmo crash during VNAV calculation with only 1 waypoint in the route ECAM pie needles were not illuminated at night Improvements: Fuel Crossfeed annunciator annunciator is now more dim with xfeed valve open Additions: Four new commands to command the fuel levers 1 & 2 to idle/cutoff. Useful for single button/click action Cockpit door defaults to open in turn-around mode. Cockpit door occludes light from galley when shut. Linked to Default XP Commands (below) to connect/disconnect/toggle the GPU. Helpful in VR ixeg/733/left_fuel_lever_to_idle ixeg/733/left_fuel_lever_to_cutoff ixeg/733/right_fuel_lever_to_idle ixeg/733/right_fuel_lever_to_cutoff As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!
    12 points
  33. Been quiet here a while. Sorry for that. Yes, still on this every day We have slapped a release date on our own calendars finally, but of course we're not tossing that date out because our crystal ball isn't the latest model. To at least be able to see a firm date is encouraging. The delay since wrapping up the 3D/visual work is mostly due to my reworking of my code infrastructure to be more 'decoupled' and "libraryish", such that it can more easily be reused and applied to future work. Because we're wanting to do new projects while improving the 737 also, I needed my old code to be a bit more flexible and it was just easier to begin that process now. So hopefully the benefit of this phase of work will be seen with more rapid development down the line. I hope that's the case . Sorry for delay in reporting, I'm still happy to be doing this and ensuring I can continue to do so. -tkyler
    12 points
  34. It is now (thanks Pils)...and I'm still making my way back home. We're pretty much done with the issues list for deployment and only have to get though technical infrastructure and deployment prep, but as mentioned before, that's not an overnight thing, but it is the 'final leg' of this route. The plan is to get this 'port + compatibility patch' out, which I'm sure will result in plenty of issues reported, but then immediately begin addressing those issues and start the road towards our planned improvements. The obvious 'improvement roadmap' consists of converting our sound work to FMOD, improve FMS operation and finally a new 3D exterior, these are the things to bring the IXEG into 'modern times'. I'm sure this work will roll well into 2024 and the goal is to just keep going. After those obvious items are addressed is when will think about any other 'options' to the product. Its enough of a heavy lift job to overhaul this thing from 2009 tech as it is. -tkyler
    12 points
  35. Ok...a little more on the -ish side than the morning side, but here's a peek into the cabin lighting as I tested the functionality.....with the intro showing some cabin door interaction. The video compression is a bit heinous though.
    12 points
  36. That is correct. Four of us originally. Each of the others on the team have graciously reduced their stake so as to allow me to continue work on it and keep it alive. Without their sacrifice, the IXEG would have reached end of life at V11. I'm eternally grateful to them and wanted to honor them openly this way for their wonderful work. Their fingerprints will always be on the IXEG... Jan Vogel, Nils Danielson and Morten Melhuus! Thx guys! -tkyler
    12 points
  37. Too easy! Anybody with access to the 717 willing to help..or a friend of a friend of a friend with access.....please hit me up in PM. This is well into late 2024 at best...737 comes first so i won't talk 717 much. Its just out there waiting its turn....but I reserve the right to work on it nights/weekends It doesn't quite work that way...besides, interior mostly done anyhow. The 'standard' is the standard. Immersion is a huge part of the product and many customers enjoy it all around. Lots of folks like replay mode from the cabin etc. Once this interior is done, I won't have to worry about it and can get back to the FMS and such. -tkyler
    12 points
  38. Is there anyone else that visit this page everyday hoping for a good news??? no pressure guys, just very anxious for this one, by far one of the most amazing mod for the Flight Sim community... Thank you for putting so much love on it!!!!
    12 points
  39. I want to thank everybody for their patience here. We won't make March 8th as mentioned previously, but not for lack of attention to the update process. We do plan to give a more informational update next week though and I still feel we're not terribly far away from a release as work continues regularly. The roadmap for myself (being both IXEG and TOGA) is to get this port update out, then I'll binge the MU2 for 4-ish weeks, getting it refined for V12 and then take a deep breath/short break and dive into the FMS / VNAV functionality of the 733 while also seeking out other areas to improve throughout the remainder of the year. Thx again. -TomK
    12 points
  40. If this is such a huge focus for you (you've mentioned doors multiple times now), you were never really the target customer for IXEG anyhow. Hate to say that, but it's true.
    12 points
  41. Hi everyone! Thanks for everyone´s support and feedback for our initial launch of the IXEG 737 in XP12. This post will detail the bugs that were reported and confirmed by us. This post will be updated regularly and shall serve as a tool to check if something you observe has already been reported. Activation issues with the DRM that revolve around the "Level 2 check" failing - fixed Wiper switches not working - fixed for next patch Standby airspeed indicator drum not moving - fixed for next patch Bullseye windows on doors 3L and 3R too far outboard - fixed for next patch VRconfig.txt file missing - fixed for next patch Starter not strong enough at high density altitudes - fixed for next patch Engine start process going too fast - improved (total duration matches) but fix in LR´s court Wing illumination light not working - fixed for next patch Visual texture glitch on underside of left wing - fixed for next patch Taxi light a bit too dim MCP backlighting a bit too dim Window heat OFF logic reversed for right side windows - fixed for next patch No turnoff light for right side - fixed for next patch INVALID ENTRY message when trying to manually enter a V1 on TAKEOFF REF page - fixed for next patch Pitch up moment change during liftoff and landing too strong - fixed for next patch Idle fuel flow too low - fixed for next patch No CDU backlit keys - fixed for next patch. FMC / Gizmo crash when executing VNAV calc with only one waypoint in LEGS - fixed for next patch. ECAM gauge needles not lit up at night - fixed for next patch. Added four commands to command the fuel lever to idle/cutoff. For hardware binding to buttons/switches. Linked to default XP commands to connect/disconnect/toggle the GPU. Helpful for VR users. Cockpit door default to pen in the Turn-around mode Cockpit door occludes front galley lighting at night when closed. Fuel Crossfeed annunciator dimmer (less bright) when crossfeed valve open. Was too bright. - fixed for next patch.
    11 points
  42. I'm campaigning for this to Laminar.....the ability to exclude light sources from reflective surfaces...but as of this moment, I don't believe we can. I'll squeeze in a quick report here also. Just completed all the interior cabin texturing....at least 99.5% of it....and now I'm working on the lighting for the rear galley. Lighting for cabin/front galley already done. Next week some time I'll begin the final punchlist items list and we'll start looking to wrap things up to package for release...that's not an overnight step, lots of checks have to be made, but we're definitely coming to the end of this V12 port + process. I'm going to start calling this the "V12 compatibility patch + (plus)"....becuase its exactly that. A port of the existing V11 functionality to V12, PLUS a few extra 3D stuffs thrown in. I want to make sure people understand this isn't some "V2" with all new 3D throughout, revised FMS/VNAV etc.....that work comes after this release...this is to get folks flying the 733 in V12. Here's a update screenshot of the new cabin/rear galley....the works that's been going on the last 4 weeks. -tkyler
    11 points
  43. Not for some time. The cockpit looks great in XP12, even after 13 years since its first incarnation. PBR effects are applied in several areas of the cockpit already. There is a limit to the resolution of the textures where more does not necessarily equal better and a specific balance was chosen at the onset. One thing that has not changed much over the years is monitor "dot pitch'...with a few exceptions (Apple's retina display). Having chosen a minimum distance from camera to surfaces that we consider reasonable for a good simulation experience....and also in consideration of anti-aliasing algorithms, we have found that going higher and higher resolution results in poorer detail at the nominal viewing distances and there is a 'sweet-spot' balance between resolution and anti-aliasing algorithms. Anti-aliasing gets less effective at 'too high' resolutions and you get more 'jaggies', not less. Sure, when you get the camera right up on the surfaces, they look good then, but if a real pilot had to get as equally close to a surface to see its detail, you would most certainly question his last eye exam. As such, we selected a nominal range of camera distances from surfaces for typical simming activites and developed our resolutions based on those use cases. Going any higher doesn't yield any worthwhile benefit in our experience as of yet. I'm not saying there's not room for improvements in a few areas...but relative to other ares of the 3D, its certainly one of the better textured areas and not at the top of the list for improvement.....and we're quite proud of how good it still looks in XP12 after 13 years. Nils Danielson did an unbelievable job of texturing the cockpit, best I've ever seen to this day IMO, and those who have experienced his work and the immersion it imbues (myself included) know what I'm talking about. We'll keep on eye on it, vs the state of the art technologically, and if there's something we feel we can do that will improve the immersion experience, we'll ceratainly put it on our wish / todo list and try and knock that out. -tkyler
    11 points
  44. Preview of X-Plane's window icing effects, in case anybody hasn't seen it. This was my first time seeing it https://www.dropbox.com/s/o261awvzn9rotog/thermal_inertia_opt.mp4?dl=0 DISCLAIMER: This is Laminar's default window icing effect and in-sim developer tools....I'm only implementing it. They did a good job! It has been thought through fully. Without it, the IXEG 733 would have to be retired. You want some shock....ICON aircraft was 'selling' their aircraft at an estimated 140k about 5 years before it hit the market (and taking deposits against that estimate too)...it ended up hitting the market at over 350,000.00 (over 400k now maybe?) And their board of directors consisted of a prior Google CEO, Boeing executives, etc. The point is things change and you adapt as best as you can. We're not looking back, just forward. -tkyler
    11 points
  45. Documents last updated 20th December 2022 IMPORTANT: you must be signed in to download the PDFs below. Not a user yet? Head over to Sign Up. 1128340285_CL650FMSPrimer.pdf CL650 Operations Reference.pdf 1323904309_CL650ExpandedNormalProcedures.pdf CL650 Checklists.pdf CL650 Checklists - Printable.pdf CL650 Flexible Take-Off.pdf CL650 Shared Cockpit Quick Start Guide.pdf
    11 points
  46. Hi guys, @rkuhlmann is right about communication...guilty as charged for being too quiet. The 733 isn't dead. We will continue to work on it as able, and best I can tell, probably have free updates for as long as I can foresee (whenever those may be). For my MU2 customers who have watched me keep the MU2 relevant through X-Plane versions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 over 19 years, you know what I'm talking about. (even though its been a while since the last update and I'm literally 99% done with the next one but need to get it out There have been things beyond our control that have made update efforts challenging (shit rolling downhill kind of things)...which you guys don't see, nor will I talk about, nor should you care about, but we have to deal with just the same. Not an excuse, an explanation. I acknowledge that communicating is something we could do better and I'm sorry about that. As I've said many times, my committment has always been to keep facing forward and never sit down and that's still the case. So ....open communication time.....where's my time at the moment? I'm working for Laminar again. I am rewriting their documentation set for developers to help train and enable more developers for X-Plane. This initiative began in February at the X-Plane dev conference and I've been in the midst of a heavy 'front loaded' time effort to build the infrastructure for these docs and there's some slight pressure to "show anything at FSExpo". For consumers (rather than devs), this doesn't mean anything.... I know that doesn't make anyone here feel better or fix their concerns now, but is the road I had to take to preserve my ability to work on the IXEG in any capacity into the future. I do foresee time to work on the IXEG again after a few more milestones are reached with Laminar....indeed I'm meeting with some folks at FSExpo to discuss ways for them to assist in the effort. I am committed to maintaining the aircraft, even though I'm not sure exactly when updates will be. We have a plan, we try and stick with it, sometimes we slip, but we have never "forgotten about it". I like to say the IXEG is "perpetually in my inbox". Roadmap is the FMOD sound conversions still....and then the system updates. I am sure I'll have to repeat this later, but the "updates" period will also be quite lengthy because of the aforementioned (shit rolling downhill) situation I have to deal with. Getting through this phase is akin to the large efforts required to bring the IXEG to V12 and was unforseen, but its here on my doorstep just the same. Trudging through it, complaints and all, is the only way to ensure the IXEG survives into the future and those updates eventually come. The IXEG still has a lot of old tech and rebuilding it completely anew is a big task. I'm sorry again about the silence. -tkyler
    10 points
  47. We're thinking "time is money". My mortgage payments runs on a timeframe...my internet fees...my software subscriptions, my commissions.....special offers in the mail......all time frame limited to encourage folks to act to keep the economic cycle moving. Time and money is inextricably linked. Without this principle, no business would survive and we've have no products...no add-ons, no x-plane, etc. Who is John Galt anyhow. TK
    10 points
  48. Version 1.0.0


    Hotstart Challenger 650 | Lewis Hamilton | G-LCDH Tested for X-Plane 12 only. Normals may look weird on 11!!! Enhanced texturing including - New cockpit windshield - Improved aircraft fuselage normals - Improved riveting - Improved engine exhaust and intake - Tuned glossiness - Tuned cabin windows - Full Custom Interior Please respect my work. Copying/Modification is not permitted. Happy flying!
    10 points
  49. definitely. we're not touching that. On another note, we are back full steam on the IXEG after that short MU2 detour for Sporty's Pilot Shop. Working the lighting pass now, probably one of the bigger jobs. We have over 700 inidividual surfaces / lights that we have to audit 1 by 1 for the proper brightness values in XP12. After that, I'll hit the wing-flex and then the final punchlist items list. Jan is performing more test flights for any obvious bugs also. After the V12 compatibility / port release and bug chasing dies down, we'll start the "improvement" phase. -tkyler
    10 points
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