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  1. @spreilly a bit of of background about this whole variant thing. The ability to upgrade our work and make variants is very much tied to both the toolchain we use to develop the IXEG, as well as our 'techniques'. Like anything else, we get better over time at what we do and how we do things and the tools we use evolve as well. In the beginning (2010), we used Blender 2.49, a software quite difficult to make changes in. Also, we wrote our own exporting scripts to leverage emerging X-Plane tech. So after some time, we have this enormous amount of data/assets in a software format that is aging (like every software title). Fast forward a bit in the future and Blender 2.8 releases.....that was such a major....really major paradigm shift in organization of 3D assets....that it changed everything and we set about converting all our work to that format. Blender 2.49 was being abandoned by all. That was a really really laborious and long process that you guys didn't see any change from from ..it was our own challenge to keep the IXEG poised for the future. Even thinking about variants at this point wasn't an option. Fast forward a bit more...we get everything into Blender 2.8, things settle down for a year or so, I work on the MU2, which handles...count em....6 variants... and then X-Plane 12 drops. *sigh...here we go again. and so for the better part of a year, we start this process of integrating everything into X-Plane 12 format. On top of that, I'm swapping out lots of code for more "template" code, getting ready to start some new products also and we've just been building this 'infrastructure' on top of Blender 2.8+ (now 3.6) and XP12 for quite a long time. So....we still have to catch up on all that FMS stuff, still have to make the swap to FMOD and redo the 3D exterioro to keep the IXEG 'up with the times'....and after ALL that, then we can think about variants. BUT....best we can tell, we are in a technical place to do so. Its not that we don't want to...we just have 'the priority list' based on many years of customer input. I know this stuff takes a while, but in my quiet moments, I remind myself that I've been flight simming since 1981...still do it, its a lifelong hobby, most of the 'IXEG type' customers are probably the same...and I should just keep on moving. I'd like the variants in at some point...even those old mechnical ADIs / HSIs. Fingers crossed we'll get there. -TomK
    10 points
  2. A quick message as evening comes upon my time zone, time to meet with family and things slowing down a bit for today. I suspect I'll link back to this a few times over the next week. As you can guess, a release is mayhem. We see situations we simply can't test for, and some customers end up towards the extreme of the bell curve and have issues that seem to be fringe. Time-zones also always cause inconvenience for some to have to wait more than others. This isn't good or bad, its just how things are in a global market. I know that excitement and anticipation conflicting with frustation of an issue is emotionally annoying, and we simply can't get to everything at once. SO...to help establish expectations. We are basically manning these forums this weekend (during reasonable hours) and "collecting" issues into a log...and they come fast at first. In general, its the folks who have issues that post here and we can report we're also seeing lots of successful installs. We will certainly focus on activation issues firstly....but after and once this initial rush passes...probably in 3-4 days, we'll start prioritizing all the other reports and then begin working on those towards patches. Patches may be more frequent in the early going depending on how severe the "break". Others will be collected and released as a group if they're less severe or annoying. I can assure you we'll be here to address these issues as soon as possible, but it may be a day or two wait for some. I humbly ask for your patience in these cases....we've come this far and not stopping now. Certainly its our goal to get everyone up and running quickly....and get right back to improving things. --B'day dinner with my daughters...signing off for a bit! -TomK
    4 points
  3. Pinned the Whats new topic here for anybody to point when others may ask: That URL won't go out to new customers for a little bit....as we want to get through this initial push and see what crops up....being that the new XP12 update is out there and there's always hardware configs out there we can't anticipate. But at least its there for "pointing to" if anybody asks. Note that we'll be doing normal family stuff for our time zone (GMT -6)...that means dinner...going to bed at a reasonable hour and not hunkering at the computer. Wife tired of that for the last week and I've used all my "stay on the computer late" vouchers with her. BUT, I'll be around most of the weekend logging any reports worth logging and answering questions as I can. -tkyler
    3 points
  4. this link will be sent out in the notification email when officially released (though NOT YET as of this posting).....but you guys can get a head start. http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/ BUT....it uses the words "finally released"...which hasn't happened yet. So know its a 'early preview' and "get a head start" on all the other info.
    3 points
  5. of course.....a new X-Plane 12 udpate dropped just today. Can't WAIT to see what surprises that might bring. -tk
    3 points
  6. Currently flying a 734 down to Buenos Aires in the real world, looking forward to getting home to fly the updated 733/734 on XP!
    3 points
  7. For those inevitably wondering when this will drop...and not seeing the previous post....FYI
    3 points
  8. Where I am, it's been the 15th for 17.5 hrs. I'm ready for this to release now so I can start my weekend
    3 points
  9. Just a quick note - I just got the VSL C47 update, had a quick flight around the Cape Verde islands, followed by a flight in the LES DC3 Classic from GMMZ to GMMX, Morocco, over the High Atlas mountains. Hand flown all the way for LES, mostly autopilot for VSL. LES DC3 is still my favourite for overall flying experience. I can't put my finger on it but I feel much more involved and invested in the LES version than the VSL - it genuinely feels like flying an actual aircraft - it has mass, inertia, control input lag, it needs constant monitoring, attention and adjustment, the sounds are an integral part of it - any slight change in engine note - scan the instruments! The more I fly it, the more I like it. This was the DC-3 experience I wanted from Day 1.
    3 points
  10. And just a heads-up from my side: I will be away flying DLH507 from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning, landing around 8:45Z in EDDF. I won´t be able to man the forums and give technical advice and log problems until later that afternoon, plus I have a family outing planned on Saturday night to celebrate my 53rd birthday that I spent here in Sao Paulo, away from my family. So give us a chance to catch up with everything over the weekend, I will certainly try to get through the backlog on Sunday. There are bound to be some problems and issues that slipped by me and my testflights, but as Tom already said, we are going to be on deck in the days and week after the launch and the plan is to have a very short turnaround time on critical fixes. I am excited to hear what you guys think! Cheers, Jan
    3 points
  11. Plane is also not loading properly for me. I have reinstalled, restarted, re loaded, etc. I turn the BAT on and nothing happens. Will toggle GPU through menu and light never comes on. Unfortunate for a paid upgrade...
    2 points
  12. guess I need to repeat this every 10 posts or so. I'll admit going back and reading over previous posts are a pain. SO for all you folks on the east side of the Atlantic and the west side of the Pacific.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/
    1 point
  15. Captains, Mark your calendars! This Friday, September 15th, we're releasing the IXEG 737 Classic Plus! This is a next era re-brand for what the IXEG 737 Classic has become after many months of labor. The primary goal in this endeavor was to bring full X-Plane 12 compatibility to this amazing aircraft, squeeze in a few new features, and set the stage for improvements in the future. To us, it's a rebirth of a classic, tailored for X-Plane 12. Truly, stepping into the cockpit feels so good in the new X-Plane 12 environment! A Special Note on Pricing: For our customers who acquired the IXEG 737 Classic on or after February 7th, 2022, this update is for free for you to honor our promise of a free update at the time you made the purchase. As for our dedicated pilots who've been with us since the beginning and purchased the IXEG 737 Classic on or before February 6th, 2022, the upgrade to the Classic Plus version will be available at a nominal fee of $14.95 USD. We believe this price point offers tremendous value, and you'll have 60 days to take advantage of this upgrade offer once the product is released. The IXEG 737 Classic Plus doesn't just bring new features; it rejuvenates the entire flying experience, making this aircraft feel brand new. Here's a quick rundown of what's been brewing over the past 9 months: Fixes & Enhancements (from the XP11 version): Engine Bleed Configuration: Now accurately impacts Takeoff N1. FMS PERF Page: Resets to blank entries post-landing and deceleration below 60kts. Code Optimization: Streamlined and revamped for quicker future updates. Brand New Features for the XP12 Version: Wingflex: Experience the subtle flex of the 737's sturdy wing in our 3D model. 3D Cabin: Dive into a fully detailed cabin, complete with operational galleys (Fancy a cup of coffee?). Moving Cabin Doors: Open and close each cabin door, influencing differential pressure just like the cockpit windows. Loading Stations Concept: Assign weights to specific seat rows and cargo holds for accurate physical effects on the aircraft. Cockpit & Cabin Lighting: Updated for XP12's lighting engine, including interactive cabin lights. X-Plane GUI Integration: Set up your load and fuel seamlessly. GUI Enhancements: A fresh look for the IXEG interface, now VR-accessible. Hide Yoke: With default XP12 key assignment. FOV Slider: Added to preferences for a tailored viewing experience. Cockpit Windows: Upgraded to XP12 tech, showcasing rain and ice effects. Outside Lighting: Balanced for an immersive XP12 photometric experience. Aerodynamics & Engine Tuning: Optimized for XP12's advanced modeling. To our loyal customers transitioning from the X-Plane 11 version, we've poured countless hours into this upgrade, ensuring it's worth every penny. We're confident you'll find the enhancements enjoyable, and with the help of full X-Plane 12 compatibility, transformative! We can't wait for you to take to the skies with the IXEG 737 Classic Plus this Friday. Clear skies and happy flying! IXEG and X-Aviation
    1 point
  16. Hi, im flw the plane and when i started not work , i come here and see some people who use xfsuipc , back to old version, im back to the old and activate the plane again. if i change cold dark mode or turn arround or ready, the plane stop to work .. after this i need to restart the simulator to work again. i hope this message help who have the same problem Have a good flight with thi old baby! Thank you! its amazing!
    1 point
  17. Hi everyone, I'm sorry but I have a problem. I purchased the 737 with a discount, once installed and activated, I wanted to try it with the engines already running, but all the screens remain off and furthermore if I increase the throttle the engines don't rev up. The screen is with engines running.
    1 point
  18. Certainly may be. I've added your post to my log to be looked at further. -tk
    1 point
  19. You need to change your display’s scaling back to 100%. The password field is being cut off.
    1 point
  20. From my log.txt. same issue as others: 0:03:17.710 G64: warn: We have received:[lss.xa.validation] msg:[8599407] param:[-843408656] 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: ----Beginning License Check Sequence---- 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: defaulting IXEG license to OFF before activation checks 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Staging kill functions in case license invalid.... 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Verifying Level 2 backup before initiating checks..... 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Level 2 backup ready and standing by, Beginning license checks 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: --------------------------------------------------------------- 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Checking for valid license via Level 1..... 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 license check good. Requesting Level-2 check.... 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Performing Level-2 check 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-2 check FAILED 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [1] 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [2] 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 PASS / Level-2 FAIL. License invalid 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: GK: Auto license update is on. 0:03:17.711 G64: debug: GK: License days remaining: 14.99 - No update required. 0:03:17.712 G64: debug: GK: Update required when <= 2.00 days.
    1 point
  21. Thank you for the fast reply, i give this a go, did do a reload but didn’t seem to work, restart it is then. so glad to see ixeg still developing for xplane, the best way I can describe the 737 is …it feels alive, real immersive
    1 point
  22. yes it does. But was necessary due to the reorganization of lots of things for future work.....but deemed a small deviation in workflow for the time being and worthy tradeoff to get folks back in the air in V12. That does not sound right. When Jan gets back, we'll dig into this. I've logged your report. Thx. -tk
    1 point
  23. This is not a problem, you just need to read the information: http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/
    1 point
  24. FYI your throttle breaking bug from v1 is still in the plane, and downgrading to XPUIPC 2.0.0 causes CTD. So the plane is effectively DOA for those who fly for virtual airlines or log their flights in other ways using XPUIPC. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/188374-ixeg-737-throttle-not-working/ not off to a great start.
    1 point
  25. +I tried through the developer tab, it didn't work, then I tried by relaunching XP12, it didn't work, I reloaded another plane, the sound and controls came back, I relaunched IXEG and the sound and controls still don't work.
    1 point
  26. throttle works for a second or two when enterin g the airplane and then locks down. mouse and keyboard won't move it either.
    1 point
  27. Looks great, just entered the flight deck for the first flight. I really appreciate the discount, for a old long therm customer :-)
    1 point
  28. I can't say i've seen any issue with the LNAV...that wasn't related to the quality of the data sources. Some may remember that we intend to convert over to the XP11 format...at that is still the plan, but certainly the LNAV has been working extremely solid for us. -tk
    1 point
  29. .. everyone is probably waiting for @Litjan return, because opening the doors in the cabin is now so realistic that only a real pilot can open them That's why the premiere is probably delayed
    1 point
  30. We do appreciate your support Hermann, but your conclusion here is a subjective one. The product pages at XA are provided "for prospective customers consideration when evaluating a purchase", They are not policy pages, warranties or guarantees. Once one has made a purchase, that page, conceptually, goes out of context. I find this reasonable. I bought a Dell monitor a year ago. For me to keep an eye on Dell's "sales page" and try and argue that "current deals offered to prospective customers" on those pages should be retroactively applied to my purchase over a year ago is not reasonable in my opinion. I respect you have your perspective though mine is different. Certainly your perspective will be taken into consideration for future wordings so your points are noted. On a broader level though...you stated previously that you thought the IXEG was great and I thank you for that. If we didn't charge for this update, then I would have never started the update and we would have absolutely declared the IXEG end of life at Version 11 and I would have moved on from X-Plane development. As it stands, I hope to now support the IXEG for years to come and also develop new products. Your support, whether you agree with some elements of the effort or not, does play a part in that. If you choose to purchase the upgrade, I hope you still find the IXEG to your liking and we'll endeavor to keep at it making it better. -tkyler
    1 point
  31. I purchased this aircraft on 11 February 2018. On the XAviation site it states clearly "X-Plane 12 update will be free." (Screenshot) No mention at all of having to pay for it again! What a farce! In the e-mail newsletter received 13 September 2023 it says that "customers purchasing on or before 6th February 2022, the upgrade will be available at $14.95 USD! XAviation got us again! I've been using this aircraft since 2018. Surely I should get the better deal being such a "dedicated pilot". The second time in a week that XAviation gives us a raw deal. First the LES Douglas DC3 which is to all purposes unusable and now the IXEG B737 sold again to loyal customers.
    1 point
  32. My best advice, don't wait the 60 days to find out xD..
    1 point
  33. I don't know what aircraft people are flying, or what their expectations are - I can only offer my view. Granted there may be things off with the model - but that's just polygon wrangling and could be fixed. Doors slightly worong sized/wrong place... you might be right - I don't know. I fly mostly from the flight deck so it's from there I will offer my first thoughts. Got the aircraft today, but as we're in the middle of having our house repainted, with all the attendant chaos I 've only just manage a brief hop from Nantes (LFRS) to Ancenis (LFFI) with the classic DC3. Took a while to get my controls configured properly - I have the Thrustmaster Airbus sidestick and throttle quadrants, with flaps/speedbrake addons, plus rudder pedals with toe brakes. Trim controls were a bit different as they're mechanical, not servo, but everything is working as advertised, apart from flaps control - maybe when I get a bit more time I figure it out. If in doubt, read the manual and waggle the handle! Managed a smooth takeoff, using diff braking and engine thrust to maintain the centreline, but quite uneventful and not at all hard to control. Used the majority of the flight to try out the trim controls and set up views and got up to around 6,000ft without anything catching fire, blowing up or otherwise failing, which is what I'd expected! Flew a right hand pattern for runway 25 at LFFI, with a hard landing pretty much on the numbers - all in all, compared to some first flights I've had, this was a major achievement! And hand flown all the way. I've got the 'Other Two' DC3's, the payware and the freeware, but this one feels different. I can't put my finger on it but feels like actually flying a big old 1930's aircraft, and not a sled on rails. It seems to have a mind of it's own at times and needs a bit of anticipation and a firm hand to make it do what you want. Quite unlike the other two... and I like it! But then, I'm a funny sort... I like tail draggers, seat-of-the-pants flying - my other favourite is the Tiger Moth, which the majority of DC-3 pilots would have started on, back in the day. It certainly keeps you busy and alert, and I can see that I'll be putting in a lot of hours getting to know this old girl In summary, I'm not disappointed, but fascinated - theres a lot going on 'under the hood' which most of the aircraft I fly don't have. I think the 'livery as airframe' concept is inspired and absolutely the right way to go. Can't imagine why no-one thought of it before. But, this is not an aircraft for everyone., and can be quite a challenge, as was the original (and I have that on good authority from my father - RAF Coastal Command - and my Uncle John from Canada (RCAF). Thanks Team LES - entirely happy to have this aircraft, and look forward to updates!
    1 point
  34. While we don’t have a specific timeframe to share at the moment, I can assure you that support for ARM is actively in the works. We appreciate your patience and look forward to bringing you this update in the near future.
    1 point
    Thank you for this!! My favorite livery for the Challenger! Really nice work.
    1 point
  35. Version 1.0.2


    Two options are available: with or without registration number. This is one of the first liveries I made! Please do not modify or redistribute wihtout permission.
    1 point
  36. Version 1.0.0


    144619 is one of two CC-144Ds operated by the Royal Canadian Air Force. This repaint features: Accurate reds and blues Accurate interior reg marking Removal of US Customs Decal per real airframe Thanks to: "Shenherm" on Discord for colour values "Arrowdynamixx" for painting 144620 - great for locating the right parts to paint red!
    1 point
  37. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional Livery for Challenger 650
    1 point
  38. Version 1.1


    This is a fictional repaint of a private Challenger 650 for the excellent HotStart 650. The livery is how I imagine the Trotters would paint their aircraft after becoming millionaires! To install, place the 'Trotters Dirty' folder into \X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries Thank you for downloading Paul Edwards
    1 point
  39. Version 1.1


    This is a fictional repaint of a private Challenger 650 for the excellent HotStart 650. The livery is how I imagine the Trotters would paint their aircraft after becoming millionaires! To install, place the 'Trotters' folder into \X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries Now they can go anywhere, New York, Paris or Peckham. Luvly Jubbly. Thank you for downloading Paul Edwards
    1 point
  40. Version 1.0.0


    This is a nice blue livery for Hot Start's TBM 900. This livery is based off a TBM 910 I saw recently at my local airport, registration N86KM. Very Beautiful livery for a very beautiful airplane. Please Enjoy!
    1 point
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