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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2023 in all areas

  1. I just hope we are getting close for release.
    2 points
  2. And so Rick set off into the sunset, never to be seen again. Goodbye, old friend.
    1 point
  3. "I may have to go into the attack mode and open up the way I really feel." "I am not going to bow down to this. Your going slam me I will return fire." "I will not back down from anyone. So if you feel froggy jump. BRING IT! On the other hand, I have ask this thread be locked and you refused. Now this is your fault." Your own words. Your own pushing. Enough.
    1 point
  4. Stop being weird, @Rick310. That's my one and only warning to you.
    1 point
  5. I beg to differ. Your very first post was all about how it's too late for Laminar. X-Plane 12 is falling behind. MSFS has taken centre stage. We've seen it all before from many others. This forum is one of the places we can all discuss X-Plane without someone coming in repeating, ad nauseam, "RIP X-Plane" and the like. Did you not expect a reaction when you insult Laminar employees...and people I consider my friends? As well as, Are you deliberately looking for an argument?? We don't lock threads in here at the drop of 1 or 2 insults. When it gets well and truly out of hand, that's when we step in. A locked thread usually gets locked when it gets to the point that a ban is also in place. Excellent. Locking threads is censoring people. You are free to say what you want. But we are also free to take steps to de-escalate the situation using appropriate measures if things take a bad turn.
    1 point
  6. I am an ignorant guy who has been on xp since version 9. I've been hearing that xp is dying since I started in this of the simulation, I suppose that years will pass and we will continue with the same song while I will continue to enjoy the little that leaves me the life of this magnificent software product that is XP.
    1 point
  7. we've been listening to these type of claims for 20+ years. Granted that differing folks use different words to describe how they feel about things.....to each their own.....but this is simply bombastic IMO. Have you ever thought about writing for CNN or Fox News? Your commentary would be absolutely SHOCKING, the likes of which have never been heard in the history of the world. -tkyler
    1 point
  8. Did you read anything that was said above in the initial announcement? Anyone who purchased the product from the date the product page was updated will receive the upgrade for free. That promise has not been broken. We made ZERO announcements about a free update to existing customers anywhere. We did publish on the product page clearly made for new customers they would get a free update for X-Plane 12. There was a reason for that, and this is not uncommon in the software industry when products are in transition. A product page is an advertisement for potential customers. And, we are holding up that promise as was outlined in the announcement. A product page is not a means of communication to existing customers. We communicate by e-mail and forum announcements to existing customers, and always have. You're stretching things here.
    1 point
  9. Here is just 1 example of my "assumptions" But remember, as I never had to go through poverty and never had things given to me, I will never know how GREAT XP12 is. I only paid for it! But paying for it means I can never say true things about it! XP12 is finished....long before it even started. And remember DON'T start with just any aircraft, start with the Cessna 172 & then switch to your aircraft of choice especially that shiny new E175 that you bought for $74.
    -1 points
  10. So Austin pays you money sit in this forum and tell paying customers that their wrong? Your co worker Ben will answer any and all questions to the best of his knowledge. And you answer no questions? Why? How much do you really know about x-plane period? If anything at all. I wonder what Austin would say if he heard what you were saying to paying customers? Customers all ways right when you are in business. Not your department. Kiss my A#$.
    -1 points
  11. You ain't nothing. Move on. Fuck you.
    -1 points
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