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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2022 in all areas

  1. We've learned better than to give dates; however, we have a very well defined 'todo' checklist and are working towards this every day, full time, whereas in the past that was not the case. As such, it'll be more than a few weeks, but less than several months, there is a LOT of stuff to test. We customized a whole lot of things that have to be audited, assessed and in many cases, 'removed and patched over'. We are very committed to this guy though and definitely have improvements coming not too far down the road.
    2 points
  2. Thank you for the welcome, and a lot to learn ( sim setup and add on's etc ) for me here.. I did order a decent yoke, and throttle setup , so hopefully that will make the adjustment a little better. Currently uploading some raw video for TomK to use his big brain on and translate into more realistic performance of the MU2 I don't think it will ever be possible to simulate the yaw aspect of the real plane, meaning - it is a VERY trim sensitive plane, and when you are flying by hand, there is a lot of re-trimming based on airspeed and pitch.. either side of 150 knts, the Marquise acts very differently - not sure you can model that, but it is almost like a boat coming and going off plain.. if that makes any sense.. Same with cross winds, if you keep the wing low into the wind, it is sane.. if you get that wing high, it will turn you and make a mess of your approach, etc.. Anyway, looking forward to give some feedback when I can. It is a pleasure to meet you guys. Tom here is that startup sound I think you were going for.. 4-Blade Hartzell - https://photos.app.goo.gl/ngMWtTE4cZWGUvyB9 5-Blade MT - https://photos.app.goo.gl/k6GCpqUMDi2r5fDi6 David
    2 points
  3. well definitely to improve it where it needs it ...Regarding the 750Txi, that's more on Garmin probably as RealityXP just 'ports' their simulator. As far as other plans...David has kindly offered to provide some performance data, which I'll seek to incorporate into the Moo. I see my imminent Moo 'todos' (things I'm unhappy with) to be...in no particular order or priority: Flight model improvements (chasing numbers), EGT, Fuel Flow, SRL behavior, performance, etc....more liveries, and the first 2-3 seconds of the engine starting sounds (gear whine). To me, those are the basics at least. Not quite sure what I'll look at after that just yet. As far as timing, I am indeed full time on X-Plane...but the holidays and IXEG work have taken precedence while Laminar has gotten XP12 stabilized. I'll tend to rotate every few weeks between projects and 'binge' the work and the IXEG is getting the binge treatment atm; however, the Moo's turn is coming back around quite soon....and I have a 3rd project in the works also that gets chipped on 'nights and weekends'....but won't take on any more than 3. Better to have a few quality pieces that I can maintain for years than get all strewn out with new models. -TomK
    2 points
  4. I've recalibrated every axis and also as you mentioned added dead-zone to Yaw ... and it looks like it fixed the problem. Weird because only CL650 had this problem. Toliss A319, Zibo 738 etc were flying all good...
    1 point
  5. ARM is "coming soon(tm)"
    1 point
  6. What more are you looking for here? Cooper already quite clearly answered you above, so there's really not much else to add here. You cannot just magically make the G500 appear into a 3D panel with no work. So long as you install the G500 to an aircraft, you can at least get the 2D popups to show while using that aircraft, just as Coop discussed above. Your log shows you installed it to the Lancair, so I'm not sure what more you're expecting. You can read the additional documentation here: https://help.realsimgear.com/en/articles/5607820-integration-guide-for-realsimgear-g500-for-x-plane You're not going to be able to really get the G500 to appear in the 3D cockpit without modifying the actual 3D files of the cockpit. Aerobask would have to do that.
    1 point
  7. Today some high altitude flightmodel testing for the conversion. The picture shows steady state at FL350 and M.74 with 46.000kgs. Book values (official POH) are: 82.8%N1 and 1009kg/h FF.
    1 point
  8. I foresee two 'events' with regards to the 733. Event 1 is "port to XP12 'as is'. Event 2 is 'upgrades beyond the port'. The goal of event 1 is to get it to work in XP12 the way it does in XP11 given XPlane changes. Those who have made 733 purchases since early this year will certainly get the XP12 port version for free as stated on the XA product page. Beyond that XP12 port though, we have not made any determinations about what may or may not constitute a 'paid upgrade' beyond the fact that it shouldn't be egregious or outlandish. Regarding features 'beyond the xp12 port'... we have and hear arugments all the time for/against variants, cargo versions, etc and have not made up our minds yet about what may be next. The obvious things todo are the FMS work and upgrading all the 3D/textures/animations. As far as MSFS, a lot of us developers have kept an eye out on the whole market/dev process and a port is not a trivial thing, regardless of what Fenix / inisim is doing. We're talking multiple 1000s of man hours easily, and at my age and road traveled, that's a tall order.....regardless of the money potential. I rather enjoy my little world in X-Plane and those users who also see the same value in it. Perhaps Fenix, iniSim or someone else can do a 737-300. I can't speak for any other devs in the X-Aviation ecosystem, but for our part, we'll probably stick to X-plane with the 733...best I can tell from today. -TomK
    1 point
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