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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2022 in all areas

  1. And initial testing is promising... IXEG XP12 initial testing.mp4
    3 points
  2. The XP12 "compatibility" work is underway FYI. First order of business is to get it flying as it does now in XP11, and then to begin improvements. -TomK
    2 points
  3. Thank you, Ilias, that's great news - the Sundowner v2 is a superb aircraft, looking very much forward to do some cloud-dodging in XP12 And a huge thanks for the G500 retrofit; this looks to be an awesome panel!
    1 point
  4. I still fly the -300, have hundreds of hours on it, it is still the best feeling aircraft to fly, way better than anything MSFS has to offer, better feeling than Zibo and is a nice challenge with it's limitations. Really enjoy the Felis 747-200 for the same reasons, it is completely manual VNAV and INS system, IXEG is like a Tesla compared to that dinosaur! More than willing to pay for an upgrade to XP12, of course we have waited a long time for an upgrade for XP11, but the developers have been very transparent with the reasons for it not happening, which is totally acceptable. If it was to happen for XP12 then that would be a stroke of fortune and good timing, since the team have found some time to put development work into it.
    1 point
  5. You don't mention yaw damper status. If both dampers are off (you will have an amber YAW DAMPER CAS message), AP won't engage.
    1 point
  6. Hey Kari, To get winds into the CDU, go to Index (IDX), Route Menu, LSK 6 R Then FPLN Wind Update LSK L4 This will bring a mostly empty page, this is fine, anod nothing to worry about, click "SEND" LSK 5 R and the winds will start to be requested and downloaded. This may take a while depending on how many waypoints you've got, and how good your VHF Datalink signal is, when it's done, you'll just need to "Exec" the new wind data.
    1 point
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