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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2021 in all areas

  1. Not a dumb question, at all. I asked the same question myself. This was Coop's answer: The fuel system [in the SR22] is custom, so the X-Plane fuel tank switch commands wouldn't switch them. If you go into the command browser with the SR22 open, look for under afm -> sr22 -> cmd -> switches "Fuel Selector Left" and "Fuel Selector Right". These will move the handle position left and right. the order is OFF <-> LEFT <-> RIGHT <-> OFF When I did it, I assigned the Right Tank to the keyboard letter R, and the left tank to letter L. I didn't try to make it a joystick button command, so if you want to use a joystick button, your solution may be a bit different.
    1 point
  2. So I sleep for 8 hours and this is what I wake up to :-/ I believe that you have a problem with the font - I sometimes run X-Plane on my 4K monitor in 1920x1080 and get a distinct visual downgrade besides the resolution, a fuzzyness, so to say. If I run at anything but full fractions of 4K it gets even worse. I outlined that we know about the readability problems of the menues in 4K and explained why we did not cater to 4K at the time we developed those menues...in addition to mentioning our plans to enhance this in the future. It is your right as a customer to be upset about it or not be satisfied with it - as Cameron said (and you can verify this by searching this forum dating back many years) - this is not a widespread problem (i.e. only one or two complaints about it) and therefore does not warrant an emergency fix from our side. We will get to it when we get to it. Sorry for not being able to offer another solution, Jan
    1 point
  3. It would be nice if you'd included more than a verbal description of your bug. Instead you've just filed a rant.
    1 point
  4. Or an assumption you probably shouldn't be making. Thousands of users. You're the one in here reporting broken font issues. The other bits were acknowledged. You may be smart, but let's not go so far as to assume you should be condescending.
    1 point
  5. Been a while since an update. After reaching a natural break point in the VNAV work at the beginnig of the year, the 733 work has since been waiting in the wings. A few things happened since the last report. 1) I've been working with Laminar for some projects that will eventually make its way into XP12. 2) I wrapped up all my other non xplane contract work so that I now only work on my X-Plane projects full time and 3) I reprioritized my MU2 project as my highest priority now that I'm back developing for xplane full time. I am targeting releasing my MU2 later this year. Progress on that is described elsewhere in these forums...so those wondering what I'm doing if I'm working full time XPlane....then the Mu2 is the answer. Getting the MU2 update out of the way (being long overdue as a 13 year old product) will allow me to resume the 733 work in earnest. A lot of good things have come out of my work for Laminar and the MU2 work that will allow us to improve the 733 in lots of ways, not only the FMS, but also targeting -400 / -500 variants, wing flex and simply improving the product all around. The 733 will not be abandonware...no more so than the MU2, which I've maintained for nearly 15+ years. When it gets in turn in rotation after the MU2 release later this year, it will be front and center for me for quite some time after. -tkyler
    1 point
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