Hello Jack! I took a look at your files and also noted the fact that you had said the last flight was normal. I'm going to recommend that you delete the state file in the Output folder to begin with. I'm not 100% sure if this file is wiped and regenerated when you load a new version of the TBM, but it won't hurt to let the system rebuild the state file.
Go to your X-Plane folder > then to the Output folder > then to the TBM900 folder. Inside the TBM900 folder select the folder named "state" and delete it.
Also, please remove all plugins except Gizmo64.plugin, XPLM_64.dll, and XPWidgets_64.dll I personally create a folder in the plugins folder and name it 000_Disabled
Restart X-Plane and the state folder will be regenerated.
Fly the TBM, or if you want set everything up on the ground and try the inputs for a Direct TO command from the FMS panel on the TBM instrument panel.
Lets give this a try, and if you fly and everything works, then one at a time start adding the plugins back in until you find the one that creates your problem. I personally will fly three or four trips from Cold and Dark to Cold and Dark, making sure I'm happy before adding the plugins back.
Good luck and don't forget to resend the Log and TBM900_Log files if the condition persists.