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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2018 in all areas

  1. Last night I wasn't paying attention to my take-off position and ended up in a seaplane lane instead. Water every where. LOL. I returned back to a real runway and then noticed many electrical issues, lights flickering etc. Realizing what all the flickering indicated so I then checked out the Maintenance Hangar. The $$$$ repair bill went through the roof. KUDOS to the team for making this aircraft as real as it can be for a home simulator. CONGRATULATIONS !! ( oooops sorry just realized I posted to support )
    2 points
  2. This issue is in X-Aviation's hands - it appears to be a problem with their licensing system, and not with TerraMaxx itself as far as we know. The last I heard, they were hoping the latest TBM update would fix it - but it sounds like it didn't.
    2 points
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This plane is a zoom zoom plane I'm pretty sure it Got some of the RoadRunner's Genetics except it flies... Enjoy !!!
    1 point
  4. Hello, Sorry if this subject has been already discussed. The rain effect can be activated only when the level of precipitations raises to " heavy" in the x-plane weather settings. I am using NOAA plugin to generate real weather conditions, based on metar reports. In Europe, very often, we have only moderate precipitations (RA (rain) in the metar, not SHRA (shower rain). So, the rain effect cannot be displayed much of the time. I think it would be very nice if the rain effect could be tuned a little bit to have it displayed even if the precipitations are moderate (in the sense of XP settings). By the way, any hour flying this bird makes me happy.
    1 point
  5. I haven't gotten the 11.30 beta, but to my understanding it should be off for now. At least until Hot Start gives us a new flight model for the beta.
    1 point
  6. I would recommend using the free SimBiref. If you have PFPX, you can use the profile by maub. Beware that both of them calculates the fuel based on weight (i.e. kgs and lbs) rather than volume (i.e. US Gal). If you want in-depth calculation, use these apps recommended by toby23:
    1 point
  7. My pleasure. Great work on this add-on. Loving it so far and very immersive!
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.1


    Official paint kit for the Hot Start TBM 900. Created by Goran Matovina and Cullen Chandler (Cessnarox).
    1 point
  9. Hi, sorry for repeating my post but: I tried it on a clean xplane installation, this means there are no other plugins. And i get the CTD there too. How can i produce / where to find the stack trace ? Update: Crashed again on the clean installation logfile added. You can see there are no other plungins installed than yours. Log.txt
    1 point
  10. Thanks docpan and your friends, you are now an expert. For 2 days, i am not at home, but waiting your file i have installed the plane at home on my main computer. ASAP, i will test, report here and help if i can. First glance, point 6 (payload tab), can be probably solved easily (i mean with time, i know we are a niche in the niche) by the devs (values in an array, click spots with custom commands). Thank you saso, Goran and docpan. Claude.
    1 point
  11. For now, it's a well earned rest for both of us, and Cameron. We're still working on other fixes, but not at the pace of the last week. We've had discussions about future projects, and we work very well together, to the point that it was my pleasure to be involved in this project. Take from that what you will. But for now, speaking for myself, it's time to spend more time with my family and my daughter.
    1 point
  12. So are you saying..you tested the TBM in a Mac XPlane and the XPlane bug made it crash? and you still sold it as working in XPlane Mac?
    -1 points
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