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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2018 in all areas

  1. @Dhruv I think what Jan wanted to say that in the days back when he flew the B733, VNAV wasn't used a lot. As of today, there are also in Europe more and more airports trying to develop continuous idle descent profiles (I know at least we (Airbus) worked with EBBR on that). However that's far more complex than most people imagine; as you already touched the point let alone the different aircraft types & capabilities, but of course also the fact that there are some airports in Europe you hardly ever get into without holding (LFPG, EDDM in winter, ...) - there a type-specific VNAV profile would be wasted...
    2 points
  2. You can. This is the last one! https://sky4crew.com/download/737-classic-1-2-betterpushback/ Of course, use BP 0.46.
    1 point
  3. +1 All works fine here after Gizmo update :-)
    1 point
  4. Jan, this may be the case in Europe, but the overwhelming Nextgen push in the US has been towards Optimized Profile Descent arrivals which essentially require accurate VNAV in order to fly. These procedures are VNAV-dependent to the extent that CRJ/ERJ operators often file ASAP reports due to not being able to comply with the procedures as published due to the Advisory VNAV being insufficient. The overwhelming doctrine even at Southwest during the waning days of -300 operations was towards using VNAV on these arrivals more and more, despite Southwest being one of the more automation-resistant operators in the past due to a desire to maintain commonality with at one point a 3-family fleet.
    1 point
  5. Looks like I was the culprit ! After re-install, I went to joystick settings and, there it was. A warning I hadn't configured my controllers, tho they were configured in a previous flight. Somehow, after the last update, unbeknownst to me,those settings were changed by X-Plane. So, I just put in a generic profile for now until I get the jist of setting up the controller profiles. Nevertheless, great flight and very happy..again, flying your ac! Thanks for your help..again! Cheers Luigi PS..what settings are you using in the tray tool, if you're using that of course ? I started with 1.6 and lowered it to 1.4 and that seems to be the sweet spot for my system
    1 point
  6. I agree with Shanwicks assesment. We are looking to complete the FMC because we feel that it is part of the aircraft and if it is on the aircraft, it should be in our simulation and working correctly. It is true that VNAV is not widely used in descent on the Classics - pilots use it as a "second opinion" and we like to watch the altitude deviation scale to give us an idea what the FMC "thinks" of our energy situation. It can provide a valuable "heads-up" in some situations. I used it frequently as a "socially compatible" reminder to my FO´s that he is way below profile. "Oh, the FMC thinks you are 10.000 feet low. Well, we both know it can´t calculate very well..." - Silence - FO dials in V/S -200 . It is very rare that you get to fly an approach fully on LNAV and VNAV in real life - so you need to ad your local knowledge and guestimates to the descent calculation, something you can´t do well in the FMS. Yes, you can add an "expected" shortcut, but if you don´t pay attention and NOT get the shortcut, the plane will turn anyway - leading to a clearance violation. The only airports I used to regularly fly VNAV into are ESGG and LHBP. They reliably use RNAV STAR and transitions. Everywhere else its FL CHG and V/S. Jan
    1 point
  7. is the most recent version and should be suitable for release with a Saab update. gizmo is the center piece of multiple aircraft and our drm/activation system. it runs global for good reason despite what various haters on another forum will try and tell you. (those that can, do. those that can’t bitch on the internet instead of putting in the hours to change reality *coughkerbaughcough*)
    1 point
  8. The capture critieria for the LOC and GS are fairly stringent - on purpose to prevent pilots from doing fringe or silly things ;-) The LOC will capture according to closure rate. If you are closing with it very slowly (i.e. the needle moving towards the center very slowly) you will have to be almost ON the LOC before it caputures. Your second shot shows you being one dot left of the LOC, with a closure of 1 deg - almost nothing. The LOC seems to be offset from the LNAV approach path, possibly due to the LOC not being aligned correctly in the X-Plane world (remember that ILS components are NOT updated with Navigraph/Aerosoft updates). The GS can ONLY capture after the LOC has captured - so you can never fly GS with LNAV. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  9. Hmm, that seems a bit excessive! We are not using any custom modeling for the oil temperature (default X-Plane) - I will check and see if it can be tweaked. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  10. Lots of info about your issue in this thread: Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  11. There is a real interest for a shared cockpit, more than expected at least by me. Almost 1000 downloads for the last release including BP! Claude.
    1 point
  12. Version 1.4.0


    Finnair: announcement V1.4.0 V1.0.0: Safety demonstration video for the A320 of Finnair. (2016 version) V1.1.0: Safety demonstration video for A320 (2016 version + 2018 update) V1.2.0: On-Board service information video announcement (2018 version) English with & without Finish language versions. in High/low audio quality. V1.2.5: Safety demonstration video shorter version for other fleet of finnair. + Information & instructions are updated V1.3.0: Before Landing arrival information announcement + Information & instructions are updated V1.3.1: Added extra information V1.4.0: Added the new safety video & added old safety video in original audio quality. Note: These files are tested on the JAR Design A320 airbus aircraft. i can not confirm if the sound package also can be used for other aircraft. I hope i could help you for a wonderful flying experience with Finnair on Xplane! Downloads: V1.4.0: Download Mirrors: V1.4.0: Download To open .7z file: go to 7-zip.org and download the lasttest version - Please share ur experience. I would love to improve! -
    -1 points
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