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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2018 in all areas

  1. Honestly - no. We are a bunch of devs that do this in our free time besides our "real" jobs - the VNAV turned out to be way more complex than expected, and we needed to finally get the plane on sale when we did. The one person in our team that can finish the VNAV (we probably need to rewrite a good chunk of it) is sidetracked by his real business and does not have time to tackle VNAV right now. We ARE planning to finish this, but unfortunately I can not even give you a timeframe. The plane is 75$ and it is incomplete at this point, no doubt about it. Is it already a lot of fun and worth 75$? I personally think so. But if you expect "completeness", don´t buy it (yet). I am part of the IXEG team and love to make a sale, but I won´t lie to you or try to convince you to so something that you will later regret. Thats why we also highlight the shortcomings of our aircraft in this thread, for everyone to see: The list should be up-to-date (will go over it really quick). I am sure the other users did not mean to be condescending - but we have a LOT of people that couldn´t fly their way out of a whorehouse (is this the correct figure of speech? ) without LNAV and VNAV and when people start complaining about lack of fully automated flight the suspicion lies close that these features are sought after for lack of ability to cope with selected modes (or even - gasp - manual flight). Cheers, and all the best, Jan
    3 points
  2. This is a known problem, please add your XP11 folder to the list of exclusions in windows security suite. It takes 1 min to do, check you tube for a guide.
    2 points
  3. This may be a bit late in responding to your problem, so I am unaware as to whether or not you have sorted things out. I would just like to inquire as to if you are using the Logitech drivers for the X-52. I was having all sorts of problems with their drivers even in FSX & Prepar3d & decided to revert back to the original Saitek drivers from Madcatz. That has smoothed things out for me considerably. Don't know why but it has. Perhaps you may have noticed that the joystick mapping in XP11 for the X-52 Throttle has mixed up the throttle slide with Silver Slider. Has them back to front.
    2 points
  4. The saddest part about a comment like this is that it's shortsighted in the overall picture. I'm personally confident you would find this particular portion negligible to your whole experience on the aircraft, and once loaded up and flying, after seeing and feeling the immersion you get, this hesitation would be quickly realized it was all for not. There's a reason people are saying it's the best. Of course, if you want to neglect why people say that even still, then I have to respectfully accept your position. I just know you're missing out on an awesome experience as a whole, and for that, I'm sad you're letting it get in the way of some amazing enjoyment! All the Best!
    1 point
  5. The last few replies guys come across a little condescending whether you realise it or not. I can manage perfectly well without vnav, yes I already know how to calculate a descent based on ground speed target altitude etc. My point is I'm surprised the so called best plane in xplane doesn’t have a proper vnav. I’m a little sick of paying for 60 dollar plus aircraft which are incomplete. I shouldn’t be forced into using lvl change or vs, I should be able to use vnav on descent if I choose to do so because that’s what the plane is designed to do in the first place. Is this something that is going to be addressed in the next update? Thanks
    1 point
  6. Most flights with an airliner in controlled airspace in the real world are not going to use VNAV for descent. The controllers will typically tell you to do things rather than the computer automatically follow. Jan will even tell you as a real world captain that VNAV in his flights isn't something they typically do. More like black magic than a for certain button. You're really missing out on something special if you decide not to purchase, but everyone has their "needs". I think the responses in this topic alone show you how much people love it.
    1 point
  7. By far the best 737 available for x plane when it comes to engine and flight model realism and many other important things. Vnav on climb works extremely well. On descent not quite yet, but once you learn how to calculate your own descents with a simple formula you wont need a vnav for descending till it's improved by the ixeg team.
    1 point
  8. From the LES Facebook page... I was wrong to assume, but it leads one to believe you two are having a problem. I apologize for my assumption. GD
    1 point
  9. The update is finished and all files have been sent to X-Aviation. You will be notified when the update is in your account.
    1 point
  10. I just got done with 1.5 less than 12 hours ago. Might do a little more testing and fine tune 1 more thing, but as far as we're concerned, it's definitely ready for XP11. All files have been uploaded, and all that's left is for Cameron to package and ship.
    1 point
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