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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Hey guys just a very quick and dirty vid I though looked cool....... Our 3D precipitation in action....
    6 points
  2. Cheers Tom, and the Voice donator ! Tony
    2 points
  3. Looks like the survey is dated 1997? I wonder what the results would be in 2016, especially for modern airliners like Embraers and Airbusses.
    2 points
  4. We have never released a major update in less than a years time. I guess I should go to Adobe and Apple for their iPhone upgrade practices too! Shame on us bad companies for making a living and providing you with improvements at 50% the cost!
    2 points
  5. Hello Captains! I made a simple LUA-script for v-speed callouts. It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up. The script is tested on X-Plane 10.51 and X-Plane 11 on Windows 10. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not) Requirement: - You will need FlyWithLua installed - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17468-flywithlua-for-xp9-and-xp10/ Installation: - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts You should get a structure something like this. Settings:Edit the IXEG_vSpeed.lua for the settings. Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.Enable_V2 = false Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. EnablePosGearUp = true Sync the First Officers speedbugs with what you set on Captain side. Default = false. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. SyncSpeedBugs = false Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max (default 0.55) SoundLevel = 0.55 How to use: This is how I use the bugs. It may not be correct compared to real procedures. The required bugs you need to set for the call out to work is Bug_2 to V1 speed, Bug_3 to Vr speed, and set the MCP speed to V2 (if you use V2 callout). You can set the other bugs to whatever you prefere. Demonstration: Known bugs/limitations: - Speed bugs can only be set on Captains side. Credits: @xplana for his excellent voice for the callouts Changelog: v0.111- Made variables and datarefs unique to avoid conflicts with other lua scripts. v0.110 - Minor optimizing of the script. v0.109 - Added setting to sync the speed bugs on First Officers side with what you set on Captains side. v0.108 - Added setting to adjust volume for the callouts- Added setting to disable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout v0.107 - Speed bugs did not reset. Fixed v0.106 - Reseting speed bugs when loading script. To avoid callouts if you dont have set the bugs. - Some adjustment to the sounds. (not so much right panning). v0.105 - Changed the default for V2 callout to false (disabled) v0.104 - Fixed V1 callout when starting X-Plane/loading aircraft v0.103 - Fixed "Positive rate / Gear up" -callout when V2 is disabled v0.102- Added setting to disable V2 callout v0.101 - Fixed compability with X-Plane 10 v0.100 - inital version You can download the script here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/1029-ixeg-vspeeds-callouts/
    1 point
  6. Version 0.111


    Hello Captains! I made a simple LUA-script for v-speed callouts. It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up. The script is tested on X-Plane 10.51 and X-Plane 11 on Windows 10. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not) Requirement: - You will need FlyWithLua installed - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17468-flywithlua-for-xp9-and-xp10/ Installation: - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts You should get a structure something like this. Settings:Edit the IXEG_vSpeed.lua for the settings. Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.Enable_V2 = false Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. EnablePosGearUp = true Sync the First Officers speedbugs with what you set on Captain side. Default = false. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. SyncSpeedBugs = false Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max (default 0.55) SoundLevel = 0.55 How to use: This is how I use the bugs. It may not be correct compared to real procedures. The required bugs you need to set for the call out to work is Bug_2 to V1 speed, Bug_3 to Vr speed, and set the MCP speed to V2 (if you use V2 callout). You can set the other bugs to whatever you prefere. Demo: Known bugs/limitations: - Speed bugs can only be set on Captains side. Credits: @xplana for his excellent voice for the callouts For support, please visit: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/12002-lua-script-vspeed-callouts/
    1 point
  7. X Plane 11, SMP 4, Star Wars. A perfect ending of the year
    1 point
  8. +1 Looking forward to the release. Keep up the good work.
    1 point
  9. Not really flying between cloud fronts but dipping into a break in the overcast as reported by the metar:
    1 point
  10. Heya Tom, Well you're kinda thinking along my lines I think Jan if he sees this might chirp in, afterall, himself and i think for certain one other forum user maybe two more actually, did fly the bird So Jan/Their input would just about seal the deal one way or another Take Care Have Fun Tony
    1 point
  11. Just one more then. Taken at 30,000 above the Alps.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for your input @Defiance_co I have been reading around and it looks like V2 isen't called out in normal operations. More used in the older days with older aircrafts. Maybe @Litjan or someone with knowledege on this can come with some input also.
    1 point
  13. Looking amazing there John and the Crew Still got a bit of patience left, but all this eye-candy teasing is hard to endure lol j/k Awaiting release like countless others Thanks Tony
    1 point
  14. Definitely optimized for XP11 .........Plus to override the default X-Plane haze you'd need to play with undocumented datarefs. This is not a good practice since LR can break them during any update.......
    1 point
  15. That looks terrific. Is that SkyMaxx's clouds blending perfectly with X-Plane 11's atmospherics or do my eyes deceive me? Either way, release this already
    1 point
  16. The snow is looking great John.
    1 point
  17. Thanks a lot Tom...really a great addition for IXEG 737
    1 point
  18. If you want to avoid the fires altogether.. just adjust X-Planes failures to never activate. There is a fix coming in the next update that addresses the fire extinguisher logic, which I believe will take care of the error being reported in the Gizmo Console.
    1 point
  19. Lol, humans make mistakes sometimes
    1 point
  20. Pretty interesting. I'd like to see an updated poll of pilots flying modern aircraft. I would wager the use would be higher.
    1 point
  21. I have several videos on YouTube that may be helpful. https://youtu.be/jKtBdNqjoDc
    1 point
  22. We kept the default effects in place, personally I don't see the "all-in-one" approach as a good development model for innovation and support reasons. For instance including undocumented datarefs that adjust skycolors or atmospheric properties creates a nightmare when LR decides to change or remove them due to core changes in the simulation, remember RTH became broken in 10.51? Tony created and individually supports Ventura Sky, which brings a whole slew of great effects to SMP and XP, and as XP11 matures he can adjust his product to suit these changes total cost to the end user $0.....SMP has less of a chance of breaking during XP version runs because we play by the rules which equates to better support overall...... Sorry going of on a tangent here.....LOL
    1 point
  23. That's... how customers work.
    1 point
  24. I've never been so entertained by a forum thread. It seems flight simulation is home to some real maniacs! I would love to hear how these people complaining expect the development team to pay their bills whilst providing updates for free. SMP4 is looking great btw. Can't wait to get it up and running with XP11.
    1 point
  25. To have a normal reflection, without this effect, just open the obj files and write just "Global ... 1.0" or I prefer 0.8... you have to erase "normal metalness" or what Laminar wrote. To have a good effect with their options, you have to create a new file_NML.png like the B738 of default has... I attached some screen that I taken during my trial of XP11...
    1 point
  26. All LES add ons are planned for an XP11, PBR upgrade. I've wanted to do some PROPER bare metal liveries for the DC-3 for a while. It's like bare metal and the DC-3 are a marriage made in heaven. There are a few fixes I'm looking at as well, including the fuel transfer. Also looking at mesh optimization and new textures throughout. I don't think it'll take too long, but I'll post updates with screenshots as work progresses. Trying to get as much done as possible in as short a time as possible.
    1 point
  27. Org has the worst moderators on the internet, if i had the chance to buy the forum and site, i will totally revamp the site and install better moderators
    1 point
  28. At this point you're slightly shifting gears. To be very clear: nothing on this will be changing, we almost never hear about it, and it's not just because we're lazy. It took significant effort just to create a sound engine to begin with. Further discussing this will literally be a waste of time for all.
    0 points
  29. We are using a custom sound engine that those other aircraft do not use. The current version does not provide replay capability. Since we will be converting all sounds to FMOD at some point (for v11), we will not be upgrading the sound engine that the Saab currently uses.
    -1 points
  30. If you want playback of sounds in replay then rename the sounds to something default X-Plane 10 will handle with it's own, crappy sound engine. There's a reason Laminar introduced a new sound engine in 11, you know... Your compatibility argument is hogwash, and there's obviously not a clamoring of people hounding us for this either. We made a sound engine. There is no "compatibility" situation here when Laminar doesn't make situations for custom sound engines like ours anyhow. We bent the rules of possibility to make something exist that never did because what was there by default is awful on so many levels...just ask any serious X-Plane user.
    -1 points
  31. We NEVER promised that we would provide a "fix" for sound not playing during replay. We also NEVER said it was infeasible. We have put out updates to this aircraft, the last of which was in June of 2015... that's NOT 3 years. Replay mode is an integral feature of XP, but certainly not the PRIMARY feature. One of the biggest features of X-Plane is the extensive flexibility it provides to aircraft authors in doing modifications to the default product. That flexibility allowed us to provide a custom sound engine to offer much better (than default) sound in the PRIMARY mode, which is normal flight simulation, not replay. The Saab is not the only payware product with this limitation. If you purchased the Saab to primarily run in replay mode, you are not using the sim as it was "designed/intended". As I also work for Laminar, I talk to Austin almost every day, and I can assure you he would understand and be sympathetic to our position. No, we don't.
    -1 points
  32. I agree that the sound engine in the 340A is very good. And in retrospect, I may have made my purchase despite (with knowledge of) the sound limitation in replay mode. That said, I believe my argument is sound. What's not valid is to simply insist, unilaterally, that "we gave you something better." I of course cannot prove this. But I would not be surprised to learn that the custom sound engine for the 340A was first developed, and then later someone realized: "Oh sh*t, this doesn't work in replay mode. Oh well, as they say, it's easier to beg forgiveness later..." (or make up some lame excuse; Donald Trump is a master at this!). In short, and with all due respect, let me repeat/clarify my earlier point: If there is an inherent known limitation with an aircraft design, this should either be eventually corrected or clearly indicated on the website spec sheet so that potential customers can make a fully (or anyhow better) informed purchasing decision. I seriously doubt that any sensible XP user/customer would disagree with this principle.
    -1 points
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