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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2016 in all areas

  1. Depends on which 737, the winglets were a bit different for a few of the models. ...and it also depends a bit on the angle of the view as to how they look, I can say unequivocally though that I'm done debating it (did that enough with my team members) or willing to change it . -tkyler
    4 points
  2. Sunset over the Norwegian mountains during LNAV/VNAV testing.
    4 points
  3. Got winter pack working for me
    2 points
  4. Also called F-clef: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clef
    1 point
  5. On 2/26/2016 at 4:58 PM, Morten said:
    1 point
  6. I just looked in Aperture, I ended up keeping 41 pictures, which means I probably took somewhere around 80. Which is surprising, but also makes sense at the same time. Sometimes you just end up flying around with your camera slung around your neck, and then you land and remember oh shit I was going to take pictures wasn't I... I'll take a look at posting a few later today or tomorrow.
    1 point
  7. Congrats on finding someone to be a regular passenger. And ferries can be interesting. I did one September 2015, one of four C172R's from Ontario to British Columbia. Three days, and 21.5 hours.
    1 point
  8. It was difficult focusing on the flying
    1 point
  9. Do you like X-Plane 10? Do you want to see continued high quality sceneries like this developer is building? If so support this project with your money. This is only my opinion, but I think that XPX has a problem. This platform has so much potential. However we have a freeware first mentality in this community. Because of this way of thinking, XPX has been saturated with garbage. There's a reason why the recently announced LOWI is coming to every platform other than XPX. That's because Aerosoft knows that you will not buy it. No you prefer to use a garbage freeware version instead, but then complain that we don't have any quality scenery in XPX. No FlyTampa, FlightBeam, FSDT or Taxi2Gate for us. The freeware junk is just to competitive. This developer is bringing us top quality with KDTW. I have followed this project since it was announced. I'm writing this in hopes that you will all BUY this scenery so that the developer will continue to support the best FS platform which is XPX. The reason developers continue to support an old 32Bit platform is because the customers BUY it. Yes they give money for quality scenery. Based on these screens I have very high hopes for this developer. And I hope all of you will show your support for this work.
    1 point
  10. Not sure what happend after this: I dident knew about this before now. But really hope they come up with a solution with Navigraph But I can live without navigraph support for version 1.0. But I hope they will make support for it later.
    1 point
  11. Almost done with the McNamra terminal. Video walkthrough coming soon...
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Beautiful! And the flying was sweet, too!
    1 point
  14. It has to be my 737-200 flight. I was approaching LOWI, runway 26. Intercepted localizer and switched autoland. The plane for some reason didn't descend at a proper rate, so around 500 feet above I had to go around. But since I wanted to land quickly I performed a quick turn right. Now, if you know the terrain around LOWI, you probably know where it is going. I didn't have altitude to fly over some hills, full power didn't give me enough so my speed in turn was bleeding fast. I almost made it but once airspeed dropped below 130 knots I started to lose lift, my right wing dropped, nose dropped and I slammed into the forest on some rocky hill.
    1 point
  15. Exactly What fun is there in flying a computer on your computer
    1 point
  16. Version 1.21


    Texel, North-Holland, the Netherlands Texel International Airport is a small grass airport on the island of Texel (Tessel) in the Netherlands. Although the airport itself isn't particularly big, runway 04/22 is allegedly one of the largest grass runways in western Europe (1115x40m). Usually the airfield permits only aircraft of to 6000kg MTOW, however with special permission (depending on weather conditions) heavier aircraft can land here. Some special visitors with an MTOW obviously larger than 6 tonnes are a Fokker 60 Utility (23t kg) and touch & go's from Fokker 100 aircraft fresh from the Fokker plant (44,5t kg). Fokkers were a regular sight at this fun airport. Runway 13/31 is quite a bit shorter but in strong N/W S/E winds it is very useful. (630x40m) Happy Landings! For more detailed navigation charts see AIS Netherlands or the Texel Airport website . Please take a look for realism, just like most Dutch airfields Texel has quite strict approach and departure procedures, even special weekend and weekday procedures. Requires: OpenSceneryX RD_Library RE_Library Handy Objects Library RUScenery 3D People Library If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click).
    1 point
  17. I would rather see cockpit Picts xP CMB Sent from Tapatalk
    -1 points
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