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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Blender - for 3D modeling Photoshop / GIMP - for making textures Inkscape / Vectorworks (Tom only) / Illustrator for 2D artwork, sketching diagrams and helpful visualizations Plane-Maker of course Gizmo/Lua plugin as our code base BBEdit (Tom on Mac) for coding (unsure about the windows guys....Notepad++?). Once in a blue moon "Brackets" Git for version control (differing clients) (SVN for a lot of years though) Open Office / Word for Documentation Google Spreadsheets for various temporary uses, calculations and bug tracking
    6 points
  2. Not ready yet. But it IS looking particularly sweet. If I do say so myself.
    2 points
  3. X-Pilot has a new design! We've implemented a huge upgrade to our forum and news system, and there are many new features as a part of that. Enjoy the new layout and more intuitive user interface! Happy flights...
    1 point
  4. Woah that Hansa livery looks sharp! Makes me kind of have to post this one.. The still flying brother of the one in the cockpit picture.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. So how about a nice and small SAAB Safir as a side project? Something entirely different from the big jets.
    1 point
  7. Aside from the fact that Jan doesn't seem to be a big fan of Airbuses (understatement of the year?), they have mentioned that developing an Airbus to the degree of realism IXEG strives for is likely close to impossible or simply not feasible. If you're looking for a good A320 or A380, your best bet is probably waiting for QPAC to get their update out. I could also see Flight Factor doing an A380, considering it's somewhat closer to the A350 than other aircraft. Neither of these will probably be as deep of a simulation as the 737C though. QPAC's A320 might get close some day
    1 point
  8. I'd hope for the auxiliary fuel tanks as well.
    1 point
  9. At XPFW we considered it once, but after studying the fuel system with it's 18 or whatever fueltanks it uses to balance, we found something else to build
    1 point
  10. I get that situation for sure... I cannot confirm nor deny that I have ever assumed an instruction from ATC and been wrong. I can also not confirm nor deny that I have flown flights online while drinking the fanciest of extra anejo tequilas. On a slightly ore serious note, maybe say if the "At Or Below" restriction is within X nautical miles from the T/C then hold the climb at the restriction. If it is beyond X then climb to the set cruise altitude and later descend for the restriction. X can be calculated the difference between the set cruise altitude and restriction and the time/distance it takes to meet the restriction... Plus a little buffer. But I do stand behind my idea of having the CDU display "Go home pilot, you're drunk!" because it is probably true in my case.
    1 point
  11. Well lets say the overall route was 1500 miles...and the last enroute waypoint was 150 miles from the arrival runway...just before the T/D with enough time to get down. ...and you put a restriction of 11000B on that point (before takeoff, while on the ground, so you're clearly under it at the time of calculation). It doesn't make much sense to fly 11000B for @ 1300 miles, quite inefficient, especially if you had a cruise alt at 35k or so. It IS logical in such a case to think that kind of restriction should be applied to the descent, it would certainly be the cheapest and we know the airlines like that ....if said enroute waypoint was closer to the climb regime, then it might make sense to apply it to the climb. From an optimization point of view, you'd apply it to the regime that is the cheapest...i.e. keeps you at altitude the longest. If there ever was a "most right" answer, it'd probably be 'B' in the given example. -tkyler
    1 point
  12. Yes that is the main focus of this product, to put it simply......It reads the METAR and places clouds according to the data, weather fronts will be properly displayed in the distance...
    1 point
  13. The sad part is that she is absolutely right... Jan
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. That's becuase you are flying for a wrong airline!
    1 point
  16. This doesn´t even happen in real life all too often, so don´t get your hopes up . Jan
    1 point
  17. Version 1.0


    C77 Poplar Grove Photoreal Version 1.0, Jan 04, 2013 By: Chris K and the ISDG Group This scenery was made in request from a user named Becky Lynn, who is a new XP10 user (but not new to flying!) who was very surprised that nobody had taken this cute fly-in / live-in residential airport and updated it's taxiways since the beginning of time. I was about to walk through a quick learn tutorial with WED, but since this was a one-off, I decided to quickly update the taxiways myself. Since I had WED open anyways, I also decided to give it the "Photo Underlay" Treatment and spruce it up with some standard XP10 library objects at the same time. (Hangars, FBOs, etc.) Took about 2 hours to get done. Nothing fancy. Enjoy! ______________________________________ INSTALLATION: Copy to your /Custom Scenery/ Folder. ______________________________________ IMAGERY CREDIT: Orthophotos courtesy of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) The dataset uses the 30cm/pixel USGS HiRes Orthoimagery This Imagery is in the Public Domain as per: http://cumulus.cr.us...listofortho.php Copyrights and Credits USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain. When using information from USGS information products [chrisk: which I am], publications, or Web sites, proper credit must be given. Credit is provided by including the following citation: Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior/USGS The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov. ______________________________________ NOTES: - Uses 4096x4096 textures and pure XP10 Library - Sorry XP9 Users.... - Includes the earth.wed.xml project for anyone who wished to improve upon this. - I hereby release this scenery into the public domain and allow any and all derivative works to anyone who chooses to do so. ______________________________________
    1 point
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