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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2016 in all areas

  1. Oh no, I have a lot of money from Africa still coming my way, already! Believe it or not, I had this relative I didn´t know about, and he died recently. He left me A LOT of money, and I am in the process - with some helpful attorney from Nigeria - to reap all that dough in!
    6 points
  2. The most important parts of the aircraft in a flight simulator are in a cockpit. Nothing has been left out there in the least. A cabin, of all things, is hardly a strike. It doesn't really matter either, considering it'll get done one day.
    5 points
  3. You clearly do not understand the X-Plane payware market. If you want developers like IXEG to stay around then let the people who know what they're doing do it. The cabin is not going to be used by 100% of customers.
    4 points
  4. I really don't care about the cabin. Actually I do not even care too much about an extremely detailed external model because I spend 99% of my time into the cockpit.
    2 points
  5. I see sales. You do not. Anybody who knows you knows about your desire for simple aircraft. You, sir, are in a massive minority of the market, and if planes were made that way all the time there would be no business here. Don't let your bias/desires fool you.
    2 points
  6. Yes, it is possible to enter a step altitude on the CRZ page (in the real plane). The FMC will calculate the optimum step point (when to climb), allow entry of estimated wind at the new step altitude (for fuel penalty/benefit calculation) and also show the prospective savings as a percentage. It shouldn´t be hard to implement that, I can almost do the calculation in my head... but it will need some time that we don´t have right now . Jan
    2 points
  7. ADMIN NOTE: This topic has been split from the Real Weather Connector thread. Let me begin by saying that I am a fan of skymaxx v3 and will buy the weather connector when it comes out too. My question is in reference to skymaxx v3 textures/renderings. With xplane clouds or even hd clouds v2 the clouds, you get the feeling of how fast you are going. Don't know if they change the movements of the cloud as you get closer. The clouds in skymaxx don't give me that same effect even though they look great. Not sure if I explained myself properly but is anything changing in v3.1 that would change this? Can anything be done in the settings?
    1 point
  8. Gütersloh Airport ETUO with grass View File Gütersloh Airport with insert Grass and Trees when you want to have realy look you must have and Need Photogrond Texture by: http://zonephoto.x-plane.fr/Cartes.php Submitter myair Submitted 04/27/2014 Category DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s)
    1 point
  9. This plane is 99% finished, its close to video tutorials and than release. Lets finish it up ixeg before spring, becouse as soon as winter is over less and less time will be spent behind the PC.
    1 point
  10. I'm quite literally dreaming about flying this thing now and can't describe how unbelievably excited I am, years later, to finally see this product come to fruition. The anticipation is so great that nothing in X-Plane is doing it for me right now... I've had to resort to binge watching 22 series worth of Top Gear. Save us IXEG!
    1 point
  11. Not a big fan of the A332, but I LOVE those RR Trents. Beautiful engines! Had a bit of an emergency yesterday - gear didn't go down properly:
    1 point
  12. http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-model/aircraft/ Go nuts.
    1 point
  13. Yes, because we clearly look at the virtual cabin more than we use VNAV during a typical flight.
    1 point
  14. To tell you the truth, the FMS is the warpcore, the holy grail, the "Theory of everything" of this product. It´s the conditio sine qua non. You see a bunch of nice payware planes out there - but the FMS is what really sets a product of this scale apart from "other" airliners. Yes, it would be possible to license it out, but this would be akin to giving away the recipe for Coca-Cola - not going to happen. Unless you offer us: ONE MILLION DOLLARS! (Puts pinky on corner of mouth) Jan
    1 point
  15. X-Plane take more advantage from a CPU with a higher frequency for single core than a CPU with an higher number of cores, and HT is not the best option because it could reduce the processing power of the core that is used to run X-Plane main task, so an i5 with an higher frequency should be better than an i7 with a lower frequency (sorry but English is not my native language, I hope I explained that well enough).
    1 point
  16. Hi Benjamin! If you have the extra money for an i7 than you can buy it, but I'm not so sure that you will get more fps for the extra cost of an i7 cpu. Sure it has HT more L2 and L1 and higher clock speed but for xplane I'm not so convinced you will need that. With my i5 skylake I get a cpu load of 30-40% in x plane. Invest in a good video card, xplane uses a lot of resources from gpu and v-ram.
    1 point
  17. This is what I love about the whole project. In science, a theory is not valid unless it's impossible to disprove. I see this same kind of attitude with IXEG concerning complex systems like the FMC, it's not complete until it's proven to be robust and "unbreakable". I'm not a programmer but I'm assuming IXEG dedicate more/as much work into the rare or abnormal scenarios than normal situations, because the normal situations are only a quarter of the story. This is what has been lacking with other products, I feel like other developers have worked on their aircraft to get it to a stage where it can fly and perform, PROVIDED everything is done/entered correctly, resulting in a very glitchy and shallow product that does not respond correctly to the slightest abnormal input. Wonderful stuff
    1 point
  18. Let's call this day "Devil in the details" day Did you spot the difference?
    1 point
  19. Dear pilots, We have reached a point that we are almost finished with all mesh works! We turned O'Hare to a big building site, but I think for a good reason. Our determination to provide you the most "real" environment, drove us to overcome some tough obstacles in our way. For example, KORD sits on to mesh tiles (+41-088 and +42-088) which had gaps (!) by default between them! We fixed that, though it required us to learn to use a different 3D application to do so. The images are a rough preview of some of the edits we have done. Still remains a lot work to do, but at this point we have accomplished a major milestone on the project! Enjoy!
    1 point
  20. Version ETUO Gütersloh


    Gütersloh Airport with insert Grass and Trees when you want to have realy look you must have and Need Photogrond Texture by: http://zonephoto.x-plane.fr/Cartes.php
    1 point
  21. Well you win that one, hard not to since your the plane maker. But if you think about it, the plane and visuals are used 100% of the time by all customers. Fancy fms isnt going to be used by all. Send some time to the eye candy
    0 points
  22. 0 points
  23. Ah darn code fms , more weeks and silence. . Just take my money idc about those fancy fms things. - sorry if i missed this part but will the passeger cabin be fully modeled with moving parts initially or after 1.0 ?
    0 points
  24. "The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time. — Tom Cargill"
    0 points
  25. Not really anything new to show... you have seen most of the visual progress in the "sights and sounds" video. The last weeks have been almost exclusively FMS work, and it will stay like that until we are ready to release (save for some minor visual bugfixes). Jan
    0 points
  26. is there any news? it will be released in january?
    0 points
  27. In regards to that thread citing time constraints. Why is then is fms pretty much the only thing worked on and talked about while the 3d visuals take a delay to past 1.0.
    -1 points
  28. not everyone uses VNAV and programs stuff, some people just like 21st century visuals and accurate sounds. - and as usual Cameron, we disagree. your entitled to your opinion as am I
    -1 points
  29. well when this long awaited bird is released "soon" it will appease to all and everyone wins it would just be nice if visuals more times than not didn't take a back seat to study level parts thus extending delays ---- please deactivate my account, i no longer want to take part aside from buying a product on my end from the store and leaving it at that
    -1 points
  30. "one day" generic, no eta and likely not important based on feedback given to visual preferences. other developers suit my desires more but i will be buying this even for simplest of reasons and i dont care if someone things thats stupid that I won't bother studying a plane take my money and its the same lol
    -1 points
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