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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2013 in all areas

  1. Now this is what I call funny! I can't stop laughing every-time is see the picture of this guy (moron, idiot, @ss,... you choose really how you wanna call him) ducked-taped in his seat. I can't believe this guy (moron, idiot, @ss,... you choose really how you wanna call him) tried to chock somebody and then decided to go on spiting rampage! "Unruly passengers are an unfortunate reality of air travel—but we've never seen one dealt with so efficiently and effectively! According to a Port Authority spokesman, an "apparently intoxicated" man who was acting "in a disorderly fashion" was restrained by passengers and crew members on an Icelandair flight from Reykjavik, Iceland to JFK on Thursday afternoon. But after a few pieces of duct tape and some well-positioned plastic ties, everyone on-board was apparently able to relax and go back to enjoying City Of Angels." Read More HERE DISCUSS PLEASE!
    1 point
  2. With the Blackshape Prime to Trier (Germany). http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.7388&lon=6.6263&zoom=13&layers=M
    1 point
  3. You have the templates...it's a layered PSD file...turn off the Brit Air layer if you want to rid of Air France.
    1 point
  4. You just know the next time he shows up at the arrivals desk, they'll be ready to giftwrap him again....
    1 point
  5. He looks wrapped up like a late Christmas present.... or should I say, turkey.
    1 point
  6. They should give such kits to all long haul passengers. Would make the flights more interesting!
    1 point
  7. Sorry to hear Zymurg. It is almost hard to believe isn't it? I mean, for years, people thought we just made up this stuff...some of the things that have come out of the admins mouth at the org just makes me blink in amazment. Anyhow, we're glad to have you here and look forward to your contributions. We are kicking around several things here to try and get add-on building tutorials and training going and bolster the community sharing of great add-ons using some of the newer XP technologies. Tom K
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Nope. Not even close. Cameron is much more clever. He's probably cuter, too.
    1 point
  10. Thanks Cameron, I really appreciate that. Never been banned before and was only being constructive but got broadsided to my big suprise, but perhaps nieve. I look forward to this forum. I love X-Plane and think i have a lot to share.
    1 point
  11. Sorry to hear about this, Zymurg! I followed that topic and pretty much knew how it would end up, but it's sad that I even knew that and was correct as to the end result. Either way, welcome to our friendly community! We're happy to have you here!
    1 point
  12. Beautiful http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/photos/4/7/6/2208674.jpg
    1 point
  13. Already happened, sort of. Nicolas didn't actually ban me, he just revoked every single privilege except viewing of the forums. The last time I was banned in 2009, ......for selling my Mu2 with x-aviation instead of them (I think I hurt his feelings), there was a bit of a backlash from some users who couldn't figure out what happened, including me. I had a good history of helping others there for some years, and the banning had no justification other than Nicolas being a baby....so he reinstated me with a warning, "I've got my eye on you". Well I definitely got real vocal after that little stunt as many here know all too well. If Nicolas didn't have a reason to ban me the first time, I definitely gave him one after that. Every time he decided to act like a baby, I'd call him on it and eventually he had enough of me and pushed the big red button. In this way though, nobody knows I'm "soft banned"...they just think I don't post there and nobody will question him on it. Sly devil that guy! Tom K
    1 point
  14. Generally if you have anything "in writing" against the org in the slightest negative way, then you are likely at risk for being banned. If you participated in the rant section here and had anything negative ( in their eyes) or even the slightest bit obstinate to say, then that is your probable cause. The org generally does not tolerate criticisms of any kind, especially if directed in the slightest way towards management or org vendors, but to ever really know for sure, you'd have to have a org representative who knows about it to sound off. They're not in the habit of explaining to members whey they're banned, they just cut the rope and keep on moving most of the time. TomK
    1 point
  15. Today I flew CYUL-KMCO (my all time favourite medium-haul flight) on a Red Wing Ty-214. More pictures HERE
    1 point
  16. Here are a couple of my favorite shots of the upcoming NorCal scenery. This is late afternoon near Mt. Shasta, one of the southern-most peaks in the Cascade Mountain range, which extends from Canada, through the states of Washington and Oregon, and into northern California. One of the unique features of Mt. Shasta, is the dramatic rise above the surrounding terrain - almost 10,000 feet! This, combined with the fact that there are no other large Cascade mountains in the area, make Mt. Shasta the dominant landmark in far northern California.
    1 point
  17. It's been here since the 2nd, and I don't think he's getting banned. He made a mistake. He trying to patch up. Give him a chance.
    1 point
  18. Hey all- I had mentioned in my last post that my next tutorial would cover setting scale in Blender. Well, as I checked my facts, I came across the following link: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/r.burke2/precision_modelling1.html This clearly has all of the information one would ever need on this subject, as well as detailed instructions and examples on thier implementation. Therefore, I will simply pass on the link, and wait patiently for any specific questions y'all might have. Anyone who considers themselves (or strives to be) a "pro" level modeler should read the majority of this book because, quite frankly, XP is changing. No longer do "accurate-looking" models engender the praise they used to. Try measuring your work, and prepare to be dismayed. BUT FEAR NOT! If you do this FROM THE BEGINNING, it actually makes modeling MUCH easier (particularly with VC's) as it will take the guess work out of how big a knob should be. Where does one find such dimensions? Well, think outside of the box! There are groups of people who build full-size replica cockpits for home use, and they subsequently publish these dimensions in surprising detail. Here's just one example of the information that's out there: http://www.markuspilot.com/B737info/B737info.htm All those measurements just make me so happy! Now does this mean to have a good VC one must measure EVERYTHING? Heck no! In fact, with a few exceptions, this is down-right impossible. That being said, if you are able to get the measurements on a few items, you can scale and relate all other objects to the known. For example, all modern boeing panels (Comm, Nav, etc) are all 150 mm wide. That tiny detail can help immensely. How do you do that, you ask? Well, take the 737NG pedestal (pretend like you don't have the link above). You know that each "slot" for an item is 150mm wide, and you know that there are 3 columns of slots on the pedestal. 3X150=what class...450! Now, the pedestal is in fact 455mm wide, but once you build the sides, you'll end up with something about 453mm...THIS is close enough when you don't have explicit data. It's up to you what your margin of error is on this. I try not to be more than 5-10 mm off depending on the object, but so long as you're not INCHES off (25.4mm per inch, for us standard measure people), it is unlikely people will notice. Anyway, the point is, the data is out there. It's up to the intellect and SKILL of the author to extrapolate it, and come up with the appropriate dimensions. Enjoy the new bed time reading! -Nick
    1 point
  19. Thanks for linking to this document. I am completely new to 3d modeling (though I was pretty good in my drafting class in high school a long long time ago), but alas the plane I wish to fly has never been built for X-Plane. It exists in MSFS, but not to my standards. So that means I must learn to make it myself! I've been working through this tutorial and it's extremely good. I don't quite always know what I'm doing, but the instructions are easy enough to follow and I can see the results of the actions I take. Blender is much easier to use than GMAX, and this guide is quite handy for newbies like myself.
    1 point
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