TaiModels has released Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport (YSSY). The airport utilizes all 4K textures, has custom SAM jetways, custom ground mesh, and serves as the gateway to Australia's most well known cities. You can find out more at the iniBuild store.
Rotate has released their long awaited MD-11 after five years of development!
The team has also announced a passenger variant will be available as an extra purchase, with the current base package priced at $83.95.
The feature list is quite long, so head on over to the product page to check out more screenshots and see the features.
CowanSim has released the Bell 206L3. Purchasers will get a free update to X-Plane 12 according to the product page.
The feature list for their 206L3 is as follows:
Tested by real pilots
Hardware throttle config
Working floats configuration
Low and High Ski Versions
Head Force and Shake
Dynamic Weight Options
Functional spotlight and spray kit
Functional Cineflex Camera
2k and 4k textures
Rain Effects
Vulkan compatibility
AviTab, and RXP GTN750 integration
Detailed night lighting
Head on over to the product page to see more screenshots or to purchase.
FlighFactor took to Twitter to showcase some screenshots of their 787 EFIS work. The point of the teaser was to highlight the symbology on the display. Not much other context was given, but you can check it out on their Twitter post!
Aerobask has released their DA50 RG. You can find it on the X-Plane.org store with a retail price of $39.95 USD.
The full feature list is as follows:
Aerobask quality 3D model
Fully functional virtual 3D cockpit, with smooth and VR-friendly manipulators.
High quality 3D model with high resolution PBR textures (4K).
Accurate flight model
Flight model by X-Aerodynamics
Enhanced Laminar G1000
--> Synthetic Vision technology by OscarPilote superb!
Fully Integrated Laminar Garmin G1000 with custom EIS and annunciations
Touch screen features for easy handling
Customized FADEC/ECU with test procedure.
Simulated oxygen system.
Simulated ice protection system.
MD302: custom coded Standby Attitude Module.
Fully functional breakers (configurable reliability).
Smooth wingflex
Windshield effects: reflections. Rain and frost only available with X-Plane 12 aircraft version.
Visual icing effect on the wings.
Many parameters saved between flights.
Configurable pilots (male or female), passengers and luggage.
Skunkcraft Updater
High quality sounds
Full FMOD environment by Daniela Rodriguez Careri
Accurate doppler, distance attenuation and flyby effects.
In-game volume control without pausing the sim
8 beautiful 4K liveries out of the box
White (for painters) and additional liveries available through the Aerobask website
X-Scenery and X-Aviation have officially announced the Mitsubishi MU-2B-60 v2.0 project. The announcement comes in the form of a progress update to get a feel for how the aircraft is taking shape. The project itself is quite far along, so expect pretty regular updates from now forward! You can see the announcement here in our forums.
TorqueSim has released updates covering all four versions of their SR2X series of products (Entegra and G1000). These updates consist of a wide variety of improvements, with initial preparations for X-Plane 12. (This isn’t the X-Plane 12 update, but this is a step towards it. Once X-Plane 12 is released, TorqueSim will release updates in due course to fully support the new sim at no additional charge to existing customers. You can read all about the updates on the TorqueSim blog.
Xometry has announced their latest airport scenery, Keflavík International Airport. This is known as the main hub for Iceland commercial service. The listed features are:
2022 layout
High-quality PBR textures on buildings
4K PBR ground textures ensure realistic asphalt and concrete colors across the airport
High-quality color corrected Ortho imagery
Custom SAM Jetways
3D interior in the main terminal
Custom PBR ground clutter (edited)
We'll keep you updated as more info comes out.
VerticalSim has released their rendition of Syracuse Hancock International Airport. The scenery features include:
4K PBR texturing
Circa 2022 airport layout
SAM jetway support
Animated vehicle traffic
HDR night lighting
Taxi routes for use with AI traffic addons
The product may be purchased for $19.95 on the VerticalSim website.
The developers over at Magknight have updated their rendition of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner for X-Plane 11, bringing the aircraft version to 1.7.21. This update features many bug fixes and minor feature additions to help prepare the aircraft for its next major update. You can purchase the Magknight Boeing 787 from the X-Plane.org store, and the v1.7.21 changelog can be found on their Discord server.
Juraj Rovensky, of Airfoillabs, has announced the release of v1.3.1 for the C172 NG Digital.
The update list includes the following fixes:
GPU - cable connect sound missing
Fuel Consumption tuned
Cylinder Head Temperature tuned
Oil Temperature Tuned
New graphics features on 2d Engine Panel
2d Central Panel - Fuel selector bug
2d Central Panel - Trim manipulator and indication corrected
2d G1000 panels - button animations corrected
2d G1000 panels - now dimmable
Failure System Logic - deactivated during Replay Mode to prevent incorrect failures
Interior animations fixed during Replay Mode
Cockpit Builders/Custom controllers - additional documentation and commands added
Quick View system / Memorized Views now working correctly also in external cameras
Intro Logic corrected
Hangar Music now playing all songs
2d Throttle Panel Manipulators refined
2d Switch Panel Manipulators added functionality
Read the official announcement on the X-Plane.org forum.