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Disappointed in X-Plane 10

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I am disappointed in X-Plane 10. Read my entire post before giving any premature reply like 'you should have tried the demo'.I did, and what I have observed in X-Plane and Laminar's trend in the recent past goes way beyond the deficiencies called X-Plane 10. It is a shame that as a long time X-Plane user I have to complain about something so basic as missing rivers and major inland bodies of water. X-Plane v9 had no such issues. X-Plane 10 is now a third of the way through its major version run and still lacks basic landscape features THAT WORKED FINE in version 9. I think Laminar truly needs to return to basics and get their act together on this. Paying $70.00 for software that is worse than the version before is plain unacceptable, unfair, and just dirty corporate. I just knew the minute they started making X-Plane into a mobile gaming thing that this is going to waste major time and given that they have finite resources the true desktop application is going to suffer. And suffer it has. Not just major bodies of water are missing, but landscape terrain itself has textures that don't make sense. For example, why are there green textures atop himalayan ranges that are brown in real life and ALSO IN X-PLANE 9? What's more, we are being told that DSF recuts won't be done for the entire version 10 run? They why did you release what clearly is beta quality software? Why not at least give us back the old tiles until you are done wasting time programming explosion like gaming effects into a what was and should remain simulation/modeling software? Clearly, the quality of X-Plane reached it's height in version 9. Why do we have to pay for your software and then we are encouraged to get into development behind it as well? Like being encouraged to correct and feed data into OSM. Please fix X-Plane desktop, stop wasting time on mobile platform and gaming, get back in touch with your roots, or risk being just another simulator that came and went.


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missing rivers and major inland bodies of water. X-Plane v9 had no such issues.


Seriously?  There are tons of missing rivers and bodies of water in Montana alone!  Don't get me wrong….I love X-Plane V9.7, but I don't mind flying V10, either.  If you've been a long-time X-Plane user, you should know it is a growing and alive piece of software.  


Nonetheless, if you really want your voice to be heard, I suggest you drop Austin a note at austin@x-plane.com

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Think of all the updates, features and improvements we could have missed out on while Laminar did a poor job of duplicating the enormous data pools being collected by OSM and other collective mapping sources that Laminar is building on for the future.


Clearly the programming talents of Laminar would be much better used if they were to be focused on surveying the world instead of writing tools to use the data that others can collect.


So sad.  :huh:  :mellow:

Edited by Ben Russell
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This anonymous guy is placing this post both on Org as on COM.


Then he should not be surprised to get the same reactions..


Once in a while there is a guy like anonymous human.

He just joins this forum to make negative comments on our simulator and will (hopefully) disappear shortly.


He is like the guy who joins my table in a restaurant whithout being asked and then starts telling me he hates the food I am having a good time with.


Why is a guy like him doing such things ?

Needs he a compensation for being neglected by his friends and family?


Maybe there is a shrink in our community who can explain this (weird) kind of behaviour.


Please doctor tell us where that behaviour comes from?

Leen de Jager

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1. HD Mesh V3

2. Updates
3. The only thing I agree with is the gaming thing and only partially. That makes money for Laminar, and no company can function without money. 


If you don't like X-Plane 10, don't use it, keep flying XP9, your loss :) 


Hope that helps a little ;) 

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I am disappointed in X-Plane 10. Read my entire post before giving any premature reply like 'you should have tried the demo'.I did, and what I have observed in X-Plane and Laminar's trend in the recent past goes way beyond the deficiencies called X-Plane 10. It is a shame that as a long time X-Plane user I have to complain about something so basic as missing rivers and major inland bodies of water. X-Plane v9 had no such issues. X-Plane 10 is now a third of the way through its major version run and still lacks basic landscape features THAT WORKED FINE in version 9. I think Laminar truly needs to return to basics and get their act together on this. Paying $70.00 for software that is worse than the version before is plain unacceptable, unfair, and just dirty corporate. I just knew the minute they started making X-Plane into a mobile gaming thing that this is going to waste major time and given that they have finite resources the true desktop application is going to suffer. And suffer it has. Not just major bodies of water are missing, but landscape terrain itself has textures that don't make sense. For example, why are there green textures atop himalayan ranges that are brown in real life and ALSO IN X-PLANE 9? What's more, we are being told that DSF recuts won't be done for the entire version 10 run? They why did you release what clearly is beta quality software? Why not at least give us back the old tiles until you are done wasting time programming explosion like gaming effects into a what was and should remain simulation/modeling software? Clearly, the quality of X-Plane reached it's height in version 9. Why do we have to pay for your software and then we are encouraged to get into development behind it as well? Like being encouraged to correct and feed data into OSM. Please fix X-Plane desktop, stop wasting time on mobile platform and gaming, get back in touch with your roots, or risk being just another simulator that came and went.


post this on AVSIM, I dare you :lol:  :D

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there are missing scenery files too try flying around paris france and why are there no airport with structures (there were in the demo) seems like a bit of fraud here) about the only good thing about explane is the ground scenery ATC is not good keep hering the same thing over and over and try flying over the california desert what are all those big green circles anyway.  think I will stick with fsx for now it better in most respects.

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there are missing scenery files too try flying around paris france and why are there no airport with structures (there were in the demo) seems like a bit of fraud here) about the only good thing about explane is the ground scenery ATC is not good keep hering the same thing over and over and try flying over the california desert what are all those big green circles anyway.  think I will stick with fsx for now it better in most respects.

Helluva first post!

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Big green circles - those would be irrigation circles.  A round field, with an irrigation system that rotates around a pivot at the centre of the field.  Completely realistic, and used all around the world.  


At least be somewhat knowledgeable before you spout off about inaccuracies.

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