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Announcing SkyMaxx Pro v5


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2 hours ago, akatham said:

Do you have v-sync turned on ingame? I remember from some 11.50 beta devblogs one developer mentioning that it was broken in opengl and actually working under vulkan when someone mentioned lower framerates...

Yes I do have v-sync turned on and the Nvidia settings to go with it also active.  I can't remember exactly what they are but I know when I activated one setting in the Nvidia driver it mentioned turning on the other two (one is G-Sync) for best performance.  I didn't touch the Nvidia driver when I just tried the return to OpenGL.

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Hello, I'm pretty new to V4  and excited to see this new version coming out soon, just curious about the sky colors though, I was using "SkyMaxx Hosek-Wilkie Sky Model" and it seemed that altitude played minimal to no role in sky colors, I fly alot of U-2s and Concorde so I end up going to those higher altitude often and sky colors at 10,000ft seemed the same as up at 50,000-70,000ft with a nice light blue tone, is there any chance we could expect some changes to it for more realistic darker tone at those altitudes, good example of colors I found this timestamp and before is about FL440 and after is FL700 from what I see on the instruments both of which much darker https://youtu.be/m0-icS-XOFU?t=391

if there is some sort of xplane limitation to this effect I totally understand!


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On 1/19/2021 at 11:53 AM, Cameron said:

on the Mac side Metal is an impressive uptick in performance for X-Plane as a whole over OpenGL

Well I still don't get it but I had to refresh my XP install after the need to delete the settings file and when I hit some very cloudy weather, my OpenGL rates choked.  Switched back to Vulkan, no other changes, and I was up by about 30 fps.  So I guess I have to take it back ... :mellow:

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I purchased SkyMaxx Pro v4 a while ago, and in the trade-off for performance, I turned the cloud drawing distance down to very small, resulting in poor aerial visuals at FL300+.
What is the improvement of SkyMaxx Pro v5 in cloud drawing compared with V4?

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8 minutes ago, Jonnti46 said:

Will it fix the long standing issue of double vision clouds in VR? I’d be pretty disappointed to pay for an upgrade if to then find it still is not working- especially with emphasis on the VR side on the update? 

Frank was optimistic about it, but only cautiously:

The update he was referring to is indeed v5. As we can't reproduce it on our end, I can't give you a firm answer other than we hope so.

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12 hours ago, Cameron said:

Frank was optimistic about it, but only cautiously:

The update he was referring to is indeed v5. As we can't reproduce it on our end, I can't give you a firm answer other than we hope so.

But we know this is depending on certain VR devices, as I first bugged this in August last year, and others also had same problems so it was well known, yet developers could not reproduce on their device, why not let someone with the actual problem beta test it? Would that not make sense? We’ve been waiting for ages / last status was it was being looked into with X-Plane developers and then nothing. So now, we have to buy it, no chance of a refund, and then find it might or might not work? It’s a really odd approach unless the developers can say it has actually been found re original issue? 

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Congratulations for the release today. 

I am not a previous SkyMaxx Pro 4 user and I am considering v5. However, looking at the screenshots I must admit that I see one cloud type displayed in various layers. Are there other cloud types and formations modelled that someone can identify when flying? 

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To date, I've spent $ 99.8 paying for your products and updates to get better clouds. I would really like to pay less for these updates, but I don't think you will. So I would expect, at least, to keep the price of the update available for the entire lifetime of the new version.

I am sorry for the complaint, maybe for you this is little money, but in other countries of the world this is already considered a high value. It's sad that you feel pressed, upgrade within 60 days or you lose your right and need to pay everything again. I have collaborated with you since version 2 and I think this is unfair to those who have always collaborated with you.

Edited by Jose Wilde
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6 hours ago, sim2heaven said:

I have skymaxx 4 and I want to buy skymaxx 5. i read we have 50%, how can i do to use it. Does I have a special code.

Prior to release you will receive a discount code to utilize during checkout and receive your upgrade price. :)

3 hours ago, Jonnti46 said:

But we know this is depending on certain VR devices, as I first bugged this in August last year, and others also had same problems so it was well known, yet developers could not reproduce on their device, why not let someone with the actual problem beta test it? Would that not make sense? We’ve been waiting for ages / last status was it was being looked into with X-Plane developers and then nothing. So now, we have to buy it, no chance of a refund, and then find it might or might not work? It’s a really odd approach unless the developers can say it has actually been found re original issue? 

Things get easily passed up when they're not common, and we believed we had this one potentially buttoned up. It's been quite a while, so I don't think any of us really remembered it since. And, at this point we're "here", so is what it is. :) I'm certainly not going to spend time trying to argue your other points out given what I've just said. The only thing I have to add is, while we DO care about VR (very evident by the continued commitment), it is a very small sliver of the market and that's not lost on me in comparison to other busy dev work going on.

3 hours ago, Ifikratis said:

I am not a previous SkyMaxx Pro 4 user and I am considering v5. However, looking at the screenshots I must admit that I see one cloud type displayed in various layers. Are there other cloud types and formations modelled that someone can identify when flying? 

Each flight I did utilized real weather. Go figure that others were not represented in these winter months of flying in the USA, but my primary focus was volumetric 3D GPU ray-casting and showing airliners at higher altitudes. SkyMaxx v5 retains old cloud types, including Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus, Cumulonimbus and Towering Cumulus.

2 hours ago, Jose Wilde said:

I am sorry for the complaint, maybe for you this is little money, but in other countries of the world this is already considered a high value. It's sad that you feel pressed, upgrade within 60 days or you lose your right and need to pay everything again. I have collaborated with you since version 2 and I think this is unfair to those who have always collaborated with you.

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and for your past loyalty. Since you've been around from v2, this process should feel familiar. The 60 day window has always been a thing over the years. That's no different here, and while it's not going to change, I still appreciate you taking the time to reply.

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I'll be buying this upgrade in a few hours.

Over the years I've bought every single cloud and weather add-on for X-Plane that's been released I think.  I just installed an update for another popular cloud add-on and it looks like something out of a cartoon! I keep getting drawn to these other add-ons promising better FPS and better visuals but they rarely deliver.  I keep coming back to SkyMaxx Pro.  Recent v4.9x updates have really improved the performance.  Flying VFR using SMP is so good.  It's only been IFR flights where the performance has been an issue for me, and only when I try to stretch out the clouds further than machine really wants to draw them.  If this really has been fixed in v5 then it will be the perfect cloud plugin.

Thanks for the work you've obviously put into this new version.

I'm very happy to pay the $19.95 upgrade fee.


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6 minutes ago, julian1992 said:

i have question i dont really understand what i need to buy if have already active sky xp so if i want to use skymax pro v5 need i only to buy skymax v5 or both skymax pro and the Real Weather Connector ? 

Hi @julian1992,

In this situation you would buy both, and in the Real Weather settings of SkyMaxx Pro, select ASXP (this option is only present with Real Weather Connector installed).

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13 minutes ago, julian1992 said:

so if i want to use skymax pro v5 need i only to buy skymax v5 or both skymax pro and the Real Weather Connector ?

You basically only need to buy SMP 5 but if you want to get the most out of real weather situations you should also buy RWC as this avoids redrawing clouds every x minutes and also gives you a much more detailed weather representation, better cloud formations and special clouds like the towering thunderstorm clouds - with RWC the weather you see can be very impressive and much less repetitive than what you get woth SMP alone.

If you want to see weather like this you need RWC - I think it's worth it (video shows SMP 4.8.1 + RWC 1.1 + FSGRW):


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