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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Press Update Licenses Now and reload? Also may want to redact your email.
  2. In non-persistent mode there’s no FBO to tell how many pax there are so you use the X-Plane weight & balance interface to set the payload (and only payload, don’t touch fuel!). In real life you don’t magic people into existence by typing into the FMS so you don’t in this simulation either.
  3. Thanks. I think there’s a piece of the puzzle missing because I set up this curve like yours, tested it in the default 737 while watching datarefs you mentioned and it worked, however the same dataref changes didn’t happen in the 650. Hopefully there’s some obvious switch in Plane Maker that they can find.
  4. I'm sure that's because most addons are using default systems so get this "for free". I imagine the developer just didn't consider someone using a setting that seems made for turboprops not jets (it has "beta" in the name, and forces you to have a beta range in the curve, even if it's tooltip mentions jets, no-one looks at tooltips, including me until now...). But if I can figure out how it works then I can request support. No promises. As such, how did you get the second column of numbers to change? Every time I do it resets to 0.17, 0.33, etc. Don't worry, I figured it out and it's messed up, stupid X-Plane. But I still can't figure out how this is meant to work on the backend. Of course it can but it's going to take custom support because this addon isn't using any default LR systems unlike every other addon in X-Plane.
  5. In the meantime a Lua script can be used to set the dataref.
  6. You're referring to the toggle command pedestal/gear/nws? Yes, there are a lot of switches that have only toggle commands. Adding more discrete position commands is something I will be discussing with the developer for a future update. In the mean time, every switch also has a dataref that can be used to manipulate the switch position, e.g. for the nose wheel steering switch setting CL650/pedestal/gear/nws_value to 1 will move the switch to ARMED. A Lua script can be written to do this via custom command (along with one for the corresponding OFF position). I hope that helps in the meantime.
  7. After the current work in progress is done I’ll ask the developer, no promises however.
  8. Please provided Log.txt from X-Plane
  9. As discussed on Discord, this is due to OMAR not having any instrument procedures and therefore being excluded from the FMS's database. A fix for this will be in a forthcoming update.
  10. As promised (in case anyone still cares), here's links to the profiles I developed while beta testing this aircraft. These were my personal choices, and you're free to do with them what you will. For example, I really only use Xsaitekpanels for the radio panel and the trim wheel on the multi panel, everything else is on the Bravo. Edit 2022-01-21: I’ve added the AP buttons (not lights!) to the Xsaitekpanels by request. Edit 2022-01-22: Added AP lights and knobs to Xsaitekpanels. Displays are not possible at this time. https://github.com/pilsnerish/Xsaitekpanels-Configurations/blob/main/CL650_xsaitekpanels.ini https://github.com/pilsnerish/Honeycomb-Profiles/blob/main/CL-650.json However, I suggest referring to the following thread for a much more complete Honeycomb profile kindly provided by @Goodfixins.
  11. Try a 10% sensitivity setting in the control profile? I’ve been using 0% fine on Honeycomb, but it’s all going to be down to individual hardware and personal preferences.
  12. Request has been passed to developer, will update if/when there’s implementation.
  13. D-ATIS only sources from https://datis.clowd.io/. And I believe SIGMETs are only available from the FAA also, but don't quote me on that.
  14. Was the original post after changing from 150% to 100% with the plane loaded?
  15. Good request in general. However, does your hardware hold a command when in position? Because “hold brakes max” works fine for me.
  16. No-one will be able to tell you how this addon will perform on your hardware unfortunately. 500Mhz isn’t a huge amount but performance will also depend how many cores you have, what their boost speeds are, etc. The risk is yours if you choose to purchase.
  17. Firstly, please don’t post to unrelated threads. Secondly, I don’t see anything in your screen shot showing a bind to the red button. Please post the bindings as tested. Thanks.
  18. @N330CT Are you using native X-Plane multi-monitor or something like Nvidia’s virtual desktop feature? Please provide your Log.txt also.
  19. Yes the AIRAC must match between Simbrief and the FMS. @mraviator
  20. Have you fully loaded into the plane before setting up the controls? You can use Non-persistent mode.
  21. Thanks for all the feedback. I’ve mentioned this thread to the developers and when they’re ready to tackle some VR improvements they will review!
  22. Can you take a screenshot of your binding so I can replicate exactly please?
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