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Everything posted by Pils

  1. If you have the subscription the easiest way is using their FMS Data Manager software, details on their site https://navigraph.com/products/navdata
  2. The secondary database is only available when there is more than one nav database to choose from, i.e. when custom nav data has been installed into X-Plane’s Custom Data directory, for example from Navigraph or Aerosoft.
  3. Search for `ap_disc`.
  4. Likely your flaps are out. When flaps are out the plane sheds power from the utility bus to preserve power for the hydraulic pumps.
  5. Can’t tell unfortunately, X-Plane just crashed on its own. P.S. You should remove XSquawkBox plugin, it doesn’t work on Vatsim anymore, and then you Log.txt won’t be so massive.
  6. I didn’t say it worked, I meant that’s what they are asking for on this thread. Use the mouse wheel, it accelerates as you keep scrolling.
  7. Is the aircraft powered?
  8. Payload whether set by FBO or XP W&B should be saved with state, yes. You can use sensed fuel if you like (by clearing the field), but fuel has to come from the fuel truck no matter what.
  9. Probably a bug.
  10. I don’t know how it would be activated but I guess so?
  11. It would be click, hold, and release. For the time being the developer believes the current manipulation options are sufficient.
  12. Inputs to the FMS don’t change anything but the FMS.
  13. The choice by Collins not to display the course in the preset nav box still befuddles me. Any ideas?
  14. Can you provide Log.txt please?
  15. You’ve turned the HUD brightness knob to full right? Do you have any kind of shader modifications? ReShade, etc.?
  16. You just have to sync up the physical throttle levers with the virtual cockpit ones to regain control after ATS is disconnected, the throttle overlay is an aid for this, alternatively sweep the physical levers to full forward and then back to idle.
  17. Please provide a full view screenshot.
  18. What do you mean? Sorry I don’t understand. The default for what? Search for “control_wheel_steer”, it’s there.
  19. I suspect it will interfere with the custom camera control in the Challenger, also it’s been reported as the cause of a multitude crashes to desktop. As it’s an unmaintained/abandonware product I would avoid it if I was you.
  20. If you’re on radar vectors/heading (HDG) mode, it’s either required or encouraged, not sure which. But when on FMS navigation then under normal circumstances the system will take care of it for you, as @Graeme_77 has described.
  21. I don’t think they’ll help as it has to detect an online network connection to disable the feature. It would be better for P2ATC to understand that temperature affects altimetry. Especially as this feature will be built into the simulator when version 12 is released.
  22. May be easiest to upload to YouTube as unlisted video(s).
  23. Bind a button/key to “confirm checklist item” (search for “check_item”).
  24. Use the LSK L1 (first line) as the FROM.
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