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Everything posted by Pils

  1. I’m sorry you’re having trouble, unfortunately this forum has no association with xPilot the Vatsim client. You’ll need to look for support via their Discord. The link is available on their website: https://beta.xpilot-project.org/#/
  2. It is possible to edit the db file by hand, yes. Whether the state files will be recoverable when loading the airframe is a different story. But you don’t have much to lose, right?
  3. In …/Output/CL650/airframes are there still directories with state files? Is it just the airframes.db that is blank now? You can open it in Notepad, etc.
  4. That’s just how it works right now.
  5. Make sure your 14th stage bleed air valves are opened (buttons pushed in) and your reversers are armed (to the left of the thrust levers).
  6. As in the white should cover the orange. However, I see the rendering issue now also. @castella I couldn’t help but notice the performance is abysmal according to X-Plane, what hardware are you running on?
  7. They mean just move your camera position. The eye alignment indicators are there to assist, they don’t move to you, you move to them.
  8. Probably same reason one sees the sun lighting up the inside of the cockpit and reflecting off the displays sometimes… fingers crossed for X-Plans 12 and proper occlusion.
  9. When you start your flight make sure you’re setting the date/time you want in the flight configuration window (including ticking the box for tracking real time). The FBO is based off the sim’s internal clock. If you want to plan more than 1 hour ahead then type in the time manually, rather than use the watch interface.
  10. Looks like you’ve resized the window? The aspect ratio doesn’t look right, definitely. That’s probably going to upset the rendering. If you edit the windows.cfg file in …/Output/CL650 you can reset the popout size.
  11. I still think XPR is buggy and unlikely to be updated any time soon, I wouldn’t run my sim with it anymore, personally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Automatically? No. You have to use the “To AUX” transfer pumps.
  13. As far as I know no-one has reported issues on the Discord or here on the forum that could be reliably attributed to Windows 11, however there’s no guarantees with any system as they’re all unique. But let me check if any of the beta testers is using it and I’ll report back.
  14. The developer has said it should be doable prior to X-Plane 12’s release (which has native rain effects that would replace librain). However it will depend on development roadmap priorities, so no promises for X-Plane 11 at this time.
  15. Can you recreate the scenario and provide screenshots of the CDU and PFD at that point in the flight, please?
  16. Thanks. Someone will look at this when they have a chance. In the future please don’t use someone else’s thread for your own crashes even if they look similar.
  17. I’ll have to double check but that may only be for the trigger, not the action. If you just want to change those it should work.
  18. That may be difficult, as far as I understand the actions the F/O can take are hardcoded, you can’t “build your own” via the XML. You may need to look at XFirstOfficer addon. https://github.com/leecbaker/datareftool/
  19. Yes, it’s allowed, but you may find the datarefs limited (all the systems are custom and don’t require datarefs to interact, after all). Do you have DataRefTool? It’ll save all the datarefs it discovers to a txt file. There’s no official catalogue, we are waiting for that.
  20. You mean the thrust limit “name” (TO, CLB, etc.), right? (There is no FADEC.)
  21. Did you get what you were looking for from Discord?
  22. I’m sorry you’re having trouble, unfortunately this forum has no association with xPilot the Vatsim client. You’ll need to look for support via their Discord. The link is available on their website: https://beta.xpilot-project.org/#/
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