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Everything posted by Litjan

  1. try to up your gamma settings?
  2. Winglets = no logo lights as discussed a million times and same in real life Edit: I think someone said that you are not running "winglets" - so my above comment was a shot in the wild, sorry.
  3. Hi Simon, are you sure your autothrottle can work without getting interference from your hardware throttle? We see a lot of people that try to move their hardware throttle "along" with the ghost throttle - this can cause an inadvertant disconnect of the autothrottle when they trigger the rejected takeoff mode or you can accidentially "grab" the throttles when they enter THR HOLD at 84kts. To rule this out, just move your hardware throttles ALL THE WAY FORWARD right after you trigger TOGA. Does this help? Jan
  4. Vielen Dank, Daniel! Viele Grüße, Jan
  5. Yeah, I would think so - disable all of X-Plane´s failures (remove flaps in overspeed, etc...). Some failures will work (like engine fire, failure, etc.) - others might cause unwanted effects. I think you still did good to work around the problem and safely land, though! Thats why we have humans in the cockpit - they can think outsided the box and do stuff that a computer can´t plan for... Jan
  6. Yeah... it is on the list - one of those things that have been there for a while and we just never got around to fixing. This feeds of a default X-Plane dataref, need to code around that. Jan
  7. Hi, we don´t really code or allow for the X-Planes failures to work properly - so all bets are off. We recommend flying without X-Plane´s failures enabled, doing so may give you weird results. That being said, its perfectly normal for the autothrottle to go to idle during LVL CHG (in a descent). But if you have a huge airspeed, the reversion mode will kick in and try to retard the throttles as well... Jan
  8. Hi Dave, I have no idea how the NG does it, but in the Airbuses the automatic starting just closes the pack valves, so the pilot has no influence over that... Maybe the NG has a similiar feature? On the classic (and also the 747-400 I flew, we´d start 2 engines at once with one pack still running) this was up to the pilot to do. You need a start-pressure of at least 30 PSI. If you have a cold day on a low airport, you might get away with the APU also powering the pack(s) - but it sure puts a strain on the APU (high EGT) and if the PSI´s drop too much, you can have a bad startup overtemping the engines. Note that these effects are not really modelled to a realistic extent on our 737, so it might be more forgiving than the real system. Jan
  9. We are working on that and should have that fixed VERY soon... Thanks, Jan
  10. Hi and thanks for the reports - you can never report too much, keep em coming!! 1.) Known and will be fixed very soon 2.) This is intentional - you pull the mouse down (on your table) - this is like pulling the handle towards you... 3.) A good catch! Of course the cover should flip the switch back to "normal" Thanks again, Jan
  11. It would be possible, depending on the circumstances. But it is not allowed, it places too much strain on the Apu and also risks a hotstart. Jan
  12. That is correct - no ground-power could supply enough amps to power the starter of the APU - thats why the APU draws power from the battery during start - and you will see all lights connected to the BAT BUS (not the other ones) dim... after the starter cuts out you can see the positive charge going back into the battery on the AMP meter... Jan
  13. I just tried at Flagstaff on a HOT day (+30C) and I get ca. 95% N1 for full takeoff power - so yes, what you are seeing seems low. Nominal Takoff N1 is ca. 90.5% for seal level and standard temp - anything higher/hotter than that should incrase N1... Can you make a short video of your Takeoff page? Jan
  14. I have no idea - if you have not selected a derate, the A/T should advance to the takeoff N1. Can you make a short video of what is happening? Thanks, Jan
  15. Correct - quite a few of the built-in X-Plane failures will work, because some of our systems are default X-Plane systems. Some systems you can fail through our FAILURES menu. Jan
  16. If I had to take a wild guess, it would be the JAR tow master plugin causing your problems. We had many reports and he has since provided an updated version of his plugin. We also had reports about custom polish airports package, and possibly fly with lua, etc. If you have a gizmo soft-crash (console popping up) then this is probably on us, but if X-Plane crashes hard, it is most likely a third-party-plugin that is incompatible. Jan
  17. Well, looking at your Log.txt you are still loading TONS of plugins... So unless you want to help by really removing them, there is not much else I can suggest to help you find the cause. Jan
  18. Known and will be fixed, thanks! Jan
  19. Ah, I see - we are incorporating some fixes to fuel loading in the next patch, lets see if it works better afterwards... Thanks for the report, Jan
  20. Hi Michael - this does sound quirky... with no AP in CMD and only one FD on, this one should be Master, you are right... will investigate and fix. Jan
  21. Still a useful report - in this case we should get a "BYPASS" instead of a reversal... will take a look. Jan
  22. ...and incidentially some battery power is required to connect the GPU (otherwise the relay won´t hold). Recharge the battery through the "failures" menu... Jan
  23. Yes, we found out that there is a problem with cruising altitude 10.000 (as this is also the speed restriction altitude). We will fix this, for now you can avoid this by cruising higher or lower. Jan
  24. Well, because when you set "typical" you get a "typical" fuel load. Which is most likely not what you have set up before. Jan
  25. I would bet that it is a problem with your scenery...there was a problem with world2xp before that caused a crash... Jan
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