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Everything posted by Litjan

  1. Hi Maestaru and thanks for the kind words! The other guys (absolute IXEG experts!) beat me to the answer, this was something we changed between video capture and release. I do follow these threads and answer whenever I get a chance - I can´t teach how to fly an airplane in here, but if there is an advanced question I am always happy to help! Happy flying, Jan
  2. Beautiful shots, Ricardo! I am just worried about the yellow Master Caution in picture #2, I hope you made it back to terra firma ok!? Thanks for sharing, Jan
  3. As a general rule, after flying two single-engine departures your leg on the live engine side should shake and hurt... Jan
  4. Litjan

    fmc crash

    Thank you for the report! I will add it to the bug-base... Jan
  5. I have done - nothing . I wonder if there is something else coming into effect for you here - some cross-assignment of braking, for example. There are keys that can be set up for braking, namely V and B, and I think you can also adjust if they "toggle" or "push to brake". Some users reported that the "B" key also toggles the Beacon for them - I think it is easy to map a key to braking by accident, and have it set to "always brake" after toggling it. Maybe you push a button to do something else (get a certain view, etc.) and it also "toggles on" the brakes? Another idea: Try the same on a "default" airport (not a custom one) - maybe the designer did something that affects the ground friction? There is also a certain code in place (default X-Plane, not IXEG) that adds "really strong braking" at very slow speeds, this is to avoid computational creep and flutter which used to make airplanes "shimmy" and weathervane in crosswinds - but this should not kick in at 10kts. Jan
  6. Thanks for reporting back on this, helios123! I hope that this update fixed it for you, let us know if you find out anything else, please! Thanks, Jan
  7. Ok, I checked and I think the update was for the ground handling plugin, not the towmaster. So there seem to be no solution so far. Sorry, Jan
  8. I think there is an updated version for the jar design tow plugin available, at least that is what I remembered. Maybe it was in another thread, have to search a bit for it... Jan
  9. Wow, that is cool! I have to try that! Thanks for letting us know, Gerald! Cheers, Jan
  10. Did you guys check if your parking brake was still set, maybe? I ran some test and have the brakes at 0.1 (approximately) - my deceleration is much slower and steady all the way to 0 kts (no sudden increase in decel below 10 kts). Jan
  11. Hi Sigmar, yes, it is perfectly possible to work around the problem by substituting a regular approach and then modifying it... or just disregard the magenta line in the end - after all you are going for a visual approach - this does not mean keeping visual with your EHSI . Of course we need to fix the core fault. Jan
  12. We unfortinately get a crash when selecting a runway without an approach... this is on the list. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the report! Jan
  13. Thank you for the nice words! Happy flying, Jan
  14. Yeah, there are still a few cases were the vnav calc gets screwed up. We are worling on those. Jan
  15. There will ne one out very shortly, we have been working with the dev on that... should only be a few days. Jan
  16. I habe never heard of that, so I assume its only valid for some (older) configurations. In our model the BAT position shows voltage of the battery bus. Jan
  17. Interesting, I am following this to see if you find out the exact problem... you are not depressurizing the A-Hydraulics for the push, are you? (Some old procedures ask for this, when you don´t have a steering bypass pin). In this case make sure that you switch them on again after pushback... Jan
  18. You can´t. This is a flightplanning format that can not be read by an FMS. You can enter coordinates if they are published as five-character waypoints, like N3050 or such. You would have to specify cruise speeds and level changes on the legs page, but changing level with the Step climb function is not yet supported. Jan
  19. Hi Dainius, no tank will ever "fill" from other tanks - there are checkvalves that prohibit this. Crossfeed is for the rare situation when you want to feed a left engine from right tank, for example. Even when using the CTR tank pumps, the crossfeed valve normally stays closed. Only in a high-pitch situation you can observe one CTR pump run dry (they are placed fore and aft) - then you can open the crossfeed, so that both engines get fed from the still pressurized pump. When more than one pump is feeding engines, there is always a "stronger one" that will win - and no fuel will be delivered from the weaker one - this is like in reality, and it may look like the crossfeed is not working. Jan
  20. Hi Ryan, something seriously wrong with your installation. You may have an old or conflicting version of gizmo, or not installed gizmo correctly. It is also possible that the file system is not correct, maybe using a special volume name in foreign characters for your main drive, etc. There should not be a gizmo-softcrash console window popping up first thing after the plane spawns. I suggest re-installing the plane and gizmo, paying special attention to the process and the recommended folder structure. Once you see this first console window opening, your 737-session is over. Do not attempt to fly or work the plane, you have to reload the plane or at least reboot gizmo. I hope this helps, Jan
  21. 10.50 should work. To really troubleshoot your problem we would at least need a video of what you are doing. Thanks, Jan
  22. 10.45/10.50 should have no effect on our aircraft. My guess is that your joystick is noisy/interfering - try to increase the "CWS deadband" zone in the preferences... Jan
  23. My guess is that these virus scanners are trying to keep an eye on all in and out traffic. When the route enters a MOD stage, we access other folders in the x-plane installation (earth_fix.dat, etc.)... Jan
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