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Everything posted by Nils

  1. Hi that does not sound as it should. We have a few similar reports indicating that some sounds are not playing. Are you using any other plugins that play sounds? The OpenAL framework has a limited set of "channels" and we are suspecting that some people are simply running out of them.
  2. Please try and temporarily remove all plugins except Gizmo and restart X-plane. Your log.txt reveals a number of 3rd party plugins and quite few error messages that could be contributing to the problems.
  3. Braking strength is actually something we don't tamper with in our code so that would possibly be a hardware calibration issue.
  4. The expert @Litjanagrees that they are a tad over sensitive at higher speeds. Putting in a tweak for next update, thanks!
  5. The random engine age also affects a few other parameters - the older engine runs hotter and at higher N2 and consumes bit more fuel.
  6. Agree it's a little twitchy. It's a trade off where we need it to be more sensitive than the others or changing MCP ALT from 3000 to 37000 would take all day. In addition, the real deal is quite fiddely to and you often see real pilots going back and forth a couple of times before nailing the altitude. Nevertheless we are open to tweaking all of these manipulator ranges over time for optimal UX.
  7. Hi, we've see the drag direction "reversal" a few times and it's on our long term list of stuff to look into. Thanks! Re the EHSI range, the knob is manipulated by dragging horizontally across your view, regardless of the relative angle to the EFIS panel. X-plane has "manipulators" types that check for movement along a specified axis in 3D space but we have found those to be less reliable than the screen space-type draggers that we have adopted for the 737.
  8. Hi, just got a similar report and was able to reproduce. I tampered with the pressurization outflow valve movement rate just before 1.0.2 went out. Bad call. Should be more stable in next update. Thanks for the heads-up!
  9. It is normal for the nose to come back down after the initial pull up on flare. Part because the stabilizer comes into ground effect, part because speed is decaying.
  10. Yes, please provide your log files. All that weirdness you are seeing suggest the plugin code is not loaded properly.
  11. Hi, judging by your description, it sounds like you overspeeded and the Autopilot and Auto Thrust protection modes took over. In a situation like this you have consider adjusting your routing to extend the descent. I sure way to avoid the overspeed is also to select MCPSPD and only use the VNAV deviation pointer as a reference.
  12. Radar returns are shadowed by terrain and so obviously you can't see precipitation behind a mountain. We also make assumptions about the amount of water vs ice content in clouds at different altitudes. As the radar shows water but not ICE, you have to point the beam at the base of a towering CB to be sure of seeing a strong return.
  13. Will eat my shoes if you get this to work decently. Best of luck though!
  14. Hi all, next hot fix will feature an AC pack volume slider for those who prefers a comfortable but unrealistic sound environment.
  15. Hi, did you check the Interface Guide.pdf? It has a table of all the custom datarefs of the 737.
  16. Hi Rob, 1) 0 = UP, 90 = full right. 2) We are manipulating it, part because we want to emulate the jerky movement of the needle stepper motors, part because we introduce some asymmetries in engine readouts depending on (random) engine aging.
  17. Hi guys, if any of you are using hardware gear levers and are seeing erratic gear warnings, I'd be interested to know. Thanks!
  18. The pilot has control over the thrust levers when the servos are disconnected, e.g. when the A/T is in ARM or HOLD mode.
  19. The MCP speed window is blanked whenever VNAV is engaged. The FMC will plan and fly the descent at the speed programmed into the DESCENT page except for legs where there is a speed or altitude restriction, in which case the currently applicable restriction is displayed on the DESCENT page. The pilot can delete any such restrictions if cleared by ATC and he can also enter a desired speed for a specific waypoint on the LEGS page if he knows in advance that a particular speed is required.
  20. (De-)pressurization is also in. But you can only open the windows if the PSI delta is < 0.1.
  21. 99% sure we'll publish a datarefs list, but probably the easiest for you will be to search and view them using the DataRefEditor plugin. There's around 1100 of them but they are reasonably organized with sections and suffixes, e.g. ixeg/733/lighting/taxi_lt_act for the taxi light switch.
  22. You mean these? https://youtu.be/rxFKbppnw0U
  23. I think the answer is no atm. Would you consider sharing why this is very important?
  24. Not sure if this answers your question, but our philosophy has been to 'hijack' X-Plane's native commands wherever there is a suitable one. E.g. if you have a joystick button assigned to the default 'TOGA' command, then that will also engage TOGA mode of the IXEG 737. For commands that don't have a suitable default counterpart, you will need to assign them using the X-plane Joystick & Equipment menu.
  25. Ah, good catch. The infidel video producer must have used another airplane previous to the 737 that left the altitude target at that value. We shall make sure to reset that when the 737 is loaded.
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