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Everything posted by Attitude

  1. We have seen some amd issues like this but I am not sure what your hardware is. I am looking into this right now. Thank you!
  2. Attitude


    There is a clickspot in front of the inboard vent copilot side that triggers the avitab...I have fixed this entire process in our Entegra product and will bring the tech over to make this work better. The next G1000 update it will be stored in the pocket to the left of the pilots foot. You will be able to click there and it loads up. I am also working on a new manual just for the interaction side of things. Thank you for your patience!
  3. I'm looking into this now. Thanks for your patience!
  4. fixed, will be in update asap
  5. I've gotten rid of the border and this fix will be in the next update. Do you think bigger manipulators would help you in VR for the fuel pump switch?
  6. Attitude


    @stolowskiDid you ever figure this one out?
  7. It is pretty common in the industry to set time restraints for discounts. Discounts are not for us and bring us little to no financial incentive. They are meant to expose the product to more consumers and give the loyal customers a break to show our appreciation. I personally think it is very reasonable to offer a limited discount to propel the product into the community within a certain timeframe. Thank you for your input though. Steve
  8. @riceman718Here are some shots from a little over a month ago. I've been working overtime on the Entegra release so I paused on this, but back to work I go!
  9. Glad you are enjoying this update!
  10. Are you by any chance using any RealityXP software? This is not a sound we incorporated so like Coop said, must be a plugin. I will look into the default sound folder to see if anything exists there.
  11. Torquesim Islander Panel Textures - Both variants View File For The Torquesim BN-2B Islander 1.2.0+ 11 different panel textures - Install by dropping into your livery of choice or replace the stock textures. By livery: Navigate to the livery folder of your choosing, drop panel texture of your liking into the objects folder of the livery. Replace default: Navigate to the Piston Islander folder, drop the texture into the main objects folder. Enjoy! Submitter Attitude Submitted 03/10/2021 Category General Aviation Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/torquesim-islander-p-177 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    For The Torquesim BN-2B Islander 1.2.0+ & BN-2T Turbine Islander 11 different panel textures - Install by dropping into your livery of choice or replace the stock textures. By livery: Navigate to the livery folder of your choosing, drop panel texture of your liking into the objects folder of the livery. Replace default: Navigate to the Piston and/or Turbine Islander folder, drop the texture into the main objects folder. Enjoy!
  13. You need to set your color layer to multiply and you need the white texture underneath in order to make it all work. I use Affinity but the practice is similar between PS, affinity and gimp.
  14. Do you have a longer clip? I hear a bit of bass at the same time as a power dip. Never heard this sound before and I'm the one that did the FMOD. I'll do a quick flight with this version to see If I can replicate.
  15. Completely new FMOD in the works. Once I am done I will post a video showcasing it and if it needs any improvements I will take the necessary steps to correct it. I once had it near perfect...Then stuff happened...
  16. Not too sure. My regular job has been keeping me busy. SO much so that I really have no time right now unfortunately. I usually work on this type of stuff when I need a break but that has not happened lately. We will see, 2021 might offer a bit more freedom to do so.
  17. Are you using the experimental flight model? If not then that is your first issue. Secondly, what hardware are you using? I cannot read minds nor Astral Project so a little help there would be great. Standby while I get my settings that go along with my Saitek x45. No complaints from any Cirrus pilot's on our testing team nor in our discord since release. What kind of aircraft do you fly in real life as everyone on our team is a rated PPL holder, glider pilot or student pilot with years of real world aviation experience. Maybe we can help clarify some things.
  18. These were originally made for the FFA320. Have you watched this by any chance? This video explains it for the A319.
  19. Working on an FMOD update. I did the sounds for the Cirrus as well and they turned out far far better. I am completely rebuilding the Islander sounds.
  20. Looking into this right now
  21. Oh the joys of no vertex animations. This brake line system animation is one of the most complex animations I have every done. I will revisit this one but not sure if this will be 100% possible until a new obj format. I'll do my best to try though!
  22. I've personally never seen this before. What Graphics card are you using? Also what are your graphics settings in X plane?
  23. Working on a fix for this now, thanks!
  24. Torquesim Take Command! SR20 Paint Kit View File Thank you for purchasing our SR20 add-on for X-plane 11. We truly hope you enjoy your decision to support our endeavors. Included is a basic paint kit for the Torquesim Take Command! SR20 with a file for each major photo editing/graphics software. Photoshop, Affinity and Substance Painter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very important. Use the provided Export preset for substance painter. "SR20_ALBEDO_ONLY.spexp" Happy Painting! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give the Affinity demo a try: I highly recommend this software over Photoshop. A 20+ year Photoshop veteran and I still can't get over how much I truly love Affinity. No subscription and I believe it is a bit more intuitive. Enjoy Submitter Attitude Submitted 11/12/2020 Category General Aviation Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-sr20-p-195 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
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