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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello, IXEG pilots. After almost a year of development, I am close to finishing beta-testing of my iOS application for this great plane - iGoDispatch for IXEG's B733. This is a planning tool that includes a range of options, such as : creating a flight plan and uploading it to FMC as a co-route; estimating the required fuel taking into account X-Plane winds aloft (the first release will take into account winds aloft in US and the update is intended to include the grib wind data to be available in X-Plane 10.50) ; loading the plane with passengers, cargo and fuel; estimating and dynamically adjusting the CG offset during the flight; monitoring the flight on the map; creating a report on your flight performance; adding in-flight public announcements in 7 languages. I intend to release the iPad version of the application by end of summer. Versions for iPhone and iWatch are expected to be released later this year. Hope it will be a valuable addition to this plane!
    4 points
  2. A version for Windows or OS X would be much appreciated.
    3 points
  3. A good morning hero shot on the ground here at KPSP Palm Springs CA. HOT!!!! 33c at 5:50 am.
    2 points
  4. Hello Igor, It is great to see this finally come to fruition! I hope I was at least some help during the development, and I think this will create an even better immersion for our plane! Good job, Jan
    2 points
  5. Just wondering by any means the IXEG crew will add a HUD to the 737 Classic. Not sure if many people know but Southwest Airlines has a hud installed on their 737-300 aircraft and it would definitely be very cool to add that and use it in IMC. Please take this as an idea not a request
    1 point
  6. Hey guys, I finally found the solution for me - thank you for your help. I am using this one now: [Fuel Flow R] new_command=Fuel Flow R dataref=x737/cockpit/tq/rightCutoffLeverPos description=Fuel Flow R on_value=1 off_value=0 type=float repeat=TRUE Seems you have to tell xjoymap specially if you are handling a float value :-))). Thank you so much! And just to show you what you are all helping with: Tobi
    1 point
  7. Thank you both for your help. mmerelles nailed it. I feel a bit silly but I did learn a bit more about how the aircraft works. 8-) And I've just realised you were the person who helped me with the flaps issue as well. Thank you, what an excellent community we have here.
    1 point
  8. Yes I believe it's a good idea well for a fresh install. Over the years I've always done that when the situation calls for it. Gets rid of all the unnecessary DL L's and other file extensions that are no longer in use that reside in the windows directory from time to time. But I will say there's nothing wrong with cloning, matter fact kinda that's what RE store does to a small degree. I've been flying with XPFlier.net just messing around. Still bounce as my economy modules my own personal excel spreadsheet along with FS economy. But I do however need to revisit FS economy I finally got into a yak-40 and using my E R.J.-140 aircraft for that alias. But I'm not really a airline type guy, I've always been and probably always will be a GA pilot and just have the freedom to go wherever I want to an land wherever I want to not having to worry about all the complexity of modern aircraft and their systems. Im just one of those type of people that just likes things simple and direct, with very little complication. That way I don't get stressed out if I did the right thing or not during the flight. But I will dabble in the big jets but that is not where my strength is. Anyway looking forward to more of your pics when you have a chance to produce them. Also if you have an opportunity like I said in previous posts, I think it would be cool if you could fly around the UK and do some point of interest videos with commentary and add that flavor of personal experience into it so we as the viewer that does not live in UK would get a sense of being there. I tried to illustrate that in my latest video talking about the location of universal studios, North Hollywood, Hollywood sign landmarks that are not there that kind of thing. I have not found on youtube yet, where real world pilot just gets in his or her aircraft with the intent to point a camera at the ground (figuratively speaking) and shows the scenery of what is there at the time of recording, along with commentary of what we're looking at. Basically this is an old format, because I remember as a kid you would have nature shows and other shows that would just go places all over the earth and do things. Don't see that much anymore, other then a reality show spin which is a turnoff for me. I know this would probably cost lots of money to do it for real, but if you have the money, why not and maybe the channel would get popular where it would pay for itself, who knows. It's just an an idea because that's what I am, is an ideas man. Again take care and look forward to seeing your future media coming our way. Dion Markgraf AKA: Dionsol Flight Simulation (X-Plane 10 pilot) & Aviation Enthusiast PS: I realized after I proof read it sounded more general then a post to you directly. Sorry about that. I did not want to have to do the post all over again Cheers Dion
    1 point
  9. Hiya Dion, Great pics Again Windose and sorting my data across drives has been a right pita !! Few quick pics before i get some zzzzzzzzzzzz's KSEA Area - PMDG DC-6 Have Fun Tony
    1 point
  10. Hey guys, Here is another repaint from me. This time its the South African Airways cargo livery. SA Cargo operate 2 737-300's ZS-SBA and ZS-SBB. Enjoy! SAA Cargo.rar
    1 point
  11. That is the one I want to connect...: It is as 2 state switch with 2 poles (Hella pull switch)
    1 point
  12. I think mmerelles has got the answer. I was concentrating on programming the FMC so I had left my Madcatz joystick folded up at the back of my desk. Looking at it after seeing your comment I noticed that the throttles were forward. I didn't have time to test it this morning but I'll give it a try and confirm this evening.
    1 point
  13. Mr MMerellles I'd also be very interested to hear about your Lua solution: there's a limit to what I can do with Xjoymap since I can only permanently assign functions to joystick and not keyboard.
    1 point
  14. Yep, this look like a good solution to your problem Tobizzle. I'll check it later today. Just for my own understanding, your hardware is a switch with two positions or is it an axis? Mr. MMerelles, could you tell me more about the solution you use in Lua? I would really enjoy using a language to control these functions that gives me far more control than the "Config-scheme" used i Xjoymap. Today, joining simple commands can be a drag using XJoyMap, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    1 point
  15. Thank you very much for this answer, I thought the aircraft was compatible with default settings. Ok, I'll set everything and I've already played with the nullzone so I think I found the right setting. Count as solved
    1 point
  16. Wow... I love iGoDispatch for CRJ2, now for B733 it looks even better... Sent from my iPhone 6s using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Update: Assistant Manager to the Rescue I'm glad I have a great AM at working. He's into building weird crap like me (right now he's building a police light bar for his car, only like 50% illegal in Canada). I go to him for quick advice on things, and he's not always too useful but this time he was very useful. I mentioned that I was building my own yoke and asked him what he thought I should be using for the telescoping components (the tubes that need to slide in an out of eachother and whatnot). I had been looking at PVC and conduit as those are the cheapest things out there, until he told me to check out aluminium tubing - such as that used in I have no idea where to find this stuff. Apparently the local Home Depot has some, and he guarantees that there are sizes that telescope. Well, fingers crossed. The Canada Day Long Weekend is coming up and my girlfriend and I have decided to hunker down in the dark (no A/C) and enjoy a weekend without the crazy tourists in Victoria, meaning I'll have time to get started on the panel and the yoke, or at least the initial structure of it. I've changed the design around a bit. since I'm going to lifting my monitor up a bit (and getting a second monitor, that's a whole other bag of noodles), I've decided to hell with optimizing the shaft length so it doesn't hit the laptop screen, the yoke will just be UNDER the laptop. Before I had to make the pitch range two and three quarter inches in both directions so the shaft wouldn't require a hole drilled through the screen of the IBM ThinkPad (poor little thing). Now I can make it up to one foot in each direction in the pitch axis. As a hint, that's not happening. I'm going for closer to three and half inches in both directions, similar to yokes you can buy from Saitek. One day I'll have a proper column yoke. No room for that yet. The story of the monitor is one I can't help but share. The Story of the Second Monitor (Maybe?) I work as a park attendant for BC Parks. Working in an "edge of the city" provincial park campground, you get everyone from happy little families with smiling, giggling kids on bikes to homeless people, as those with disabilities - including financial disability - stay for free in parks here. Anyways, as you can imagine, our first-come first-serve areas look a little like a tent city, and have the same kind of vibe. I have evicted three parties (two today). They always leave the weirdest junk behind (one left four unopened gallon bottles of ketchup). Today, the ones leaving left an entire tent, a garbage bag worth of clothes, a few crack pipes and a mysterious suitcase. Along with loads of garbage. Cleaning up, we made the deal that if you were willing to open the suitcase, you got to keep whatever you wanted inside it since opening a suitcase left behind after an eviction from a campground is kind of sketchy. I won a free X-BOX, large monitor, Blu-Ray player and surround sound system. All of it is mildly damaged old stuff, but it all works. Sadly I have to wait 24 hours for them to reclaim it before it's mind. I might be getting my very first gaming console at age twenty. And it will be just about as old. The monitor is rather large though, I didn't measure it. That is the saga of evicting people and getting free tech. As long as they don't return to claim it. Which I doubt they will, since they don't own a car. I will let you know tomorrow if I truly did win a free computer monitor or if all this hype simply evaporates.
    1 point
  18. .Heh... my girlfriend specifically told me that when we finally have a chance to move out of this apartment into a small house, I get the garage. The words "you should have a full cockpit" were involved from her end. To some that would be a marriage proposal Looking forward to the day I don't have to share an office with my girlfriend and I have room for a better rig. By that time VR might have gone so far that all I need is a porta-potty in the back yard
    1 point
  19. amazing stuff!! i need an ipad back sooooooonnnn
    1 point
  20. Even if there aren't many clouds visible, SMP 3.2 pre-loads clouds and keeps them in memory in order to avoid stutters when you fly into bad weather and they are needed. In contrast, SMP 3.0 created new clouds on demand, which resulted in the stutters everyone hated in that release. So it doesn't really matter how good or bad the weather is as far as SMP's memory usage is concerned. This isn't an "issue" with 3.2, it's a conscious trade-off between memory usage and reducing stutters. But, you can adjust that trade-off with the cloud draw area slider if need be. Short story: you are probably in fact running low on VRAM for some reason (maybe you're running at a high resolution and/or with high anti-aliasing settings?), and need to turn down the cloud draw area setting to better fit your system's capabilities. SMP does demand more memory than default clouds - that extra detail has to come at some cost.
    1 point
  21. @Tobizzle I am no longer using xjoymap, i do use lua scripts instead. So i can not test for you. But from my knowledge on xjoymap, this is what should work [IXEG733_L_Cutoff] loop = false new_command=733_Lcutoff dataref= ixeg/733/fuel/fuel_start_lever1_act values = 0,1 [IXEG733_R_Cutoff] loop = false new_command=733_Rcutoff dataref= ixeg/733/fuel/fuel_start_lever2_act values = 0,1 hope this helps
    1 point
  22. ok that is the issue. you have to play an instant replay upon arriving to the gate via Aircraft -> Toggle replay mode. note: saving the flight and loading for replay won't work on this bird!
    1 point
  23. Hey guys, after some fiddling I'm back in with this issue: I installed 2 Pull levers (2 poles - 1 hardware switch command in XPLANE). Now I need to manipulate a float value with xjoymap. I can set the ON position (when the switch is pressed and creating a positive edge trigger signal). But when I push it back in - no movement. Can you tell me how to create a "negative flank" on release? This one does not work: [Fuel Flow R] new_command=Fuel Flow R dataref=x737/cockpit/tq/rightCutoffLeverPos description=Fuel Flow R increment=1 increment *-1=-1 type=float repeat=TRUE On value is 1 - Off value is 0. Thank you! Tobi
    1 point
  24. Hiya Dion, Now that looks very realistic Tony
    1 point
  25. Just out and about between KBFL Bakersfield Ca. and KTPS Tehachapi Ca. Quick flight before I had to go to Work in the Real World Dion
    1 point
  26. O'Hare Int. AirportAfter hours of work.... the terminal 3 G Gates, is not finished yet, but we are close...... Hope you like it.... FB Page. @icarus.simulations
    1 point
  27. Hiya, Update when you can I've got a 3bed semi, only use the largest bedroom, so 2 spare 'She' won't let me use a spare for gaming Says she'll never see me, so i'm down in the lounge/living room, but hey, she controls the remotes and i have a 7.1 headset ftw lol I can only dream of a cockpit setup in the largest spare, who knows, i'll keep on trying to work my magic on 'her' hehe Tony
    1 point
  28. Hello Folks, i`d like to see this old baby here, if anyone got time to create it. Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  29. Thanks Jeremy! Looks really very promising indeed. Keep 'em coming ;o)
    1 point
  30. Thanks for reply. Love your product. As a suggestion/enhancement, it would be a nice to have feature if the application of cirrus clouds would be applied randomly, maybe based on certain weather conditions that make them more likely to be present. Keep up the great work.
    1 point
  31. LDG red lights have no connection with the engines at idle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    -1 points
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