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  1. Yes....sort of. This question requires a bit more explanation. IXEG as a team, had four developers, two of which do not actively develop any longer as their families/lives/careers moved in other directions. Currently I am the only one of the original team pursuing X-Plane development full time. Jan, as most know, is a 747 captain now, which keeps him busy, but he also is still active in XP development when not flying. So its fair to say, that I myself, have not only thought of a future project, It's well far along (chipping on it in spare time over last decade). Whether or not it is branded under the IXEG name I cannot say, because I respect the work of all my IXEG teammates, and I would not release a product under the IXEG name without all the original team member's blessing. TBH, I haven't thought about the branding much because for me, its the same no matter what, I still click the mouse a lot and put the same level of workmanship into anything I do, whether on IXEG or TOGA Simulation work. So the future work may be branded under either TOGA Simulations or IXEG, depending on conversations yet to be had. In general, its the same developers for the most part. So....the future projects. Once the IXEG for V12 is out the door and any initial round of bugs squashed, I expect to make an announcment regarding its development. Until then, I will neither confirm nor deny any guesses made. For anybody "nervous" about the IXEG development suffering, I will drop a hint and say that the FMS work on the IXEG will have about 90%+ similarity with next project's FMS, so both will be getting worked on at the same time in essence. -tkyler
    5 points
  2. Great news guys! Can't wait to see this in my XP12 fleet. I have recently been involved in porting another product across from 11 to 12 and omg I have seen with my own eyes how much work is involved in doing this - it's nothing like a straightforward task like some people imagine. With the flight model alone you end up wishing you could have just started over with an empty sheet. The transition seems to have almost killed off some projects. You have my gratitude for not letting this drop, I really miss the classics! I'm also delighted to pay 15 dollars for this, I think its really good value for the work that will have had to go into it (especially as you now have to cover the additional overhead of someone going full time). I don't get why some people are moaning about 15 bucks - I spent more than that on Pizza yesterday, now all I have left to show for the pizza is wind. After upgrading the IXEG to XP-12 we will have that in a whole new sim for years to come. There's no comparison really. Keep up the good work!
    3 points
  3. on some level.....yes, but I'm not sure how good the effect will be just yet. One reason I've held off on wing "motion" is I've always wanted to do it right, rather than just code up some randomized motions or simple Flex = f(airload) behaviors. By 'do it right' (for the engineers out there), I mean implement both flex and vibration, which are different, and furthermore, flex/wing weight (fuel) changes the dynamic modes of the vibration (long and slow vs. quick and short moves) . While coding up free vibration is easy, the bigger challenge (unknown) is integrating some impulse (force input) into the mix, more specifically WHEN to do so. In severe weather, those impulse inputs take the form of drafts and micro-changes in densities as the wing moves through the air, and on the ground, undulations in the terrain/taxi speed. I have no idea yet how X-Plane quantifies 'bumps in the pavement', turbulence or severe weather (in XP12), simply because I haven't looked into it fully yet. How might X-Plane simulate random "drafts and density pockets" that would serve as an impulse forces on the wing?....Are they periodic based on some function? Randomized perturbences etc? Is there some dataref that says "im in a cloud"? (I doubt it). Certainly I'll be asking Austin directly first So while simple wing flex based on airload is very easy and is a better effect for long flexible wing products...on the -300, wing flex isn't as much fun to look at as 'vibration'....particularly in turbulence and those slow oscillations as you taxi with fuel in the wings...but 'forced vibration' is the more difficult situation to simulate. So.....wing flex will be simulated for sure, but that particular effect will be quite small on this relatively short wing...BUT vibration....yea...thats the one we want, especially me. The MU2, with those big wing tanks are just crying out for it also. I just need to determine how to best implement the perturbances, the magnitude and timings of them. Best case, X-Plane will provide some sort of dataref that represents the perturbances directly and those will be adequate... worst case, all I'll get is some "turbulence level" number and I'll have to determine my own wing motion timings somehow....and thats where potential "evolution of the effect" may come into play, where we release with a more basic effect and then refine it based on experimentation. I can tell you I want this one to be 'just right' pretty bad! and will work on it until it is. -tkyler
    3 points
  4. I will point out...that once this XP12 port is stabilized....the FMS / autoflight is the highest priority, and not just for the 733. Other projects already in progress require FMS work as well, so it behooves us to really develop a flexible and reliable FMS infrastructure and by focusing on this, I am essentially working on multiple projects at once without sacrificing any one timeframe, so thats a max efficiency use of time and a big motivator to focus on it. -tkyler
    2 points
  5. Captains, It's with a lot of excitement and appreciated patience that we are ready to announce what's to come for IXEG's future! The team chose to let the dust settle a bit and not have too wide of a moving target in the early days of X-Plane 12 so as to not waste development time. The following will serve as a brief summary of what's to come, as well as a bit of a roadmap on where things will go. Things have changed a lot since the last X-Plane 11 update, one of them being that @tkyler is now full time in add-on development instead of juggling between real life jobs and that of our virtual world. This has given us the ability to focus on where we want the 737 to go into the future, and we hope you'll like what you initially see! Cost Back on February 7th, 2022, a little after Laminar Research announced X-Plane 12 was coming, we published on the IXEG 737 product page that purchasing customers would receive a free product update to the X-Plane 12 version. Per that statement, we are honoring this free update for customers who purchased the IXEG 737 on or after February 7th, 2022. For customers having purchased the IXEG 737 on or before February 6th, 2022, the upgrade will be a paid upgrade of $14.95 USD. Why this pricing structure? Our goal is to keep the upgrade pricing within reach of all customers at a fair price, and will ensure continued development of the IXEG 737 into the future. This all said, we also want to provide existing customers with additional value for the upgrade cost, above and beyond just the 'porting' work required to gain Version 12 compatibility. So in order to provide additional value, we decided to develop an all-new 3D cabin, working cabin doors and wing-flex to include in the update and gain momentum towards overhauling the 733 to modern 3D standards. This work has been ongoing for the previous months and is responsible for most of the development time by @tkyler thus far. We've included some pics / links of the interior work in progress below. Background on why this news is only just coming out… Flight testing was delayed slightly while Laminar made alterations that affect certain areas of our models, but also because @Litjan, who handles the flight model, was working towards his 747 Captain rating (now since completed....congratulations Jan!). With the pesky 747 certification process out of the way, Jan has actively resumed flight testing / tweaking things, and if anybody is curious, the team does NOT plan to develop a 747 product . What's to come prior to the initial v12 release? Items to be included in the initial v12 release: All-new, high resolution 3D cabin interior Animated doors Wing flex Ensure satisfactory flight and systems performance Rework our GUI interface to a more flexible, imGUI based infrastructure Once these are complete, we will release the update. A good portion of this has already been completed, and other bits are still in the works. We believe we can do this work before the fall in the USA, and have a solid platform to continue improvements. Once released and stabilized after addressing any bugs or issues, we will immediately continue the work of improving the 733 in several areas. Some items we will be addressing and improving are: FMS VNAV Prediction / Performance Holds Performance / Progress predictions. Swap to XP11 NavData format. FMOD Sound Implementation, allowing us to more easily expand our sound set. New exterior 3D and high-resolution textures Enhanced GUI for accommodating more robust interactions with operations. So that's where we are in the development. The IXEG 733 is being worked on continuously and we're excited about evolving the product as both X-Plane and computer technology / performance evolves, chasing immersion as far as we possibly can. We want to thank you all for being customers and hope we can deliver satisfying experiences through this iterative journey that is flight simulation development. On behalf of the IXEG team, especially @tkyler and @Litjan, we thank all of your for your excitement and patience that has so far driven us to this point. Enjoy the previews! Please Note: All images are showcasing continued work in progress and things, including texture work, are subject to change.
    1 point
  6. I just bought this today and have done a couple of short flights and am really impressed. It was a post from this thread that caught my attention. Retired pilot though not on the 737.
    1 point
  7. Maybe work on your eyesight before taking up flying
    1 point
  8. That's not quite right, at least not for the next XP12 update (in the singular sense). Subsequent updates (in the plural sense)... later down the road will see redone external visuals of higher resolution. That is quite a heavy duty job and will probably take a couple of months...so I'll address that after the FMC work most likely and everything else is working well, but certainly that will be the time to look at the workload for the 400/500 variants. Thank you also for the well wishes. -tkyler
    1 point
  9. I fully support Cameron and tkyler when it comes to paying a price for an upgrade. I cannot understand the negativity expressed by some members when it comes to paying a small amount for the XP12 version of an aircraft they bought many years ago for XP11. I do not understand why someone would assume a free update when the developers need to do a lot of work for enabling the use of an aircraft on an upgraded platform. I would suggest these members to refrain from the 'costly' update to XP12. I also would support quality-developers opting for offering a subscription-based model: Customers paying a small amount yearly would receive updates and upgrades for free. Other customers will receive bug-fixes but need to pay for updates and upgrades. I am sure not everybody will be in support. This model may have pros and cons, but I see it as a viable basis for continuous development and improvement.
    1 point
  10. Did you read anything that was said above in the initial announcement? Anyone who purchased the product from the date the product page was updated will receive the upgrade for free. That promise has not been broken. We made ZERO announcements about a free update to existing customers anywhere. We did publish on the product page clearly made for new customers they would get a free update for X-Plane 12. There was a reason for that, and this is not uncommon in the software industry when products are in transition. A product page is an advertisement for potential customers. And, we are holding up that promise as was outlined in the announcement. A product page is not a means of communication to existing customers. We communicate by e-mail and forum announcements to existing customers, and always have. You're stretching things here.
    1 point
  11. I will probably pay the $15 to upgrade my 737 but that is not honoring the promise, only partially. I understand the reason but will have to consider if I will be upgrading any of my X-Aviation aicraft for X Plane 12.
    -1 points
  12. Really, Cameron ?... This screenshot should refresh your memory... @jfwharton is right. It is written : "X-Plane 12 update will be free" What about the other "Free" updates ?... How many will they cost ?! Now, we know what your word is worth. And we can judge a person by his word. You have $$ in the eyes ; that's the real and only viable path (your path) ! Customers ? It's secondary, you don't care.
    -1 points
  13. I understand the 15$ update fee and feel that is fair for a 7 year old addon.. What I do not understand is the fact that these "secondary" bugs/issues are coming at a later time? The product has been out for 7 years and these items have yet to be addressed.
    -1 points
  14. Sorry, the first post has a lot of text but no release date. Just an announcement what will come... However, thanks anways. I have other planes to fly.
    -1 points
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