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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2022 in all areas

  1. Avitab / GTN screen conflict fixed. GTN "save config" preference fixed. Map light fixed. Checking a few more things, but I expect to get a 2.0.4 update out asap. TK
    2 points
  2. Version 1.1.1


    Based loosely off of the real world G-LCDH but with my own flair! Presented with a fictional registration (M-DPRF) as she is based in the Isle of Man but you are free to change the airframe registration to your preference in the Hot Start Airframe Manager. Features: Beautiful custom PBR metallic effect Adjusted AO layers Colour-adjusted exterior labels Custom antenna colours Not to be distributed or copied without explicit permission.
    1 point
  3. Thx. will look at that cabin VVI needle business; however, I have zero custom particle effects applied.,,,so that is default X-Plane particles. I will be doing my own particle effects soon enough though and hopefully we wont' see this kind of trouble. -TK
    1 point
  4. hi Cooper good news ! in xp11 with AMD adrenalin driver 22.9.1 Syntetiic vision is back. no shaking in VR. and pocket rocket is loading again. incl SVS too so all good after.... 1-2 years AMD got its driver problems solved! cheers Franz
    1 point
  5. Another couple of nice ones of the HUD, two with EFVS
    1 point
  6. If its not too onerous, are you able to give chapter and verse instructions on how to make the changes to the secondary database please?
    1 point
  7. Interesting picture of our Challenger working its way westbound to 45N050W battling against an unusual strong westerly, although not any longer visible here
    1 point
  8. ...and for updating the 'last working XP11 version to similar behavior in XP12?....neither will we....we've said it many times and this is not in debate. It is a bit more of a process because XP12 has changed quite a bit with regards to engine and systems, which means we have to audit everything and surgicaly remove code that clashes with XP12 functionality...and we put in a LOT of customization. As far as a discussion of charging a fee relative to "when its finished"., too subjective......I have enough statistical evidence that says to me that a lot of folks have really enjoyed the 737 for a lot longer than the price of a 2 hour anniversary dinner...(for newlyweds anyhow). To those who would argue about 'unsimulated things', all I'm going to say is Pffff. I've been a software 'consumer' for over 40 years, and not casually, I make my living from using software, 100s of titles over the years....and this stuff is always evolving, always changing...LOTS of software is missing things. I use what I can, enjoy the good parts, don't buy what I don't like and everybody has the same choice here...we're not hiding anything. I could easily argue that a lot of products lack "immersion", realistic lighting....or decent sounds. The flight sim dev community isn't like it was. Its more saturated, the bar is higher and the detail we have to put in is a heck of a lot more than PMDG had to in its early days when it had a monopoly on the airliner market. So what would we charge for? ...I can't say, but its true we have no incentive to keep on working for free in perpetuity. Have you noticed how everything is moving to the subscription model? There's a reason for that...and guess what, I have at least 8 software subscriptions...every month/quarter....how would you guys like that? (hint, you wouldn't). If we charge for any update, its fair to say that it would have to justify the deliverable for a majority of customers (cause it'll never be all). Probably....thinking off the top of my head...., includes more variants, the FMS more complete, animated everything, more robust failure interactions, etc...stuff like that. AND it wouldn't be a full price upgrade either, I never like that idea. So...feel free to discuss as much as you like, but I just wanted to throw out some of my thoughts for folks who haven't gotten to know me over the years through other posts. TK
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    3d pilots for the Take Command! Hot Start CL650. Myself Steve (Captain) and Cooper (First Officer) of Torquesim. 1) Drop the ppl folder into the Hot Start CL650 object folder. It should look like the image below. 2) In planemaker via Misc Objects you should add the CL650_PILOTS.obj with the coordinates shown in the image. Save and enjoy! ***Backup your original acf file, proceed at your own risk.*** ***Do not re-upload these without permission*** ***Updates will erase this planemaker work, so be sure to add these to every new acf file.***
    1 point
  10. A true one percenter: plane broken? Throw it out and buy a new one!
    1 point
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