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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2020 in all areas

  1. Since the 1.3 update was released, we've been working to fix all the squawks that have been reported since the release. I want to extend my thanks to all who report items. While folks may wonder why we do or do not catch things, I can assure you the list is quite long of things we have to check constantly and I'm actually somewhat proud of the effort. Supporting VR and also integrating the mousewheel involved a little over 300 manipulators, each of which having anywhere between 3-9 parameters to enter/ check....easily over 2500 "fields" to look at when making these conversions, and that's just checking the manipulator interaction, not even checking their usability in VR, with mouse, with hardware, prefs on/off while also catering to cockpit builder needs, etc. The good news is once configured properly, things stabilize, so each successive update gets more reliable than the last, but being this is our first relatively big "conversion update" with features sprinkled in, the only way we'll really catch it all is with the community inputs. So....we are getting close to releasing our 1.31 patch, which definitely includes the reversed scrollwheel fix. We have several other fixes in addition and much better VR support also though some straggling VR features remain. After this patch, we will begin working on the FMS also with other items, whereas up till now, it was about just getting all our new workflow and converted stuff back to normal with XP 11.50 and Vulkan/Metal. I've seen a few posts facebook posts about the IXEG overshooting flybys. We do not have wind factors in our FMS code currently, Turn points are calculated with no wind so any form of tailwind on turns may cause the plane to go wide. Bankangle for lnav calcs are taken at 25º of bank, leaving a little margin if you have the bank limit set to 30º. We do track the crosstrack deviation from the route though, so if there's roll margin, the plane should track still with some tail/crosswind; however, late entries in higher winds will probably run wide. Given the outstanding VNAV work to be done, we did not implement the wind factorization as of yet. As we begin our FMS work, we'll focus on the holds and VNAV somewhat simultaneously. Improved algorithms there will naturally be reflected in the progress page output. Once we get some traction with our VNAV / holds, we'll start factoring in the wind corrrection to the route calculations, which will hopefully snap everything into place. -TomK
    10 points
  2. We have been very clear and forthcoming about our lack of updates and the reasonings behind, as well as stating the nature of this 1.3 update, so if you had high hopes, then you simply didn't come across our postings on the nature of the update before it was released...perhaps we should come up with more formal press release mechanism for IXEG....anyhow, whether or not any of us likes the situation or fallout thereof is irrelevant to the time still required to do the work. If given the choice to lament and say, "yea, its lacking, lets just stop working on it, or "keep going", I'll choose the latter, and once chosen, refrain from bitching about the past and keep pressing. I know folks need to vent their frustration, heck I do it all the time, so vent away, but it won't change our development process, only instantiate contention...its a predictable human thing. Re the cargo doors, they were implemented because they're easier and faster to model. You said the IXEG is (was) one of your favorites...this is because we obsess over details that take a long time to develop, and why we have a reputation as one of the most immersive environments ....and I have yet to see cabin doors that are really accurate and detailed as I know they can be, cause the shapes are so darn tough, and we have a few cool ideas we also want to implement that nobody else is doing...again taking time....but IXEG wants to do it right for that immersion factor. I can't do cabin doors and VNAV and holds at the same time, nor pay for a army of folks to do it (who still may not do it right)...so if I take a month to work on vnav and holds, someone will inevitably come back with, "what...you couldn't get the cabin doors done in a month"?" To be fair, we expect huffing and puffing, you sign up for that when you make products for the public.....but we have not abandoned it, despite appearances. We're back and bringing our attention to detail to the very things that made you like it in the first place. You can choose to be happy we're doing that and encourge the efforts, or keep venting. I myself am happy we've landed on the conditions that allow to work on it full time again and finish what we started. My hope is you can find that also. -tkyler
    2 points
  3. Thanks, I uploaded tonight all the editions in one place : http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/1239-speedy-copilot-series/
    1 point
  4. Hi and thanks for the nice words and the feedback. I totally agree about the vortices - we are using "default Laminar Research" particle effects for now - I really want to update those, though - and make better vortices (at the right spot and only the right conditions) and also APU heat blur, fire extinguisher bottle effects, better touchdown smoke, etc. I also noticed the flight-altitude problem with the mousewheel, I will enter a ticket for Tom to look at it. I am not sure about the Vspeeds - we may have coded this so that the take-off v-speeds get erazed from the EADI speed tape if you enter the approach speeds. I really don´t remember how the FMS handled this on the real 737-300, I never did that ;-) It is also quite possible that the behaviour was changed, I am sure the Zibo is using a much more modern software standard for their FMS. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  5. I'll give it a try with no plugins and I'll let you know.
    1 point
  6. Confirmed. Working and not fails with Gizmo ver. 18, not working and fails with ver. 20
    1 point
  7. Thanks for clarification. Almost what i guessed then ;-) Oliver
    1 point
  8. During development of the VRconfig.txt.....and via discussions with other very helpful folks, we won't be providing a "both throttles" manipulator into this next patch, but will pursue it shortly after. It may seem straightforward on the surface, but part of our quadrant / throttle lever code is configured to simulate "single engine" operations....and when a user has only one throttle paddle, (very common), then this causes a conflict with the quadrant levers in-sim where the user's one joystick lever needs to move only one throttle lever in sim and not both. Accomodating both VR and this single-engine operational scenario means we'll have to rework our code a bit to achieve it and so it'll have to wait for the following patch. -Tom Kyler
    1 point
  9. You are absolutely right, what was I thinking? When you fly just one plane almost all the time you forget the other players making it all work. All good now, I sorted it out, and as usual, it turned out to be a simple (read silly) error at my end. Thanks for the reminder. Cheers, Ian
    1 point
  10. A couple of shots from a recent flight, loving the weather depiction now......
    1 point
  11. Hi, to the entire team of IXEG just to let you know I'm enjoying the recent update, I totally appreciate the developers for their continued efforts and thanks for making the experience even more enjoyable. I did, 3 flights no crashes at least on my side xp 11.50b9, just a tip to all the users who might experience minor stutters during approach and landing, first please exclude the xplane 11 folder and file in the windows defender settings and secondly, make sure you are using one FMC, leave the first officer FMC alone at the default page, the one which appears just after starting the aircraft and keep the captain's FMC in the LEGS page during approach and landing after making the required changes in the other pages, with these two settings I was able to get the smoothest experience ever. To my fellow simmers, who seem to be unhappy with this update (really dont know why), I can understand the frustrations can be subjective based on individual expectations but the team has been open and extremely vocal about the development status and future updates, in my opinion it looks extremely promising, and now I can say it's a true payware quality authentic Boeing 737 300 simulation, even in its current state. Nobody is preventing you from expressing your feelings and thoughts but please be respectful. To be totally honest the aircraft now is a joy to fly. Again thanks to the team if I come across anything else will let you guys know, I really dont fly anything else lol, hard to beat the VC. Outstanding job.
    1 point
  12. This is an absolutely fantastic livery. The attention to detail to the real aircraft is awesome! Finally someone has made the livery I originally requested from Torquesim and done a brilliant job with it.
    1 point
  13. things are not the same as in the past....updates will be much quicker than in the past and more frequent. This won't be a long wait I assure you. The mousewheel issue practically demands we update asap. -tkyler
    1 point
  14. I will have one of my pretty young lady copilots do the voiceover for you guys...
    1 point
  15. OMG this is amazing, even with NASA Graphs, all is about the feeling of the aircraft, all those numbers are for Engineers, as 737 driver (NGs) i can tell you related the flight dynamics this is the closest one to real airliner, even over PMDG. The landing on this jets depends of a lot of factors, energy, mass, weather, etc., so how can you say as a fact something watching a video, really???. Dont be so worried about soft landings, be worried to land the bird inside the 3000 ft marks, because with 5 knots over Vref, a delayed thrust cut and some nice winds, you are gonna fly over the runway a lot if you dont have a good expertise and quickly move the beauty to the ground and that doesnt mind the softest landing. (that happens on the IXEG) So i didnt seen any other real driver discontent about the flight dynamics of this plane and there are a lot over here.
    1 point
  16. I second what Tom says - we have made big strides and I don´t see any obstacle to providing a good VR experience with our next update. Jan
    1 point
  17. Tweaked...speedbrake lever too
    1 point
  18. I'm quite annoyed and disappointed frankly, on the small amount of users, that come here uninformed, rude and entitled to write sensational posts concerning the 733. The team has been very, very open from the beginning for the "shortcomings" of the model. As well as providing a target and intentions for upcoming releases and updates. You simply haven't read it. It's quite the shame for these people, to come to this forum to address our concerns with any issues the update might have brought about, or simply request and features that come every day... and to see these kinds of reactions and posts. By all means provide criticism, even if it's about the timeline, but be at least a little bit decent for crying out loud... If you have even read any of the posts, especially by Tom, you would know how they feel about it, and how they are planning to remedy that as soon as is humanly possible. These people have lives you know. Making models for us, probably also for them, is their passion not their primary occupation. I'm really surprised by the courage and politeness of the team, that come here to read comments like that and still respond in a professional manner, like Tom has just done. I hope that the behaviour of some doesn't discourage you, IXEG team, from the continuous communication and support of your appreciative and happy users. The IXEG 733 is one of the few paywares that screams class and character, very few have that. If you don't recognize what has been achieved so far, and don't inform yourself about what is going to be implemented, at least read your post before you publish it and be civil at the very least.
    1 point
  19. The current Holds situation is what it is. It has been well known and discussed and is near the top of our short-term todo list. This is the simply the path we must take to get it done, regardless of what has been in the past. We'll get the holds in and won't ask 1 dollar more when we do. -tkyler
    1 point
  20. Creating addons for a flight simulator can be a thankless job. You guys are probably exposed mostly to complaints and requests and not enough thanks. So spurred by Shobhan, let me also add my voice to the big thank you that the team deserves. Thanks! And be sure that any complaints or requests stem purely from fanboism and passion for flight-simming and the aircraft, as we always seek the "just right" that can be elusive. Sometimes we may forget to recognize what has already been achieved. P.S. I do agree that a reasonable paid upgrade would make sense and not be a foul in my view for V2, as it seems to be a major rework. IXEG has given very fair and upfront treatment to all of us, the users, so I'm sure you know what to do. Cheers!
    1 point
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