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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2020 in all areas

  1. so the option to disable the main menu as a popout has been implemented. The preferences window shows you the command you'll need to toggle the main menu ON/OFF (which is nice to know right before you disable the pop out). Once you opt for "command" control of main menu, its just a toggle command. There are 2 occasions where the menu will appear in the center of the screen 1). First execution of the toggle command after clicking the preference to disable the popup and 2). Anytime the command is toggled and the main menu title bar is outside the viewable area (or super close to being out of view...like within 15 pixels). This can happen if you accidentally drag too fast and slip off the mouse button and all the sudden the window is "off the page". Simply toggle the command and it will reappear in the middle of the window in this case. Other than those two occasions, the main menu window will remember its position, including between runs of X-Plane. -tkyler
    2 points
  2. we reworked the animations during replay so you actually have decent replays to watch/record your landings. We have too much custom stuff to replay the "cockpit" of course, but all the control surfaces replay as expected. The video shows the changes. The landing was pretty bad, but I had a cheap joystick in one hand and was monitoring a bunch of stuff at the same time. Oh ya....new winglet shapes too.
    2 points
  3. @flieger28 here they are: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/61696-torquesim-bn-2-islander-d-ilfc-and-d-ilfd/ Enjoy! ;-) C
    1 point
  4. Thank you for the detailed explanation, we can only hope that Laminar Research will do some improvements for a more realistic simulation of the engine technology
    1 point
  5. The GPS should not be able to “auto-slew” a mechanical HSI, the pilot must always set the course bar on the HSI to the GPS DTK value. Likewise flying an ILS it must have the course set on the HSI. The GPS drives the HSI, and the autopilot “reads” from the HSI, not the GPS. The BN2 as implemented currently does not require this (I’ve reported as a bug) but in general it’s a good idea to operate the HSI correctly. (That’s the reason the GNS gives you the next course and a countdown timer approaching the waypoint)
    1 point
  6. Exactly thanks tADEUS73. After some more testing, I finally noticed the tiny INOP sticker on FD button. Man, I am blind! I think the behaviour I was missing was FD mode, as it is not coded (yet?) AP module tries to make up for it by force switching to HDG or VS mode instead. That cause, abrupt behaviours like I explained. It steers out of course during GPS to Localiser transition if heading bug is not set as same as course bug. Or it just zero out vertical speed when AP is activated during climb. I am not sure if there is a plan to implement FD mode on AP. If not, at least the code has to be amended for a smoother transition. Simply, when AP button is activated, it should hold the attitude until vertical and lateral modes selected. VS shouldn't be automatically reset to zero. Or heading should automatically be matched to course when GNS auto-switches CDI.
    1 point
  7. Yes. It will be a paid upgrade but there will be a significant discount for V1 owners.
    1 point
  8. No ETA yet. But it will be very soon.
    1 point
  9. No single answer here - it just depends on personal taste too much. There is the "hardcore realistic" viewpoint - according to the FCOM from Boeing. Then there is the "go back as far as possible to see everything" option. Throw in different FoV settings. I think 60 deg is probably the most realistic - but you will have to turn and squirm a bit (or set up different views) to see everything. Going higher distorts the view unnaturally (fisheye view), but has the benefit of seeing more without having to turn your view. Ultimately the answer is VR. Yet that brings its own problems (mainly resolution and framerate concerns). I am considering moving the cockpit default viewpoint (W key) to cater to the new yoke height/slant...but am afraid that this will throw off a lot of people that are used to flying with it that way, too. The married man knows that problem. Whatever you do... Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  10. Engine start procedure has been reworked to reflect the real procedure.
    1 point
  11. Definitely no for the v2.0. Let me explain why. Super DC-3 has different engines, airframe, wings, etc, and for what we are doing this is, almost, a different aircraft. Doing a just few "cosmetic" changes and declared as an extra model is not something we do. Could be added in the future? Can't tell right now.
    1 point
  12. Every manipulator, menus, etc, are accordingly to the guidelines for supporting VR. So yes.
    1 point
  13. Version 1.3.5


    Boeing B777-8X This is the Boeing 777-8X, a next generation composite airliner expected to be introduced in late 2019. This is a modified version of the B777-200 included with the X-Plane 10 default aircraft library, by Mohammad Gazzawi and Sergio Santagada. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licseen
    -1 points
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