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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey y'all It's been a while since I've lurked on this forum. I must admit it's very flattering to see that my 767-400 is still the top download in the forum haha. I'll cut straight to the chase, as I'm mostly here to tie up loose ends regarding what has happened to my projects and where I am now. After high school, I simply haven't been able to find time to continue developing the 787 project. The short of it is, the project is dead. Source files for the aircraft probably don't even exist anymore, and if they do, I certainly can't find them. I do apologize for being so silent on the issue, I genuinely didn't anticipate how crazy life would become in the years after 11th grade. These days, I don't really fly anymore, though I'm tempted to jump back into it some day. That being said, I still work a lot in the 3D modelling and CGI world now as a full time job, working with VR imaging companies and doing my own CGI visualization and photography work in the automotive industry. (I've enclosed some examples of my recent work, if you guys are curious). I'd like to try and get back into the community eventually, just as a member for the forseable future, and maybe someday as a developer again. Cheers. Michael.
    1 point
  2. Just a quick note about the update to XP11. The update is done, but as with most add ons, some final testing remains to be done. Just last night, I got some feedback that the aircraft is oscillating at higher altitudes under autopilot control, so that will need to be looked at. This shouldn't take very long. Some small details will always be looked at prior to release, because we want it to be as complete, and bug free as possible. I'm working on it today (Christmas Eve), and I'll try to get it all done and dusted as quickly as I can. Hopefully today. All that is left, as far as we can tell, are flight model adjustments (if there are any more after this autopilot oscillation issue). I was also working on the glass yesterday, trying to get it looking more "PBR"ish. Took a few tries, but I got it to how I wanted it. Old XP10 glass was looking very frosty in XP11, and it had to be fixed. That's all for now. I'll do what I can to get the flight model fixed before tonight. Then Cameron will get it out to you all as soon as he can, so we can move forward onto the DC3 and Saab V2. Here's a few screen grabs of the cockpit showing the new glass
    1 point
  3. For what it's worth I personally _hate_ that this "Defender exclusion" is the solution we have to recommend. The main reasons we recommend this are; 1. The FMC code is still a work in progress. Tom is mostly responsible for this part of the project. It's a complicated beast and subject to major reworks as he learns more and fixes bugs. I could get in there and optimize all this away, breaking the code down from something an engineer has created to be "as correct as possible" into something that would run "as fast as possible". This might take me a few days or weeks depending on how long it takes me to understand the system and then re-verify that it works correctly through either automated tests or team playtesting. Then Tom might decide that the FMC code is all wrong and throw it away so that he can add more features or correct some critical flaw. ('cause lets be honest, the FMC has had more than its fair share of "Gizmo Errors" over the last year or so...) The end result is that we'd be back to another "engineers version" that's correct but probably slow again. Teaching Tom the depth of knowledge required to understand the requirements of a fast gaming loop and how to shard the work is also not really an option for either of us at this time. We have other commitments meaning that our time is genuinely better spent elsewhere. So, for now, I have to sit back and let him focus on the "as correct as possible" unti the point that the IXEG team decides that it's functionally complete. If they were to make this call tomorrow I would look at optimization immediately as this issue stinks from both a user experience perspective and a system security(placing an exclusion on the X-Plane folder means other plugins for other products will be ignored by Defender*) perspective. 2. Lua JIT. We use Lua JIT to run our systems code as fast as possible. The JIT engine marks a large block of RAM as write+exec.... it _must_ do this to be able to do it's job, that of translating Script into Machine Code on the fly. We could move to straight Lua and this issue would go away but frame rates would likely plummet. Something no one wants. Sometime in the future this will no longer be an issue. Thanks for using our products.
    1 point
  4. Hello, I wanted to thank once again IXEG team for such a great aircraft and reliable to take part in event like "Crowded Skies" on IVAO which attended almost 3000 people this year:) Here are some screenshots from my route LIPZ-EHAM, enjoy :
    1 point
  5. Man oh man... Thank you....
    1 point
  6. Hi Tom, just like in the real plane, the bank angle limit selector only has an effect in HDG mode. In VOR/LOC and LNAV bank is always limited to 30 degrees, regardless of the bank angle limiter. The only way to avoid high bank angle during cruise would be to fly the turns in HDG mode (with the limiter set to 10 deg, maybe), or in manual flight. This sounds a bit like too much trouble, but I flew with a Captain once that made it a habit to always "cut the corner" a bit in HDG mode, fantasizing about how much fuel and time he saves for our company.... One of the toughest skills to master as a First Officer is when to just keep your mouth shut and nod and say "wow, that is a great idea, Captain" - and when to say "I have control! Go-around!" Jan
    1 point
  7. I think you will surely enjoy this!! Thank you for the wonderful comment!
    1 point
  8. Hello, request livery of West Atlantic, will be awesome !! Thanks you in advance
    1 point
  9. 1 point
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