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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2016 in all areas

  1. @kickremi @Defiance_co @mgeiss PMDG always prices their products to their estimated real life value when they fist announce them on their shopping portal being close to release. The windows version was priced 12M before release as well as the mac version now awaiting for release. If you go an have a look for the newest 747 coming for FSX you will see it priced something like 230M as well.
    2 points
  2. No. This is no NG. Don´t press anything on the ground, except for TOGA when you want to take off. The autothrottle will happily go to full thrust for a number of modes, VNAV being one of them. THis is also the reason that the procedures are VERY specific about not arming it until you line up on the runway. Happy flying, Jan
    2 points
  3. Hello Picked up a youtube video with X-Plane 10.50 news and preview from X-Plane "11". Pretty interesting.
    1 point
  4. Hello Anyone tried this keyboard ? A bit expensive, $550 at amazon, but looking pretty awesome.
    1 point
  5. It's just a placeholder because the Mac version is not yet available. The PC version was also prized around 12 million before it was released. The 747 II is $228 million: https://www.precisionmanuals.com/ProductCart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=107&idcategory=0
    1 point
  6. By curiosity I visited the website of PMG and I could not believe the a product that is sold $69 for Windows is sold for Mac as follows: PMDG DC-6B Base Package for X-Plane Mac OS X Price $11,999,999.99 I copy pasted the text of their store. OK developing for Mac OS is not their mainstream business but a delta more then 10 millions US dollars?
    1 point
  7. I use gimp. free and has lots of functionalities for private user. if you use such a flat format you are asking, it will be difficult to paint layers
    1 point
  8. Tried to do some research around this, its a interesting subject. I understand that you cant point out what other companies are doing. And maybe there is some variation around this as you mention. Would be fun to see a checklist from a company that are arming A/T in a earlier phase. But when reading the Boeing manual and one from a other company, it clearly says that arm the autothrottle when cleared for takeoff and approaching/entering the runway. So we all should listen to you Jan checklist 1: checklist 2:
    1 point
  9. You know I am not allowed to drink something to calm my hands when flying.... Jan
    1 point
  10. Got it! I am finding out the differences with the NG (you know from who) and this. I was suspecting a full deflection of the throttle was what I done to get the throttle under control. I won't activate it on the ground again I am really lucky in that I gave XP10 another go, I skipped the demo and bought it last week, stumbled across this ac (intending to buy it only to try the DC6) and I am in love with it. Simming since Tornado from Digital Integration in 1993 I have 1000's hours simming, and 100's of hrs on the PMDG 737. The ac is missing a few features, non that are very important to me, and non that take away enjoyment. The one thing I have found is this ac has an abundance of character, something that is not easy to program into a sim I guess, but it is just a joy to fly. Great sounds, great fun to hand fly, you feel the mass of the ac when flying, there is real inertia there. The little things like the dimming of light of the overheard when switches are flicked...amazing, the strip light under the MCP that flickers when it comes on, perfection! Millions to learn with XP10 but will only get better. Keep up the good work.
    1 point
  11. Added a few more of Graeme's excellent video's M
    1 point
  12. Ze akzent iz not ze probleeem, only ze gittering trottlelz.... M
    1 point
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