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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2016 in all areas

  1. It´s starting to wear on me that we only have 5 or 6 737s left at Lufthansa. Last flight is planned for something like October, and I really hope they will throw a farewell party, but for some reason I doubt it. I start taping and taking pictures of all the 737´s I see, my Copilots think I am crazy . Just yesterday I saw our newest model, D-ABEF! (Only a little over 20, still a youngster!). And what do we get to replace them? NEO´s... what a nightmare. Jan
    6 points
  2. Hmm. Another airliner I've missed since switching over to XP is either a Fokker 70/100 or Fokker 50/60.
    4 points
  3. You must postulated to fly with it last time. We can make a petition to lufthansa if you want
    3 points
  4. Hi guys, I've been to Riga Airport and saw a few classic 737s, some even with eyebrows! Not the best weather for shooting, but I thought you still might enjoy.
    2 points
  5. True! I actually flew few days ago on Swiss' fokker 100(operated by helvetic) to Zurich, coincidentally to attend training in Swiss Aviation. Those planes definitely have some charm!
    2 points
  6. We're all lying in giant human battery farms anyway and there is no spoon.
    2 points
  7. You're all wrong. They've been building a real 737-300 and convincing us it's inside the sim with clever video editing and use of Photoshop.
    2 points
  8. Oh, sorry, i didn't realise this was posted in the IXEG forum, still trying to get to grips with this funky layout! As above though, you can alter the lateral field of view within X-Plane to suit any monitor aspect ratio, so its more a case of matching your settings to your monitor, not the other way around. Hope that makes sense...
    1 point
  9. According to F70 AOM, 7.03.01: Flight Techniques - Take-Off (v5 issue 1): "Flaps 0, 8 and 15 are available for take-off" Performance pages include graphs with t/o performance for those 3 settings. My F100 AFM confirms. So yeah. No flap take-offs are definitely possible. But they don't have slats at all
    1 point
  10. Before going so far as to reinstalling X-Plane, I would recommend you to delete your preferences (which in X-Plane 10 are in a folder called "preferences" in the " Output " ) after duplicating the "preferences" folder. It might cure some malfunctions … you will to redo all the calibration and assignation of keys and buttons if you use a multi buttons joystick. It can take time, but much less then reinstalling. Reinstalling can be tedious especially if you have a larger library of pay-ware aircrafts, sceneries and add-ons . You should always make a full backup of your current X-Plane folder on a separate hard-disk before going so far as to reinstall the full X-Plane. A medium solution would be to update your X-Plane to the latest stable version, and carefully look at the last additions or modifications you made to your current X-Plane set-up. Have you installed a new plugin or new aircraft or add-on that installed a plugin that does not behave well?
    1 point
  11. A B52H for xplane. Also useful for bombing a320s.
    1 point
  12. The 737 (moreso Classic than NG, but even the NG has an edge) is a pilot's aircraft and the A320 is not, based on their respective design philosophies. It's as simple as that.
    1 point
  13. To me as a desktop driver, it's Airbus' design philosophy in general. While they were clever at some points, they tried to be very consequent in the fly-by-wire design and did some things that give some pilots headaches. I am thinking about the sidestick which isn't interconnected, the non-motorized thrustlevers that do not give you a valid feedback on thrust setting and other stuff (just think about the LH A320 that did a 4000ft dive because of frozen sensors - the pilots had to turn off a few systems to regain control) and other stuff. Proper reaction to errors which were not described in the manuals takes longer, as systems are more complex and more interconnected. Much more A320 pilots say they do not understand all systems/functions than any 737 (including NG)-pilot would do.
    1 point
  14. I finally figured out what this is, and it's hugely misleading. It's not freeware. Most of the airports (the few it caters to in Europe only) require a payware license. This isn't freeware. That should be removed from the site. A demo being free doesn't make something free. Otherwise it looks super cool, I love being able to mess with frequency of arrival and departure and whatnot. Going to keep an eye on this.
    1 point
  15. It would actually be nice to eventually release the -400 and -500 variant. I think it is safe to say that would take considerably less effort than completely new aircraft. I also don't know if a cargo variant ever was a factory option, but I have seen some quick change models, combi and full on cargo -300s... Maybe a cargo variant for those freight dogs out there.
    1 point
  16. Flying out over Lanai enroute to the eventually-to-be-released Molokai.
    1 point
  17. ...or if that captain is already on the squad.
    1 point
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