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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2016 in all areas

  1. So here's a small example of what we're doing and where our time is going. As we chip away on the last part of the FMS, that is the descent phase of the VNAV, we try and capture every scenario and represent it, but then when you begin flight testing as we are now, some sneak by you....like this one that took me half a day to find and fix because I noticed speed and altitude values for this cheeky little waypoint (DF644) didn't match up with common sense...so I knew I was on a bug hunt. Now when you cross the speed restriction altitude during descent and have to level off and slow down, this usually happens between waypoints....so most of the time, as you approach and pass a waypoint, you are either descending at a constant rate and speed, OR you level off and decelerate before the waypoint if a speed restriction is in effect at that waypoint. But what happens if you are decelerating at the speed restriction altitude and you just happen to cross a waypoint at that exact time? The speed at that waypoint (which you can see on the CDU) should reflect that deceleration and whose value should be somewhere south of the previous waypoints speed and somewhere north of the next waypoints speed. Well I just happen to come across such a situation....so lucky for you guys and gals ...as that's one less bug you have to find. -tkyler
    2 points
  2. Given the opportunity I would like to address everything about the chapter "Navigation Equipment" of this project: 1. This project is based on DC-9-30 series, more exactly DC-9-32. Since we are hunting accuracy, we have to focus to a very specific model to get it right. 2. As result of #1, the navigation equipment will be as it was on the original DC-9-32. No FMC/FMS/CIVA....LORAN-C, you name it! 3. But, this will be flown today (ok, not literally today...when it will be ready) and many people might want to fly with that bird over VATSIM/IVAO/Pilotedge networks and they would like to have either the ability to follow RNAV procedures, fly a route without making a ton of VOR intersections, or even have a kind of backup means to learn to fly with VOR-only without get lost. So, for the reasons above, we decided that will make available the default GNS430. We do not intent to develop any more complete GNS. It is out the scope of this aircraft's development. We think that the default GNSs are more than enough to fulfill the above. Regards
    2 points
  3. Colin, I do not see any reference in your original post about reading Ben's "thing".
    1 point
  4. In a few days, the iGoDispatch application will be updated to version 2.3. The application will now use the Aerosoft navdata instead of the default one coming with X-Plane. The navdata will be included in the iGoConnect plugin. Therefore, it will also be required to update the plugin for the application to work properly (the updated iGoConnect plugin will be available at the same time). The Aerosoft's NavDataPro app is to be updated soon. When using NavDataPro, select "iGoDispatch (X-Plane)" from the list of add-ons and select the folder where the iGoConnect plugin is located (/X-Plane folder/Resources/plugins/iGoConnect/). The application should also be compatible with the following Navigraph dataset: "X-Plane GNS430, 777 Worldliner (Ext/Prof), Flightfactor B757 Professional...". You can manually install the dataset by copying and pasting the folder "navdata" to the iGoConnect folder. Planning a flight with the application now requires connection with X-Plane (i.e. X-Plane must be running on your computer). This is the only disadvantage related to the update. But this is a tradeoff that had to be made to ensure that the most recent navdata is always used. The next major update will be coming this summer. The flight performance analysis will be completely redone. Enjoy the flight!
    1 point
  5. Disable SilverLining in the plugins admin menu.
    1 point
  6. We have in the cockpit a rough 3D object, to get the "feeling" how it will look, where to put it, etc. All the options are still on the table. We might just have a click spot for the 2D pop up and nothing more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. I'm removing the inciteful posts here. Please keep it civil and on topic folks.
    1 point
  8. IL-62 somewhere North of Madrid Carenado C90B South of Bella Coola, British Columbia
    1 point
  9. Thinking about the 737-MAX just had its maiden flight, I'd be thrilled to fly it in a couple of years on my computer.
    1 point
  10. The FMS will do as its told (through key entry only), so in this case, it will still slow down if you don't make a change. So...If you get a 'free pass' from ATC below the speed restriction altitude, then on the descent page, you simply delete the speed restriction entry per ATC's permission and a new route with new speeds are calculated. EXEC and be on your way speeding below 10000' like a kid in a Ferrari -tkyler
    1 point
  11. Not sure I understand the question.. You mean like if you exit VNAV mode and use some other vertical AP mode that violates the speed restriction set in the box? My guess is this is one of the reasons real pilots don't use VNAV alot since ATC will mess up your plans sooner or later anyway
    1 point
  12. I want the 737 classic was V1.0, V1.2 , V1.3 , ...
    1 point
  13. I'm not making a "bunch of nothing", nor is it being blown out of proportion. I'm giving my honest views on the subject and your mere disagreement is not enough to warrant my silence. In fact, this is IXEG's own philosophy - "we'll simulate even the things you don't see at first to add depth to the simulation". You seem to have the wrong idea as to their intentions, honestly. I can understand wanting to defend the product, but just because the features aren't in v1.0 doesn't mean that IXEG themselves don't think they're important or worth adding. They're useful to several users, including myself, and I don't appreciate being brushed off like that.
    1 point
  14. Great Video, fitting tribute to Heinz who passed away a year ago about this time. His wife posted some pictures of him on facebook. She dearly miss`s him.
    1 point
  15. Boeing 737-236/Adv, reg. G-BGDJ, above Swiss Alps during British Airways' advertisement photo shoot in 1993.
    1 point
  16. Hopefully by the end of this century.
    1 point
  17. Ahhh, that explains why I missed it. It never occurred to me to look outside of the SAAB list. Appreciate the pointer P
    1 point
  18. Hover your mouse over the User Preferences in the Gizmo sidebar to the right, and left click. You'll see this pop up. Put a check mark in the boxes of your choice. Use scroll wheel for more accurate selection of heading or course. Adjust heading and you will see your heading change in the top left.
    1 point
  19. Version 2.11


    Current version is 2.11 This is an add-on script for FlyWithLua based on the findings of user PASCAL_LSGC over at AVSIM about the raleigh scattering controls. It implements these controls so they are automatically tuned based on the sun elevation (the light veers towards reddish tones when the sun is low on the horizon) and plane altittude (gains go up as you go up). Requires FlyWithLua!!! Get it here please take time to read this from Ben Supnik The art controls are not a public interface to make X-Plane add-ons. They are an internal development tool. They are unsupported, undocumented, unsafe, and most importantly subject to change with every patch of X-Plane. If you create an add-on that requires reading or writing the art controls, you can expect that your add-on will stop working when X-Plane is updated. When your add-on breaks, please do not complain or file a bug. Just slap the scripts in your ../resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/scripts folder. Please read the readme. If you have installed Sky Maxx Pro, the shadows of the clouds will not be displayed. Script by SPAS (leave him a PM on the forum if you want) Thanks to MAT18590 for all the support and inspiration (and for setting the RGB and raleigh values straight) content kindly provided by x-pilot users Tom Knudsen and slai have been used in the scripts. Hope you enjoy it. see a couple of videos from the user Emer1976 and PS the scripts are free and free to redistribute or modify. If you do modify them for the better it would be nice to get that feedback.
    1 point
  20. Sadly, I can't provide any information beyond observational stuff (no log files since nothing is really going wrong). Here's what is happening: RTH is only changing lighting levels, not colours. Essentially, I can crank the red through the roof (like 50.0) and nothing will change about the horizon (yes, it's set to RTH Atmosphere). It's the first time I've ever noticed this, it may have been happening further back but I never noticed. I was trying to make an artsy screenshot and realized that the mountains in the distance weren't blue. And I couldn't make them blue. I have uninstalled and reinstalled RTH and FlyWithLUA without even including custom preference files or any other scripts. All controls do not work except the water and light controls. That is all that works. This isn't a "whine until someone solves it for you" post (okay, I guess it kind of is) I'm more looking for other people who have had the same issue, and I'm wondering if art controls have changed with the last update. Here are three shots of FlyWithLUA RTH. The first is default X-Plane atmosphere. The second is the default setting one in RTH. The last is with the reds cranked to a ridiculous level (theoretically) but as you can see nothing has happened. Anyways, as I said before, I've done a clean (totally) install of RTH and FlyWithLUA from the bottom up with the latest updates. Ideas for where to go next? Colin
    -1 points
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