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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Update on the Citation. We're making a lot of progress on this aircraft. The screenshot below is the bleed air system represented by a 2d pop up, in sim, replicated from the Citation documents, with all figures working in real time using custom logic. Accuracy? We think so. EDIT: This is a work in progress, so some figures are not correct, so please no comments from the Citation experts
    6 points
  2. The trick is to dial in the new altitude on the MCP ALT window and punch FL CHG! No one really uses VNAV, we just put it in for the flight-simulator crowd. Jan
    2 points
  3. Talking about features! What do you guys think about eyebrows? Can you imagine a classical 737 without eyebrows? I'm surprised you guys are so into wingflex!
    1 point
  4. Default X-Plane's view system is not vey good with TrackIR. One example is not having the ablity to set boundries in the flightdeck. Nothing is worse than using X-Plane's default view system with TrackIR only to have the camera move outside the flighdeck when you go beound the boundries of the model's frame. X-Plane's camera system is okay, but I would assume that the majority of us that use TrackIR are propbably also using XCamera, as it produces the absolute best expierence when using TrackIR. XCamera also manages tracked head movements 1000x better than the default camera system.
    1 point
  5. SMP3 is a great improvement from the present versions..greatly appreciated... but the pauses are annoying when the weather info is being updated using NOAA plugin.
    1 point
  6. The good thing about X-Camera is, that you can create THE views you like in the way you want them to have. Either with TrackIR or without, with desired zoom, angle, position, external, internal, flyby... Whatever... It will surely be a bit in concurrence with IXEG's views system, as it's with LES Saab or the Carenado planes. But if we still use X-Camera, which is the best way to enjoy all benefits and possibilities of TrackIR, we need to create our own views for the Bobby. That isn't a big deal. Overhead, FMS, pedestal etc... Should be done in a view minutes.
    1 point
  7. The only "First" we care about is being "First" when you think of quality products.
    1 point
  8. Unfortunately, it won't be ready this year. Testing takes minimum 4-6 weeks, and we're not even up to that point yet. During testing, several release candidates need to go out to the testers as each bug is found and fixed. If I would hazard a VERY rough guess, possibly/probably 1st quarter of '16, if all goes well. Based on what's in it now, and what we can put in it as development continues, it'll be worth it. This is how it looks at the moment...
    1 point
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