Certainly we have thought about it and my personal take on is, "make it a preference". Of course the nature of implmenting the preference in a reliable way demands some forethought..maybe not much, but certainly not none. We are on a fast track to getting a accurate and operable aircraft out, but will give up on what we call, "conveniences" until after the initial release. Its been five years, time to get something out the door and our position is as long as you can operate the aircraft fully and reliably (for VATSIM ops and realistic operation), that we'll take that for an initial release. That being said...you can see from the videos that the controls are quite operable and dare we say, "natural" after a bit of usage....not perfect, but not bad. There are times I wish I had a scroll wheel, but its few and far between. ....so lack of the feature is definetly not a reason to withold release. Our list of TODOs, post release is decently long: more animations, more preferences, hardware integration, failures module, more convenience tools, etc. Which ones get addressed first, or make it out the door before the initial release remains to be seen. -tkyler