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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2014 in all areas

  1. Here's a much nicer screenshot one of our beta testers, Emma Bentley, took of SkyMaxx Pro 2.0 beta 8. We're still tweaking the appearance of the clouds for beta 9, but I think it's shaping up pretty nicely.
    5 points
  2. The AS350 has really grown on me...
    3 points
  3. Heavy air traffic in Innsbruck (LOWI) (Tyrol) (Austria) I hope you like it
    2 points
  4. Some new ground texture , runways , taxiways etc... Still some WED work to do , however it's very closy to be finished . 747-400 United_1 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr 747-400 United_2 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr 747-400 United_3 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr Combined with RealLandIsrael : 747-400 United_4 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr
    2 points
  5. Hello, Coming back to simming i've found a lot of new stuff to play with, namely FlyWithLua+RTH, FJS TwinJet & Dreamfoil Bell 407. X-Plane has certainly took a good step forward during the last year! As i've also recently replaced my old monitor with a new, unlike one, i would like to share some screenshots with you. Hope you like them! P.S. In case you're wondering, it's ultrawide 29" (21:9 aspect ratio, 2560x1080) screen. ^^ Love these cockpit shadows & reflections! ^^
    1 point
  6. I've been trying to find my jaw on the floor for the first 5 minutes after seeing DC-10 announcement on ASN-XP. Then i read it isn't coming with 3D cockpit and immediately found my jaw...
    1 point
  7. 6GB versions of GTX 780 started showing up recently. Should be enough to satisfy X-Plane's need for VRAM PSU is beQuiet Dark Power Pro 850W - if i recall correctly.
    1 point
  8. If you're asking about mine, here they are: - Asus Rampage IV Formula - Intel 3930k @ 4.5 GHz - 16 GB HyperX 1866 MHz DDR3 - Gigabyte GTX 680 4GB OC - Windows 7 64-bit and latest X-Plane beta on 256 GB OCZ Vertex4 SSD drive
    1 point
  9. OK, I feel really stupid now - the options is there, indeed. That kinda sorts it out, then .
    1 point
  10. Source code for x-kd "driver" plugin has been posted on Github. MIT licensed. No compiled XPL's provided. Releasing because code has been idle for nearly 3 years on my disk. https://github.com/benrussell/x-kd
    1 point
  11. SkyMaxx Pro 2's shadow settings are completely independent from X-Plane's built-in settings - it uses its own shadow system for clouds. There is a checkbox to enable them, and a slider to adjust their intensity, within the Skymaxx Pro configuration screen. So, you can adjust X-Plane's shadows however you wish and tweak the cloud shadows on their own.
    1 point
  12. More DC-10 shots, this time in Alitalia livery It will be relased under Aerobridge Studios, before you ask if I do have permission-
    1 point
  13. The issue at hand is whether or not the Airbus had been given a taxi clearance to cross the runway the second time, with or without a hold short instruction. If the Airbus was told to hold short, and they did not, the crew will have some explaining to do. If the Airbus was cleared to cross the active runway twice, with no hold short clearance, this is then on ATC. Of course, the be all and end all, is if ATC had issued a crossing clearance with a "please expedite", then everyone is more or less covered. And of course, it is the PICs responsibility, in the end, to make sure what you are doing is safe, if you've accepted a clearance, you are required to carry out that clearance, but if need be you can deviate from it to ensure safety, etc. This happens more frequently than most of the flying public is aware. If you go on Transport Canada's CADORS site (Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System), you can bring up a record of over 5000 go-around reports. Now, some will be GA related go-around events (which is quite common as well), and some will be airliner related, and there are plenty where the narrative will be that an aircraft was slow to cross a runway, or slow to exit, leading to a go-around. Not all that long ago, I had to initiate an overshoot at CYPK when I was approaching the runway on final for a low and over (low pass). I was on final, number three for the runway, I had extended my downwind leg to give additional spacing to the two aircraft ahead of myself. So, I am on final, the first aircraft landed and cleared the runway, the second was an aircraft doing 500' low level circuits, and they were clear. So, I begin accelerating the aircraft in a shallow dive up to 140MPH indicated. At around a mile final, ATC instructed an ultralight, who was holding short for departure, to taxi out and takeoff. Now, I correctly anticipated that this was going to be very tight spacing wise, and knowing that ultralights are slower aircraft, I reduced power somewhat to try and compensate for this. Needless to say, ATC had to then issue an expedite instruction to the ultralight, which was now on the runway. At around 500' I initiated an overshoot, with a tight climbing left hand turn (the circuit was clear enough for me to perform this manoeuvre safely), and levelled off at 500', and was able to perform the low and over a minute or two later. Shit happens.
    1 point
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