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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2013 in all areas

  1. UPDATE: I have good news. I am now on the "short final" before landing .... Most of the tests are finished (the big regions like USA, Europe and most of Canada ... Alaska and some other regions still need to be visited) and I have even started packing up the ZIP files today. I also plan to start uploading the first big ZIP files tonight ... as the whole upload process will take many days (we are talking about 55,6 GBytes of data) anyways. In parallel I will do the final preparations (website etc.), tests, screenshots ... so, with a little luck, I might be able to officially release within the next 5-10 days (hopefully ... there are still some potential "road blocks" ahead, but I hope they wont be too numerous).
    8 points
  2. Quick heads-up: I shot 50 mins worth of footage this morning to show a full cockpit preparation from a cold and dark (and I mean COLD and DARK) aircraft until the plane finally levels of at 7000 feet in the early morning sun - it will take another few hours for the movies to process, get reviewed by the team, and finally uploaded to youtube. Jan
    4 points
  3. Hi, after the Piper PA-11 was published a few moths ago, I´m working in a new G.A Project. With a lot of work to do yet, here are the first images... Work still in progress.
    2 points
  4. AlpilotX's NZ HD mesh......
    2 points
  5. Hi, guys! Here is the screenshots of the sky color varies with altitude in x-plane. The left photo shows what the sky look like when on the ground, and the right photo shows what the sky look like when at the altitude of 37,800 feet MSL which the sky looks dark blue. Do notice the atmosphere halo is much bigger when on the ground on the left photo than the atmosphere halo at 37,800 feet MSL on the right photo? Please see attached. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
    2 points
  6. First full flight with my new PC! Late afternoon departure from Adelaide (YPAD) for a night landing in Melbourne (YMML) while on Vatsim 64bit Jetstar A320 neo from Jar Designs and ISDG's wonderful Adelaide scenery
    2 points
  7. How do you import a google earth photo into WED and it will be on the right cords? I normally do it the hard way by going into OE first but my new PC won't work with OE well ( ) and I want to use WED only. I've searched and all the answers don't make sense. Any Help? Bump Bump Chris K.....
    1 point
  8. Part 1 of 4. We will release the others on consecutive days. TomK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMRKx8hZjXw#t=0
    1 point
  9. Well.. I hope someone makes it. The md-11 is one of my favorite aircrafts
    1 point
  10. There is one thing.... I downloaded what I wanted from TNM but how do I convert it to GEOTIFF or something to make it go straight to WED?
    1 point
  11. Hueyman, Your images suggest that perhaps your CPU is "bored" and constantly waiting for your GPU to catch up, thus you are in some form or fashion GPU bound. This could be for various reasons, chief among them resolution. The data that X-Plane shows in the rendering settings menu for VRAM is not a good indicator at all as to how your card is performing or if it's even struggling. What is your monitor resolution here?
    1 point
  12. By the way guys ... after I have packaged most of the data, my script did also generate the final coverage map (it will be a KML overlay helping in the download process) which looks like this (only the northern most tiles DON'T extend that far up ... only a few degrees instead of 10):
    1 point
  13. Just go ahead and upload it directly to my computer. I can't wait for this.
    1 point
  14. That is caused by XPs weather system that generates the weather per tile (1 degree longitude x 1 degree latitude). A plugin can only tell XP the weather within that tile and XP the decides where the clouds are, where stormcells are and so on. If you enter the next tile, you will get the "next weather". This is not changeable by a plugin. The XPGFS plugin has rather precise data so times where you fly in CAVOK conditions and find yourself in a fat thunderstorm in the next minute are over. XPGFS also enhances your cloud layers by removing the lowest and adding one on top after passing, thus giving you more clouds in upper flightlevels. It also adds turbulence what I personally find pretty neat. It still does but maxes XPs options out. From what I know, the weather system does not allow more. Sure No Thats what the transition does. NOAA data is not very good in lower flightlevels, here METAR data that comes straight from the airports is more precise. I chose FL110. At FL100 you usually reduce speed to 250kts and thus stay there for a while. The plugin will then switch between both "weathers" many times because you are flying 9550 ft and then 10500 again. With FL110 setting, your deceleration can take place with XP or VATSIM weather.
    1 point
  15. yeah, really nice new features!! it's a great aircraft. Here there are another video with fire on wheels after hard landing
    1 point
  16. From Adrian Fernández Gómez (Alcalá Simulación) "Both versions will be availables: One for V9.7, and one for V10.2x. Were published in two separate packages, one for each version of X-Plane, like the PA-11 package, published by Alcalá Simulación, a few months ago."
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I've been using Joan's stuff for some time now and it's good. However if we keep down-talking what developers bring to the table (or in this case, they're still planning to bring it to the table), it makes it even more difficult for them to get a toe hold into the X-Plane universe ... and I don't think that's a good thing. Commercial developers tend to make an environment more accessible and the product tends to be more polished and eventually more comprehensive. I like polished and comprehensive. Flightgear is free .. no need for pricey X-Plane stuff ... big WINK
    1 point
  19. Who, me? Not sure if I should be flattered that the RAF is escorting me or sad that the RAF is escorting a C195!!!
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I wish... The current free MD-11 is pretty crummy.
    1 point
  22. From Last nights Live Stream Enjoy
    1 point
  23. night shot. a video should be coming along in the near term. Not just a pretty face as the upcoming video will demonstrate...most everything is operable with considerable attention given to immersive detail...aural, visual and tactile. TomK
    1 point
  24. Thanks! I got the pictures I wanted, now how do I make them GEOTIFF? Or does the JP2 automaticly snap to place too?
    1 point
  25. So I'm on USGS and I found what I want. How do I download it FOR FREE to geoTIFF so I can put it into WED?
    1 point
  26. Ok. Can you point me in the general area of where I can get FREE photos with built in LAT/LON stuff in them so I can put them in WED easy cheesy?
    1 point
  27. There is a bit more to the story, Jason is being very professional. Some technology from the 737 is desired to make its way into these Four Forces projects. The problem is between the 737 work, Laminar crunch time on some end of year work, finding time to work with Four Forces has been difficult so I bear quite a bit of the blame here. As always, we feel the quality of the work is worth waiting for, at least from our perspective... but we share in the frustration that we do not have more hours in the day as we have to maintain other jobs to pay bills while the x-plane market is still relatively small. TomK
    1 point
  28. Entirely and totally different league with a little bit different "budget" ... I could only find things like this ... 100 million spent on marketing ONLY for BF3 : http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/711624/ea-to-spend-more-than-100-million-on-battlefield-3-marketing-campaign/ Or see the 265 million spent on GTA5 .... http://www.cinemablend.com/games/GTA-5-Cost-265-Million-Develop-Market-58922.html BUT ... it doesn't mean that the X-Plane engine is not capable of creating some nice visuals too ... quite a lot of what you see is about content (not just engine). Examples: http://asn-xp.aerosoft.com/?page_id=4554
    1 point
  29. I tend to agree with you! The taxi and landing lights have been adjusted and will be included in the next release.
    1 point
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