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4 points
Another look at our A4 Skyhawk, I have been away for a while due to an illness, but I'm better now and I'm back .2 points
Here's a picture of a cabin i modeled a while back here's another photo showing it with no textures2 points
As we continue to move forward, beta testing has gone quite well. Our testers have been an invaluable resource with their real world experience, and this is translating well into the polishing of this project. I thought the following quote from one of our testers was a great compliment and wanted to share it with you!... I decided to go over the electrical system a bit this morning. Testing it is tedious, because it´s very complicated, and I often thought I found a bug, only to read up and find out that it works exactly as intended. My hat is off to the coders, excellent job!... ...Again, great job on a very complicated system!2 points
Hey Hueyman, Yup. I'm the guy with the bush flyin' site and the online Chapter-At-A-Time ( found here ). The novel was designed to slowly build up to what I have been awaiting, like so many of us... Pete's Beaver. The novel is meant to evoke the true spirit of the bush pilot and coast dog and this aircraft, the most venerable bush airplane of the Western World IMO. When I discussed this with Pete a year and a bit ago, he wasn't a fortune teller, nor was I. And we all know what good fortune has befallen him, with he and his lovely wife having a baby and him building a new home for his family. Thus I patiently await the release of the final three chapters, which are written, as I intend to give it the good old marketing boost when Pete shows that he has finally managed enough time to fill in the next checkmarks in the dev. boxes In the interim, there are still awesome gains in the bush flying sim world, with the Carenado 185 Bush and the STMA bush aircraft and the LES DC-3 (and maybe even a tundra-tired PC-6? ). What I anticipate is a study sim for a Beaver. And I know that Pete has what it takes to re-define awesome for this aircraft model. As for bush "expert"? Nah... less than 30 hours on the left coast of Canada looking for herring does not qualify me as an expert at all. But I'm one helluva enthusiast, that's for sure. so... altogether now.... GO PETE GO bc EDIT: FWIW, here's my fave version of "Home On The Range" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMQulBPzD9o2 points
X-Plane 10 could be used as an IFR proficiency / training tool. A friend of mine who is going through his IFR syllabus while working to get a PPL is also an FSX user, but would like to use X-Plane because, among other factors, it's map views are better to analyze the flights, even if restricted to only one scenery tile ( a limitation I really would like to see solved in future releases... ) Now, while we can use X-Plane to practice IFR, it is also true that it falls short when it comes to: - accuracy of the navaids range, depending on type. A VOR / DME / TACAN in X-Plane can be reached from any altitude, indep. of the distance... - accuracy of some instruments, namely the turn & slip and the turn coordinator. While the newer turn coordinator instruments can be used to more or less be able to perform a standard rate turn, and the little aircraft wings are more or less aligned with the 2' marks when we "hand" the commands to the AP and ask for a turn, the older ( bar type ) turn & slip coordinator shows a completely wrong alignment of the turn bar with the 2' marks. On the modern type turn coordinator, and on some airplanes, the turn flown by the AP aligns more or less correctly the aircraft wings with the marks. A turn flown by the AP in X-Plane is more or less a standard rate turn (sometimes takes a bit more than the 2', or a bit less depending on aircraft / instrument panel), but it's acceptable I think that precise turn coordinator and turn & slip indicators would be important to have if we want to really consider X-plane 10 as an IFR training tool... There are more items of course, but I will add them in future posts :-)1 point
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It's the "Blurr".... The Blurr and the roll due to torque are probably some of the most discussed "features" in X-Plane... You will find the most interesting discussions on both themes, sometimes even defending that either is perfectly realistic in the way it is modelled... Both are realistic in RL of course, specially in days with limited visibility and in helicopters with their tail rotor failled, but the truth is that in other simulators, a better blend with reality was certainly found, IMHO.... Regarding the blurr, I believe it was mentioned somewhere at the Dev's Blog that they're considering some sort of fix... For me, flying at those FLs the blurr is really distracting I must confess.... BTW, the MU2 should cruise lower :-/.... :-)1 point
New plane .. test flight in preparation for flying with my new group @ EPOCH; a great bunch of guys!1 point
Mike, I know where you live. You'll have plenty of time to polish gold bars from your hopsital bed ;-) (er, let me stress out that this is a humourous post and does not constitute a real life threat to Mike's health and integrity in any way) (besides, i don't really know where he lives) (well, maybe someone knows his address ?) T.1 point
Here's my home in my home. Self built hack with i7 @4.30 watercooled X58 mother 7970 Asus ROG (great card for xplane) 12 gig ram 4 1tyb hard drives Saitek hardware PI Matrix Boerds for switches ControllerMate Soft for all key assignments Has it's own power supply some left over plyboard, bondo and a black rubber hose and wala, a make believe cockpit I was bout to forget xjoymap for mapping, what would xplane be without it ????1 point
It is all available at the website in my link below (unex-planedapps.com) plus the SIM of the new Adventure Series 'Ultimate Survival Alaska' where the screenshot you are asking about is a sceen from that adventure. Thanks for asking. And it's all free. (except for the plane which is a C185 from Carenado) But the livery and scenery is free. (and so are the adventures,, and no ads) Zymurg1 point
Thanks Hueyman, Ill take a look at that! Currently working on the new manual!1 point
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If you keep talking about Goran that way, he'll never give you a straight answer1 point
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Episode 6 of Ultimate Survival Alaska coming Monday. Explore the island of Nunivak Leaving from Chefornak (SPB) Harbor. This is a Float Plane Mission.1 point
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Here comes a cockpit shot of the Beaver in XP10. Lighting looks good so far and 3D really comes alive now. This cockpit is still using modern radios with digital dispays on the co-pilot panel, but they will be replaced with older style radios soon. Fits much better to the cockpit. Hope you like the picture....1 point