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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Bug has been fixed, expect it in the next build.
    2 points
  3. I tested yesterday some more. No problem with tricyle gear version I can trim airplane for 70kts with full flaps and fly approach hands free with 500 ft descent/ 2.5 degrees GS
    2 points
  4. Just took this beauty for a ride in VR in rainy weather. Can i just say thanks for creating a beautiful product. This complements my TBM 900 perfectly. X-plane just got a lot more enjoyable!
    1 point
  5. no probs think its got something to do with the zoom level as i found the further you zoom in the better it works but its still a little buggy.
    1 point
  6. i think there is a bug with the keypad i fly a lot of the uk and when i press e on the keypad i get a 5 so i press backspace press e again i get a 0 nearly every time .alway third time lucky i get the e,
    1 point
  7. The only reason the TBM can cause a freeze or crash with scenery is because, unlike most other add ons, it uses terrain radar, and is reading the scenery as it flies over it. A corrupt scenery file, no matter how small an error it has, and no matter where it is, can cause it to lock up. If the scenery is installed on a second hard drive, it could also cause a lock up. Although this is not confirmed yet. What I'm concerned about is missing scenery files, as indicated in your log file. I don't have OrbX, but maybe you can ask them about it on their forums. Show them this section from your log.
    1 point
  8. Just adding to this thread since I caused a freeze. When I tried to use the keyboard to enter a minimum for an approach, it froze solid on me. Perhaps you're not supposed to use the keyboard for that but, just saying it caused mine to freeze.
    1 point
  9. I rarely use the keyboard but I can try it when I'm back home on Friday. All I know is that typing works for flightplan creation, for a direct to I have never tried.
    1 point
  10. hi unfortunately i am not a pilot just fly the sim for fun so not sure how it works in real life.but when you 1st power up the displays on the tbm centre display hit menu button on the tmb keypad and i think north up is highlighted on the g1000 by default, just hit the enter button and it changes to track up i know its possible as i changed mine to track up yesterday
    1 point
  11. Im pretty sure you can switch between north up and track up in the menu, but only on the map page, not when displaying the flight plan. Sorry I'm not able to verify atm as I'm not at home on my pc. To control the right side of the throttle (cutoff to flight idle), besides using your mouse you could also map the related commands to buttons. The manual describes how to do it.
    1 point
  12. hi g1000 if your on the main map screen click menu button north up will be highlighted if not press the fms button to highlight then click enter this will change to track up.as far as the throttle i have a saitek throttle quadrant ,when i have the throttle on the tmb to the right i have to use the mouse for low idle and high and to switch to the left to flight idle but when the throttle is to the left i think if you can toggle the reverse thruster to a button on your hardware or key pad it then let your throttle on your hardware go from reverse into taxi and also flight mode but when you throttle back it goes back to flight idle only to get back to taxi range you have to press the reverse thrust button again the push your throttle back up to taxi.
    1 point
  13. ILS headings are magnetic. So this must be a scenery error.
    1 point
  14. Thank you Goran, I was thinking about a different systems page, the one where it shows the satellites, etc. But I suppose if you’re using Laminar’s default maybe they didn’t program the entire thing. No matter, this is still the best aircraft I’ve seen yet for X-Plane. I spent years with P3D, still use it, but this plane is more detailed than 99% of what’s out there for P3D.
    1 point
  15. I'll leave that for someone who has the hardware See image at the bottom of this post. I don't think you can . We use the default Laminar G1000 with heavy customization. Likely a corrupt scenery tile. But for future reference, if you have a crash, save the log.txt (found in the root X-Plane folder) and post it in the forums so we can have a look at it. You'll be notified here in the forums or if you have chosen to be notified by email, you will get an email. To update, go back to your account at X-Aviation and download the installer in your "Purchased Items" section. When updating, always make sure the sim is not running. If you have a previous version, you will prompted to uninstall the previous version. The installer will do this for you. Thanks.
    1 point
  16. I 've been trying to master this aircraft , I don't like to say bad things, when nice people probably put a lot of work trying to make a good product. But this aircraft is unfinished, manualy unflyable (A killer), unstable, frame rate eater, commands and switches hardly reachable. I'm a pilot, and in real life this aircraft wouldn't get an homologation. I'm very disapointed and I hope improvements will be made soon.
    -1 points
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